I scuttled towards him over the hot ground, the sand grinding into my knees as blood leaked from the open gash on my leg. He seemed so far away yet so near, I thought that if only I could reach him before the monster behind me finished what he had started, then every thing would be alright. Shame and dishonor were not the major thoughts that taunted my mind as I pathetically clawed my way to my brothers feet, yes they were there but keeping my word seemed to make more sense to me. I heard him take in a sharp breath as I desperately clung to his leg, fat salty tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I told you ages ago that I would die at your feet, that this was how I wanted to go, no, needed to go. I have no fear as long as you are near me." I felt him tremble briefly, whether from my words or the want to protect me, his little brother, I could not tell. He didn't have time to respond either for the monster was upon us.

"Get up!" Menelaus screamed at me, "You call this honor? Get up and fight me boy, this is not over!" Now Hector speaks, his voice strong and calm but I can sense the anger behind his words.

"The fight is over. He can no longer fight." Menelaus' eyes flash deadly in the sunlight, pure rage directed straight at Hector, and I cowering at his feet.

"Stand down Prince of Troy! I will kill him at your feet I do not care!"

"He is my brother, I will not let him die like this. The fight is over." His words are composed but I know he's not lying about letting me die. Menelaus goes livid and lunges at me, a roar that seems to shake the ground below me, escapes his lips. It happens so fast that I almost miss it, as Menelaus moves to finish me, Hector whips out his sword and plunges it into the old kings chest, his eyes widen, he never saw it coming. He slows and falls to his knees the strangest expression on his face, one of shock, furry and slight surprise. He mumbles something that sounds like "For Helen" before collapsing into the dust; I scramble back to avoid from crushing my already injured leg under his giant mass.

I look up at Hector, my brother, my savior, my god, from the ground and he has never looked so awe-inspiring to me. Menelaus' blood coats his sword, a determined look upon his handsome face, the wind rustling his dark hair and the sun creating a halo about his head. I have but a brief second to look at him before Agamemnon's battle cry reaches us across the barren sand, Hector pulls me to my feet and we struggle towards the horses. It's then that I remember the sword of Troy, I draw away from Hector and stagger back to where I dropped it, the vast army of Greeks almost upon me. Hector screams at me but I can't make out his words over the din of war, I grab up the sword and run as fast my legs can carry me in the direction of Troy's great walls. Hector gallops to meet me half way, frantically I heave myself into the satel and we rush away from the advancing Greeks. The wall of our soldiers parts to let me through and I dash to the gates but Hector is not beside me. I turn my head as I enter the city and the last thing I see before they slam shut is Hector, proud and fierce upon his steed yelling to his regiments, his words ringing in my ears.

"For Troy!"

'No', I tell my self as I fly towards the palace, 'For you Hector, we all fight for you'.