Disclaimer I don't own any of the characters from Inuyasha.

Chapter 1



"Can you repeat what I just said?"


All of the other children would start giggling and laughing.

I was new at my school and it seemed like everyone was against me, all but one girl. Her name was Sango; she was especially friendly to me. We immediately became good friends. Throughout the school year she would defend me against people who were making fun of me and comfort me when I was sad about the problems I was having at home. She was always there and could always be trusted. She truly was my best friend.

One day after lunch while we were out on the playground I ran into this boy. I had been playing tag with Sango and two other girls when I smacked right into him. His eyes were kind as he turned to see who had run into him. He looked down to see me sitting on the ground staring up at him. He had long silver hair with dog ears sitting perfectly on top of his head. He quickly grabbed my hand to pull me up.

"I'm sorry; I should have been looking where I was going." I said quietly.

"It's alright. I'm Inuyasha. What's your name?"

"I'm Kagome."

"It's nice to meet you but I have to get back to Miroku. We're playing tether ball."


"Would you like to play whoever wins?"

"I'm playing tag with Sango and some people and plus, I'm not too fond of things coming at my face."

He gently laughed and said "Well I'll talk to you later then."

With a smile I quickly ran off to Sango to see who was it now.

After school I had to take the bus home so I followed a small group of people that were going in the opposite direction of everyone else. It was a group of two boys. One looked back and saw me and whispered something to the other boy. Then they stopped and turned to face me.

"Why are you following us!?"

"I'm sorry! I was hoping that you guys were going to the busses so I followed you."

"Yeah we're going to the busses but it's practically the middle of the school year. Shouldn't you know where they are by now?"

"Well… this is the first time all year that I've had to ride the bus." I said. I was quite embarrassed because I didn't know where the busses where first of all, and second, the boy that was talking to me just now looks a lot like Inuyasha. He has long silver hair but he has distinct markings on his face and arms, elfish type ears and a long fluffy tail that wrapped around his shoulder. He was very handsome.

"What bus do you ride on?" Asked the black haired boy. He wasn't quite as handsome as the other, but he had a devilish grin played across his face and short black hair.

"umm.. I think bus 16."

"Cool! Me too, you can sit next to me if you want to."

"Thank you!" I said with a smile.

"Well, we better hurry if we don't want to walk home." said the silver haired boy.

I nodded and we all ran off together.

While on the bus I learned that the silver haired boy was called Sessomaru and that he was really into basketball. The black haired boy was called Hiten. At the moment he has about four girlfriends, what a player. I would definitely not want to go out with someone so that way they can just add me to their collection. I would want a one on one relationship but anyways, we're only 10 years old. We should probably wait till we're older to start going out with people, but it's always nice to have someone who loves you just because they can.

(A/N) So this is a story based off my life in 5th grade but since I don't remember everything that happened I tweaked it quite a bit. Please review and for readers of "how it was meant to be" my laptop is most definitely dead so my dad is working on getting the hard drive out so he can get my files off of it to put on my moms computer for the time being. Thanks for reading!
