Discalimer: Don't own. I only own the plot, but most people think I lost that years ago.
You see that girl, yeah her.

She seems so invincible right.
But just touch her & she'll flinch.
She has secrets & she trusts no one.
She's the perfect example of betrayal.
Cause everyone she trusted, broke her

Raven flew through the night, the driving rain camouflaging her tears. Thinking about the evening's events.

Raven's friends were huddled in the living room. Talking. About her. It didn't really surprise her after she'd nearly ended the world. If she focused she could hear what they were saying. "She's dangerous." That was Robin.

"Well she's half-demon. What do you expect?" That's Cyborg sticking up for his 'baby sister'. "I don't care. I'm cutting her from the team." Robin again. The younger Titans gasped while Cyborg narrowed his one human eye at his leader. Raven showed no sign that she had heard them as Robin walked over to her. "I'm cutting you. As of now you're no longer a Teen Titan." He said it shortly, emotionless. Tears welled up in her eyes as her leader continued. "You're like your father, Raven. Tainted, Demonic." Cyborg was staring daggers into the boy wonder's back. "You should join Slade. God knows you're evil enough." That one statement struck deeper than Robin had realised. It had shattered her very heart. She let the tears run freely down her pale face as she fled the Tower and her life.

She didn't know what to do. The obvious choice would be to join Titans East or find Melvin, Bobby, Tommy and Teether. But inside she knew they wouldn't take her either. Even Melvin would recognise the evil inside her. Sighing she landed on a nearby oilrig dangling her legs over the side. She held her head in her hands sobbing softly. She ignored the slight thud next to her that indicated someone else's arrival. "You Ok?" Came a familiar mechanical voice. She mumbled an affirmative to the male sat beside her. "Pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy, you know." The voice came again softly this time. "That was quite profound coming from you. Who said it?" She asked wiping away her tears determined not to let the thief see them. "No idea." He replied lightly. "Come with me." He told her taking her hand. Normally she'd refuse but as she was 'no longer Teen Titan' she didn't really care. Raven followed Red X inside the oilrig to a small hatch. "Down here." He told her. She nodded slightly following her ex-enemy into a small black and red submarine. She felt a pang of regret as she remembered the T-Sub Cyborg had built. "Didn't know you had a sub." She said for the sake of breaking the silence of the underwater domain. Her companion dodged the statement. "Why were you out there?" He asked genuinely concerned. "Why would you care?" Raven countered swiftly. X turned towards her. Watching her. "Fine. Robin cut me from the team." Tears sprang back to her eyes; saying it made it all the more real. Looking away from her ex-leader's alter ego she answered the unasked question in his heart. "He said I was too dangerous."
"You're half-demon of course you're dangerous." He snorted. Raven chuckled through her tears. "That's what Cyborg said." Another pang hit her as she remembered her 'big brother'. "It'll be ok. I promise." The skull-masked teen whispered taking her hand in his. A crash sounded as the seat behind Raven blew up in a flash of her dark magic. "What theā€¦" Her companion yelped looking from the seat to Raven. "My powers are triggered by emotion." She said simply, letting go of his hand. But then seeing his blank face she decided to elaborate. "If I feel too much emotion my powers will go haywire." Red X smirked behind his mask.
"So what would happen if I did this?" He asked removing his mask. Raven barely had time to register his deep brown hair and vibrant green eyes before he leant forwards and kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected move. She squirmed as he carried on kissing her gently. Slowly she surrendered to the handsome thieve's kiss. He broke away breathing heavily checking his submarine for damage. "Nothing happened." He stated. But Raven was still a little too dazed to answer. "Raven?" He said quietly breaking the spell he held over her. "Nothing happened." He repeated.

"Not inside the sub." Raven told him meaningfully. Red X chuckled softly. "What's so funny?" She demanded.

"Robin wouldn't be too pleased to hear that you've been kissing me." He grinned.

"Technically you kissed me. But I suppose you'd be right there." She laughed with him. A small crash indicated that the back seat had just taken another blow. The sight of Raven's powers mangling the seat only served to make the couple laugh harder.

A week later

There had been ten raids on various areas in Jump City. Not even the Teen Titans could figure out who was behind them. "I wish Rae was here." Beastboy sighed. "She'd know what to do."
"I know BB. But it's too late now." Cyborg told his little friend with a meaningful look at Robin. "We can do this without her." Their leader all but snarled. Starfire was about to argue when a red light flashed and a siren wailed. "Intruders! On the roof!" Robin yelled, thoughts of Raven momentarily cast from the team's minds. They reached the roof within seconds to see Red X leaning on their wall. "Red X. What do you want?" Robin growled. "Nothing much." X shrugged. "Just thought you'd like to know the thieves at large." Robin's masked eyes widened.

"You?" The Boy Wonder asked sceptically.

"No. Us." Came a voice from behind the Titans. Raven. Smiling slightly at Robin's surprise she walked to X's side. More to infuriate her ex-leader than anything she slid her arm around X's waist possessively. Red X looked at her in surprise before doing the same. Every member of the Teen Titans felt their jaw drop. Raven, with Red X? "You happy with him Rae?" Cyborg was the first to recover. Raven nodded in response. "Then it's fine with me." He smiled. Raven grinned, leaning into X's embrace. "Titans Go!" Robin yelled destroying the moment. Raven and Red X mock saluted as they said in unison. "Got to go. More stores to raid." Then they were gone.

The two outcasts into the night.

AN: Ok don't shoot me for the RedX/Rae stuff but I just thought that Rae could do with someone other than Robin for a while.