OH MY GOD. It's not only a series I intend to finish, it's a series I have finished.

It's pretty simple, to be quite honest. The idea was given to me from a Javey (JadexDavey from AFI) fanfiction. I can't give the link but if you are interested, it's called "Will you cry for me?...or will you cry with me?"

Well, long story short, one of my closest friends (haha you guessed it...wolves-eye!) hates slash with a passion, and I really wanted her to read the fanfiction. So, as a result, I decided I'd change the plot dramatically and rewrite it as a DannyxSam. And here it is! The only thing that remained from the other fanfic was the orphanage and two other things (which she will get credit for when the time rolls around).

So, this is it. I've already written it, it's twenty five chapters. My beta reader--wolves-eye--fell in love with it immediately and cried a few times, so be forewarned!!

I mention some bands later on, so be on the lookout for them. AFI, MCR, Linkin Park, and Blaqk Audio. BLAQK AUDIO IS BLISS FTW.

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny, Sam, Tucker, or Vlad. The three belong to Butch Hartman.
I do not own the band AFI; I do not own the band MCR; I do not own the band Linkin Park; I do not own the band Blaqk Audio.
Some ideas in this story were taken from Glamorousdeath, a member of the website from her story "Will You Cry for me?...or Will you cry with me?"
I do, however, own most of the plot to this fanfiction. IF SOMEONE STEALS IT I WILL EAT THEM.

Warning (so you guys don't eat my brain): DANNY FENTON AND SAM MANSON ARE ALTERED IN THIS FANFICTION. SAM IS TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN DANNY; DANNY GOT HIS POWERS AT AGE TEN. If you do not want to read a fanfiction that is not "true" to the series, then please, do not read this. I'm sorry, but in order to make the fanfiction work, they had to be seperate ages. Once again...Danny and Sam are different ages; this fanfiction does not correspond whatsoever with the actual series.

This fanfiction is a work of fiction that came from the screwed up hole I call a brain. It is flufftastical, romantic, terribly tragic, and using the characters and most of their family history/backgrounds as bases. Thank you for understanding!

Ahaha...please, enjoy:D I hope those who have been pressing for a series will be pleased with this one!

She slammed her meager suitcase down on the floor and fought against her trembling lips. She had only been separated from her mother for a pitiful two days, and already she was gagging with sadness. Near whining in loneliness, she turned her eyes to the nurse and stared at the lips that moved. "Sam? Settle down, okay? Here, at this orphanage, you get your own room." She smiled in pride, as if it were her idea, as if she were the one ultimately responsible. "Once you're done doing your thing, head down the stairs and find me, alright, sweetie? My name is Karin."

And with that Karin left, a swish of a plain white skirt the only reminisce of her in the room. Sam stared after the ghost of the skirt before turning her eyes to her suitcase. What had she brought along with her? Her favorite clothes, and that was it. Her black tank tops, her plaid red and white skirt, her plaid green and purple skirt, her black tees, her black long sleeves, her boots, her flats, her black tennis shoes, her fishnets (stockings and arm warmers)...what else was on the list? She closed her eyes, trying to remember, making sure she had everything in check. Her hair scrunches (black, red, white, purple, and green), her three or four pairs of jeans (all dark colors, nonetheless), a few pairs of socks, two pairs of pajama's, her three favorite band hoodies, and her four favorite band tee's. Yup, that was everything she needed, save the makeup that was currently in her purse.

She wrapped her finger idly around one of the many bracelets adorning her wrist, moving it up and down, biting her blackened lip. Her eyes lay open, amethyst and brooding. The bed looked so bare, so blank; they had brought some of her bedding along with her, so at least she had her Gir blanket and pillow. But that was it, and to be quite honest, the Gir blanket looked quite odd over the thin and crumpled white comforter.

It was hard to believe that her mother was actually gone. Had died, leaving her alone in the world. her father had died when she was young of a heart attack. No aunts or uncles would pick her up or take care of her. No grandparents to wrap their arms around her and whisper words of encouragement. She grumbled, remembering that she had once lived in a mansion; she was now using some of her parent's money to pay for the fancy orphanage.

A tear spilled from her eyes, but she quickly stemmed the flow. She didn't want questions, didn't want to cry. Taking her fist and rubbing angrily at her eye, she growled to herself. "Big girl's don't cry," she solemnly said, her voice wavering. "Big girls stand their ground and take the blows. Big girls are stronger than the boys!"

Moving her clothes into her wardrobe, she smiled rather bitterly. No colors in this girl's ensemble. She smirked at the thought, hanging up the last of her three long sleeved shirts, and continued on to put her shoes into the wardrobe. When she had accomplished the task of moving all of her stuff out of her suitcase, she grimly snapped it shut, tucked it away, and turned away from the wardrobe. Taking her purse from around her shoulders, she hung it on the bedpost and stared at the door wearily.

Breathing deeply, she extinguished any wishes to stay hidden in the room and stomped out. Her boots clonked against the tiles almost annoyingly; she saw one or two girls stick their head out of their rooms questioningly. A blighted smile danced on her lips as she raised her small hand and flipped the girls off. They squealed, slamming their doors shut. Sam gave out a harsh laugh, jumping down the steps, looking for the girl who had dubbed herself 'Karin.'

Karin was sitting on one of the couches that adorned the sitting room. She saw boys and girls hovering over one another, too young to have any serious feelings for one another, other than friendship. Karin was talking to another caretaker, laughing and using her hands. Sam froze, feeling a strange sense that she was talking about herself.

"...honestly, I've never seen such a small girl wear that much black."

"How strange!" the other announced, giggling aggravatingly. "Do you think it could be because—"

"No!" Karin said a little too enthusiastically. "I was with her as she picked out her clothes; everything she owns is blacker than black. It's so strange!"

Sam's eyes narrowed, her hands balling into fists. So they were like everyone else. She twitched her fingers angrily, eager to feel flesh pull against her knuckles. Namely, the flesh on Karin's face, and while she was at it, the one with the weird laugh as well.

Making her appearance known, Sam stepped out of concealment and tried not to make her glare too icily. "Oh, Sam!" Karin exclaimed happily, her eyes glazed over as if trying to hide the fact that the two were just gossiping about her. "Are you all settled in?"

She nodded, gazing at the ground. The one thing she hated more than those who gossiped were those who lied, or pretended things were different than they really were.

"Well, dinner will be in an hour. Why don't you try to make some friends?" she said encouragingly. "There are plenty of girls your age around here. Go on!" A stupid, bright, straight-white-teeth smile followed the words. Sam glared openly, not disguising her dislike towards Karin any longer (it was too tiring, according to her), and stomped off.

Her eyes scanned the room. It was large, with around seventy five or so kids playing in it. She knew there were one hundred and twenty-two kids exactly in the house (she was informed she was the one hundredth and twenty second person when she arrived). As her eyes scanned, they caught on a person in particular; a boy, she noted upon closer inspection. His hair was a violent shade of black, deep and steady in their depth. She stared at him, a bit speechless.

Tilting her head to the side, she pursed her lips and watched him. He was sitting there, staring out one of the windows, a book angled at a decline that would have been impossible to read by if he had been actually reading. His eyes were a quiet and light shade of blue. They were raised skyward, as if he were watching for something. He was a teenager, at least two years older than Sam was at that moment.

The reason she was so immensely drawn to him, however, was that he was the only person without a partner in the room besides her. Every other person sat, rather contentedly, with at least one other person. But not him. Was he a loner? Or just having a bad day? Was he like her—he wasn't wearing black, but maybe they were all in the washer?

She took a step towards him, and gathering courage, walked straight towards him. He sat on the ledge of the window. Sam sat down on the empty space between the wall and his sneaker.

He turned his face away from the window, looking slightly surprised at the intrusion. "Huh?" he asked, as if company was hard to come by in his world.

"My name's Sam," she told him boldly. There she was, back to her old personality again. It was nice, not being so nervous, shy, and unsure any longer. She puzzled over the change in personality briefly; shouldn't she be more uncomfortable? But she quickly brushed the thought away and gave a half hearted smile to him.

"Danny," Danny said unenthusiastically. Sam pulled her legs up, thankful she wore her plaid black and white pants, and grinned at him. He smiled back weakly.

Acting on a surge of bravery, she stabbed at the chance of conversation with him. "Wh'at'cha doin'?" He gave her a funny look, as if she were trying to goad him into doing something he would regret later. She resisted the urge to bite her lip; all she wanted to do was talk, she wasn't aiming for making him uncomfortable. Toying with the idea of just getting up and leaving, she steadied her hands to hoist herself up when he answered.

"Looking at the sky." He paused, stared at her intently again, and returned his gaze to the sky. "It's pretty, you know? Different. Unpredictable. One minute it can be bright blue, the next minute obscured with clouds...or other things...," his voice trailed off.

Sam scrunched her eyebrows together. "Like birds?"

Danny suddenly gave out a laugh. It was happy, alight with amusement. Sam fell in love with the noise immediately, inwardly lusting for the noise to keep playing over and over in her mind. Danny's hand reached out and he ruffled her hair slightly. "Not my original thought, but I suppose close enough."