Ok Final Chapter is set in the future...
Jump City's vigilantes stepped out of the dark bubble and onto the tower roof. They always entered the hero's domain via roof; it was a tradition of theirs. X and Raven were not Titans or Villains, the media had yet to catch them and they had made up with Robin, promising to visit on important occasions. The dark pair stood stock-still waiting for the duo before them to greet them. "Raven. X." The leader nodded.

"Nightwing." Even after five years of reconciliation the speech between the men were still frosty at best. "Beastboy. The last teenager on the team is no longer a teen." The ex-thief shook his head in wonder.

"Well. You can't be Beastboy anymore can you?" Raven smiled at the green hero. "And no. You can't be Beastman either." She added quickly, eyes smiling as he visibly deflated.

"I'm Changeling." He muttered staring at the floor in embarrassment as three more Titans showed themselves.

"Raven!" Starfire's screech heralded the inevitable hug from her and Cyborg. Once they released her, the third hero spoke.
"Raven." She spoke politely but the nervousness of seeing the darker girl shone through.

"Terra. Good to have you back." Raven smiled to her old friend levitating over to her and pulling her into an awkward hug. "Look after Changeling." She whispered in the blonde girls ear before withdrawing to speak to Starfire and Cyborg. "Star. When's the wedding?" Raven laughed as the glint from a ring caught her eye.

"Nightwing and I will be joined on the March of fifteenth." The aliens voice dripped with excitement at the prospect.
"I can't believe the media still hasn't caught you guys." Cyborg exclaimed unable to wait. "How'd you manage it?"

"Just lucky I guess." Raven smiled fondly at the robot as her companion reappeared at her side. "So. You going to tell them or shall I?" She murmured into his ear. X smiled wickedly walking her to the edge of the roof.
"Guys?" He called taking Raven's hand. "We are getting married." He announced before sweeping Raven over into his arms and kissing her.
"Take that as you are." She breathed as soon as she could stand. Within seconds Terra and Starfire had dragged her away to talk and X as artfully dodging the Titan boys. Effectively ruining the moment two sets of communicators flashed. Answering them in unison they found that Dr. Light was robbing a bank and Killer Moth was wreaking havoc by the pizza place. "We got Light." Raven called teleporting herself and her fiancé to the bank whilst the Titans ran towards their vehicles. "Titans GO!"

Awww. Cy's left alone. Review...Please