Pony: My first Black Magician's Trilogy story. Sorry for everyone hoping I would work around the fact that he died and make him alive. I like sad endings.

Poneh: You sound like me now. xD

Pony: No I don't. -pushes her away-

Pony: I don't own Akkarin, Sonea, Lorlen, or anyone else. They belong to Trudi Canavan. The song is by Linkin Park.

Poneh: Please read and review!

What I've Done

Akkarin smiled up at Sonea, love reflecting in his eyes. He thought on his past. All the pain he had caused. It would all be nothing compared to this. My Ultimate Betrayal.

The girl's eyes shone with ferocity and he smiled. She would be fine without him. His mind wandered to the first woman he loved. She never would have had the courage to do this. She had handed herself over to the person trying to kill her.

He tried to remember her name, but found he couldn't. Only Sonea mattered now.

He remembered the first time he had done Black Magic. He killed his master. A smile crossed his lips as he let more of his power flow through his hand into Sonea's.

"Goodbye, my love." He whispered. He thought he saw her eyes flicker down but her full attention was on the battle.

In this farewell
There's no blood
There's no Alibi
'Cause I've Drawn Regret
For the Truth
Of a Thousand Lies

His thoughts again flashed to all the evil he had done. He had himself half convinced what he was doing was noble. Killing is never noble…He remembered the first rush he felt as he drained the first slaves of their life force. He cringed from the thought.

I did it because I had to…He couldn't convince himself of that.

The slaves in town were no different. There could have been another way…

He thought back on the woman he had loved in Sachaka. Her broad features. Her exotic face…Her image blended into the one standing before him. His strong, brave Sonea. Only she mattered now. Only she could help him clean his past. He gave more power through their link.

I've Faced myself
To Cross out what I've Become
Erase Myself
And let Go of What I've done

He thought of all the lies he had told to everyone. Part of him rebelled at that thought. Nothing would have happened if she didn't meddle… But he knew it would never be any other way. They were destined to meet. Destined to love. …And destined to loose…Only she had seen past his mask.

He had hinted to Lorlen for months. The subtle hints, the brief mind-to-mind contacts. But his friend only knew the worst of him. Perhaps he would accept him now…Along with the rest of the Guild. They all saw me as the formidable and cold High Lord and then as the fearful Black Magician. Only Sonea loves me…

"You did what I couldn't." His words were weak and she didn't hear him.

"I love you…Sonea." His gaze drifted as the last of his life force fled his body through his link with Sonea.

For What I've Done
I'll start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I'm Forgiving What I've Done!!!

He had given her too much.

He had given her everything.

She reached forward and pressed her lips to his, unable to think past that moment. She couldn't forgive him…It was all too much…