I'm so happy! I finally have seven chapters up! I was going through a slump that lasted weeks and now I got six new chapters up in a few days! Yea for me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any other kind of manga. Yet! It shall me mine! MMWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding.


Chapter 7

Kagome carefully put her first leg out the window and slowly lowered herself down to the first branch. She glanced around below her and climbed onto a slightly lower branch. She continued doing this until she was almost to the ground. As she was climbing she looked through the living room window. (Her bedroom is a floor above it. Well maybe not but I'm the all powerful author and I decree it. So HA!) Her father was sitting on the couch in the corner opposite of her and reading the news paper.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no." Kagome kept whispering to herself as she climbed slowly down the tree. After a few moments she had herself a few feet away from the ground. All she had to do was get down to the last branch before she dropped. She put one foot down on the branch. Suddenly it broke under her weight and flung Kagome's now unbalanced body into the family room window.

Her father's head shot in her direction. For a moment both just stared at each other in shock. In the next moment though, her father was up and running as fast as he could towards the door. Kagome dropped to the ground but winced as her body came down hard. But she didn't stop.

She ran as fast as she could to the well. She could hear her father's pounding footsteps behind her as she ran. She could also hear him yelling at her to stop, but she wouldn't. As she drew closer and closer to the well her father got closer and closer to her. Her mussels felt like they were on fire. But she knew she couldn't stop. She pushed her body as much as she could to run faster but she knew she wouldn't last much longer.

Finally she was within a few yards of the shrine house. She put on an extra burst of speed that carried her to the shrine and up the steps. She had to stop for a moment to wrench open the door. Just as she slid the door open, she felt a hand reach out and grab her arm. He whirled her around to face him.

"I can't believe you thought you could escape again! I thought I taught you earlier!" He yelled at her furiously his face close to hers

"Let go of me!" She demanded weekly as her hands grabbed at his, trying to detach them from her. His hand connected with her cheek as he slapped her.

"Shut up! Don't you dare try to tell me what to do!"

Kagome paused. There was only one way out. She would have to use violence. Once she got to the well she could jump in. She just had to get him away from her. She took a deep breath and brought her foot back then swung it with all her remaining strength at his knees. He gasped in pain and released her arm. She ran as fast as she could into the shrine and jumped into the well. She appeared in the fetal era. She lay on the bottom of the well panting. Even though she fought it, darkness slowly engulfed her vision and she passed out.

Disclaimer: I'm really getting sick of writing these. Anyway, I don't own Inuyasha or anything else worth nearly as much. Dang.