A/N: I own nothing. I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

Sentence Series: Testosterone, Much?

"Ritsuka-kun, I've thought of a wonderful gift for you." The perfect, blonde fighter stated calmly as he encircled his arms around the boy's shoulders.

The green haired artist's teeth were barred with his mouth spread in a huge smile. The grey-eared Yayoi finally decided to share some sake,"I'm so happy!""Uh-Huh."

"First you hate him, now you love him dearly. You want to ask him out for you birthday, but at the same time you don't. Ritsuke-kun, for the sake of you, Soubi and everyone else involved in this please, pleeeeaassee make up your mind!" The pink haired teen yelled, exasperated.

"Kio, you know you look like an idiot and a sleaze when you where the orange sweater, right?" Soubi watched delighted as his friend's face turned a nice shade of bacon red.

Ritsuka had always known that gambling was almost as bad as smoking or drinking. Yet, he still took Yayoi to a casino for Christmas.
Roofing Nail

"Kaido Kio, you big fat liar! You said you would help me fix my roof, not lie on it like some beach bum!" Hitomi hated yelling, but if Kio didn't get up soon she would shoot him with her nail-gun.
Wedding Bells

"Hey ya'll- if you're friends of the bride, stick around. I'm gonna get me a groom!" Ritsuka may love Soubi, but Yuiko loved Natsuo and she'd be damned if she was going to let a perfectly good wedding cake go to waste.

Yamato could understand why Kouya would vomit when she thought she was pregnant. However, fainting at the first feeling of pain was, for the sacrifice, so very cute.
Falling in Love

Ritsu could admit that he was insane, egotistical and sometimes too idealistic. But, he could not admit that he was falling in love. Falling in love, for him at least, would be too difficult to understand.
Paint Cans

"Don't sniff the bucket. Don't ever sniff the bucket- and don't bite me!" Kio ordered Youji, while at the same time painting a scene of violence.'Boxing at it's Most Beautiful.'
White Jacket

"One more time Nagisa; 'I will not turn off your computer ever again.' Got it?" "Yes, Ritsu. I got it the first three times! Now get this frickin' jacket off meeeeee!"

Youji decided that he loathed Kio's very core. That idiot had said to try an apple sucker and Dr. Pepper at the same time. Now, the Zero's mouth tasted like cough medicine! The moron!

"Wow." Natsuo mttered under his breath."What is it, Natsuo?" Soubi asked, sticking his head into the living area. The Zero looked up from where he had been facing the TV,"527 channels and there's nothing on."

"This is going to be a disaster...where only the roaches survive!" The azure haired Nagisa muttered as she picked up the glass from Ritsu's broken butterfly case. She was soooo dead.

"Don't ask me anything and don't show me anything in here. Also, don't expect me to answer any questions 'cause I do not exist." The little eye-patch wearing Zero stated as he was lead by Soubi around the lingerie department.
A/N- Well, that's all for now. If I get enough reviews I might make this into a series. Do NOT flame me!

(P.S.- You can make a request if ya like.)