Well...here's the last chapter.


Disclaimer: I do not own Danny, Sam, Tucker, or Vlad. The three belong to Butch Hartman.
I do not own the band AFI; I do not own the band MCR; I do not own the band Linkin Park; I do not own the band Blaqk Audio.
Some ideas in this story were taken from Glamorousdeath, a member of the website from her story "Will You Cry for me?...or Will you cry with me?"
I do, however, own most of the plot to this fanfiction. IF SOMEONE STEALS IT I WILL EAT THEM.

Warning (so you guys don't eat my brain): DANNY FENTON AND SAM MANSON ARE ALTERED IN THIS FANFICTION. SAM IS TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN DANNY; DANNY GOT HIS POWERS AT AGE TEN. If you do not want to read a fanfiction that is not "true" to the series, then please, do not read this. I'm sorry, but in order to make the fanfiction work, they had to be seperate ages. Once again...Danny and Sam are different ages; this fanfiction does not correspond whatsoever with the actual series.

This fanfiction is a work of fiction that came from the screwed up hole I call a brain. It is flufftastical, romantic, terribly tragic, and using the characters and most of their family history/backgrounds as bases. Thank you for understanding!

She raised a container, glasses planted firmly in place on her face, and smiled grimly at it. "I think I've finally unlocked the secret to you," she told the green substance. It said nothing in reply; but, of course, she hadn't expected it to. She walked over to the large, gaping maw of metal that was implanted into the wall of her living room, and turned her head to her colleague.

"Tuck?" she asked. She turned slightly more and found him holding up a jumpsuit that he had been working the bugs out of.

"It's ready," he said dryly. She nodded, pursing her lips, trying to calm her sickening heart rate. She held up the container that she held tightly in her hands and waved it around, watching as the green substance sloshed inside.

A short nod from him, then a grin. "Don't talk to any random floating objects while in there, okay?"

She smirked at him. "Uh, no." And then, turning around, she placed the container on the small latch that remained empty. It was silent for a pregnant moment…and then the maw suddenly was filled.

A swirling green illusion was placed in front of the two scientists, casting an eerie glow to the two. She, decked out in Gothic garb, him, dressed in the traditional lab coat. She turned to grin shakily at him. He raced to her, handed her the jumpsuit, and pointed feverishly at the portal.

"Go find him," he ordered.

She nodded once, pulling the jumpsuit on over her clothes. She slowly took off her goggles, handed them to him, and hugged him briefly.

"Thank you," she said, her throat sticking.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll do anything for a friend."

A deep breath, a glance around, trying to remember what it looked like, in case she didn't come back. And then, without giving herself time to doubt herself, she dove into the swirling green mass of nothingness.

Silence greeted her. Quiet, eerie, and deafening in its finality. She pursed her lips, biting back the words of question and being unsure, and moved forward.

She assumed the feeling she felt at that moment was how it felt to fly. Moving forward she accelerated forward, moving backwards she accelerated backwards. She moved her hands around her as if swimming, not exactly sure what else to do. She figured it would take quite a while to get used to the feeling.

But she didn't have time. She had to find him…if he was in here…she had to find him. She wouldn't rest until she had found him and she was holding him, pressing her lips onto his, just as she had done more than ten years ago.

Searching. Minutes melded into hours, hours into, unknown to her, days. She ran into ghosts, but none of them bothered her too much; they just stared at her. Some jeered at her, wondering why a human was wondering the ghost zone, but none attacked. She did notice that she was almost invisible half the time. It was weird, to say the least; one minute she felt completely solid, next she felt as if she were just a floating hand. She wondered and marveled briefly at the world in which the ghosts lived in.

She had been allies of the ghosts for around eights years. She kept the peace between ghosts, but never by actually coming into the portal. Was that why, when she was fully solid, none of the ghosts were attacking? She assumed she had to be a sort of legend; the only human known in history to work with the ghosts instead of against them.

Biting her lip, she began to think about doubling back. It seemed as if it had been a few hours, when in the regular world, it was really a week's time. She was about to turn back, give up, come back again…when she saw something.

A boy, the only ghost so far with pale white skin (even though it was tinged slightly with green) and a black jumpsuit. Her heart jumpstarted.

His hair was white, whiter than the snow that littered the ground every so often on Christmas morning. She could barely breathe; was it…him?

Finding her voice, she stopped behind him. He was just floating, his back still turned. She tapped him on the shoulder, placing her hand gently on it. "Danny?" she whispered.

He turned around.

No, I will not be writing a sequel.

To all who have reviewed - thank you so much! You guys always brightened my day with these. As those who read these notes would know, I had already written the story well before I put it up. I'm fond of this story, as it's just...I don't know. Heartfelt.

To all who will review in the future - thank you so much. You guys will always make me smile, I'm sure :D

To all who will stop reading this fanfiction during one of the pushy scenes (ex., the scene with Sam and Danny in the bedroom) - I'm sorry you guys found it insulting, or what ever you found it as. But it's just a fanfiction...and I rated it "T" for a reason! Warning, always a warning.

To all who think this fanfiction was stupid, or silly - I'm sorry you feel that way, but I guess you're all entitled to your opinions. I'm an aspiring young writer and hope that one day I will be graced with the priviliage to see a book with my name on it on display in Barnes and Noble.

Thank you guys, every one of you - those who said my writing was good, those who liked the story, those who didn't - you guys made me happy.

Well...on to another story!! XD Catch me with any upcoming oneshots? Maybe even a series in my future. Well...bye!