First of all guys, I haven't stopped the fics and they are not hiatus. They will be finished. Don't worry! But here's the thing: I'm a Sophomore in college and a friend of mine has been in a comma for a while. Truly, I just haven't felt like updating the fics like I wanted to. That and ever since that last time I posted an update, I suddenly found myself in a shitload of homework. Just this week I had a presentation, two papers, two monologues, and a Sophmore hearing that I did not pass. While it takes me hours to work out these fics (I have to be very precise because all my wording must be exactly right since so many have double meanings), the RP I am doing with AliceKing doesn't take hours out of my time. I can do other things while keeping up with her. So… I'm sorry….
Further Issues…
ShiroIchi fic-thing – I am still in need of a male arrancar and a female hybrid OC. I really do need them. Sorry. I really don't feel like making them up. Are they important? Not really. I just need something to fill in Espada positions. However, I am in sort of a rut for this, not because I do not know how I want it to end (I already have that scene pictured), but rather how I want to go about getting there. I mean… Do you people want me to wrap it up in one last chapter or try to drag it out in three? Cause seriously… There's not a lot left in it. Sorry… So let me know…
Art of Deception – This one is hard for me too. There's A LOT left and I am uncertain how to go about it since each chapter is huge (5-7000 words). It's really slow, but worth it in the end. Please stick with me on it, though I know it'll be hard. Two more chapters until we get to plot. I promise. I just need to get the motivation to be there.
Other than that… I hope to start up again real soon. Finals end on the 9th of May. After that I will have all the time in the world. Thanks so much for understanding!