Distressin' Damsel

Summary: Preparing to leave London, Michelle goes aboard the Empress once more to set sail back to find her fiancce. Not being able to wait to be reunited with Will and be married, Ellie and Will's wedding plans are ruined when Jack needs there help once again, and the three set sail once again. Cursed pirates? Ruined weddings? Distressin' Damsels? Sounds like a Pirates story.

Disclaimer: If you recognize it from the blockbuster record breaking amazing trilogy that will hopefully continue, than it's not mine.

Note: Since the title of this story is 'Distressin' Damsel', I just wanted to give you the heads up that this will be in the (quote) "Distressin' Damsel" (unquote)'s POV. If you completely hate it...please tell me!

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"And then...do you know what I told them?" Those girls looked completely interested in what Jack was telling them. I sighed as I sat my rum-filled glass down, and looked out the window of the pub we were at. It was so different from the Caribbeans. It was absolutley freezing, and of all things, snowing.

"What did you tell them, Jack?" One of the girls chimed in in their perfect British accent. Yes, darling. I knew exactly what was hidden behind that sweet innocent face and that cute little accent of hers. Not saying that every girl in this town was a ...

Ok, the majority of girls in this town were just that. What? I have an accent too. But it's not a perfect one, thanks to spending so much time around Davy Jones and Tia Dalma. You get a strange accent when those two are mixed. And no. I'm not saying every girl with a perfect accent is a...'you know what' but I am saying that everyone in this town seemed to be.

I groaned quietly and tossed a coin on the table. The bartender picked it up, and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked past Jack and the dozens of girls that surrounded him. He looked up from them, and stopped his story when he saw me walking to the door, "Where are you going, love?"

"Oh." I said, stopping, letting the door fall quietly behind me. "Back to the Empress. I'm really tired."

His dark eyes grew concerned as he tried to untangle himself from the girls that were looking at me with a jealous rage. I closed my eyes as he said, "Oh, darlin'. Let me go with you."

"No." I said in a sweet voice. Well, maybe I have a voice like that too... "Don't, Jack. You just enjoy yourself. I'm fine."

His eyes still were filled with concern as he said, "Are you sure, love?"

Ah, Jack Sparrow. So many people underestimated him. But I, having gotten to 'sister' status with him, knew a side not many people saw of Jack. A caring, gentle side...not a drunk, woman-crazy man who always smelled of rum and did nothing better but sit around and think of schemes to get himself killed.

It made me feel better that Jack actually cared that much for me. I just smiled and shook my head, "Jack, love, I'm fine. I'll go back by myself. It's no problem. I'll see you in the morning, alright?"

"Alright, darlin'. 'Night." I gave a wave at him, before exiting the pub. I heard another girl mutter, "She's really moody."
Another one chimed in, "Maybe's she's pregnant."

I smiled to myself imagining how big Jack's eyes had gotten at that. I'm not even married, love. And God knows that I'm far from being pregnant. It's just been over three months since I've seen Will. I really miss him.

I sighed as I walked down the snowy streets and made my way back down to the port. I reached inside my coat, and pulled out the key that hung around my neck where it had been for close to a year. I tucked it back in, and made my way to the Empress.

I couldn't wait to get into my warm bed in the captain's quarters. But it seemed as if someone wasn't going to let me. As soon as I stepped foot on my ship, a voice rang out, "Where were you so late in a town like this?"

I rolled my eyes as I heard that familar chuckle as her footsteps came closer to me. "Goodness, Elle. Lighten up a bit."

"Look who's telling who to lighten up." I shot back at her with a smirk. She narrowed her blue eyes as she walked into the captain quarter's that we both shared since she had begged me, since the time we had left London, to let her go with me.

"You really miss him, don't you?" I glanced over at Sara as she shut the door. We had been silent on the way down, and her question kind of took me off guard. I smiled as I sat down on my bed and said, "Yes."

She smiled as she sat in the chair across from me, "I can't wait to meet him, Elle."

I smiled to myself as I laid back on my bed. The heat from the flames just a few feet away from me made the room almost stuffy, which I thought was impossible considering it had to be below freezing outside. I didn't think I could possible miss being in the Caribbeans as much as I did at that moment.

The sun drowning you in it's warmth...Will being so...well, Will...

"What's in this thing, anyway?" Sara asked me, walking over to the chest. I just stared at her as her blonde curls bounced as she walked. It took me a minute to realize what she was looking at, but when it hit me, it hit me.

"NO!" I screamed, running over to her and pulling the chest away from her. I still hadn't filled her in about the whole heart story. Yes, she knew that I was raised by Davy Jones. Yes, she pretty much had the idea of what had happened the last few months with Robert and all of that painful story.

But Will and his heart? I hadn't breathed a word.

I mean, there is only so much a 21 year old girl can take. Even if, technically speaking, she's suppossed to be 136.

"Ooo." She said, putting her hands up in mock defense. "Sorry. I didn't know you were that protective of it."
Well, love. When you have a chest containing the beating heart of your fiancee, tell me that you won't be over protective of it. I'd like to hear you say that. And if you said that, you'd be a liar.

"It's just..." I put it back in it's place. Under a loose floorboard. "...special to me, is all."

Sara made a 'pfft' sound as she made her way to her bed, "Well, Michelle, my dear. I'm guessing it'll take us a while to get to the Caribbeans, and if we are leaving tomorrow, I guess I'll need to have a good night's sleep, huh?"

I smiled to her, getting over the fact that she could have dropped the chest and shattered Will's heart. Or dropped it and it exploded...or stopped beating...or something could have stabbed it. I mean, if she dropped it, the chest could have broken and something that fell off of the broken chest could have stabbed it.

"Elle? Are you alright?"

Oh my- What? I don't hear it beating. What if it stopped beating?


"Huh?" I asked, breaking out of my nightmare. "Oh, uh...yeah. I mean, yes. I'm fine. Goodnight." I said, smiling a smile that I knew came out twisted. Considering the fact that my mind was racing, I didn't care that I was smiling a twisted smile. She looked at me for a minute more, before covering herself up, and turning her back to me. Soon, she was off to sleep. In a very deep sleep, might I add.

As for me?

I was panicing as usual.

I knew that the heart was beating, yet something inside me told me that it wasn't. I paced the floor nervously, looking at the loose floorboard that the chest was under. It's beating, Elle. Get yourself together.

But what if it's not? Will could be dying somewhere...


I glanced down at the floorboard, then to her to make sure she was asleep. When I saw that she was, I lept for the floorboard and pulled the chest out. I put my ear to the chest, and I could hear the soft beating.

But what if it's bleeding?

I pulled the key off my neck and twisted the lock open to see the heart inside the chest. I sighed out of relief after I inspected it, and placed it back into the chest. Then, I lifted the floorboard, and placed the chest back into the floor, before walking over to my own bed and snuggling into it's warmth.

I don't hear it beating...


"Shut up!" I yelled at myself. Apparently Sara wasn't in as deep of a sleep as I thought, because she turned around and asked me in a sleepy voice, "Elle? Who are you talking to?"

"Um, no one. Goodnight." And with that, I leaned over and blew out the candle, drifting off into a nice peaceful sleep. Who am I kidding? I woke up and checked his heart every hour that night. Maybe even more.

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I walked out of the captain's quarters the next morning to see that we were moving. I rubbed my tired eyes and wabbled up the stairs.
Alright, note to self, no more rum.

"Captain?" One of my men named Jake walked over to me. He pushed his sandy-blonde hair out of his face, and looked at me with a confused expression with those pale blue-grey eyes of his. See? I'm so drunk I don't have anything better to do then tell you what color my first mate's eyes are. "Captain, I do hope you don't mind...Um, Sparrow told us to follow him."

Ah. Those are words that should never be in a sentence together. Sparrow...us...and follow... Never should be together. For some odd reason, that had sobering power on me. I looked up at him and said, "And where the bloody 'ell are we going exactly?"

He shrugged, pulling his long waves back and said, "I don't know. He told us that you knew everything about it. And that it was all cleared by you. Captain, I would have said to go had I not know that you didn't know or didn't want it." He followed me up to the top deck as I looked over at the Pearl. I laughed, (not in a happy way) and turned to Jake, "Jake, darling. I don't blame you."

I began walking back down the stairs, doing a very good Jack stagger. Aw, come on. I didn't drink that much last night... or did I?
"Where's Sara?" I asked, noticing that she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Jake came to stand beside me and said, "With Captain Sparrow."

"Oh, is she now?" I asked him in a toneless voice. "Men! Make 'er catch up to the Pearl!" I yelled to my crew as I walked back up the stairs. My men were doing as I ordered, and soon enough we were trailing the Pearl just by a few feet. I groaned inwardly when I saw the two of them talking on the top deck of the Pearl. "OI! JACK!"

Jack jumped, as if he was up to something, and looked around startled. When he saw me sailing up beside him, he smiled and said, "Oh! Hey, love. Did you need something?"

"Yes, I did actually, Jack." I said, in a sweet voice. The changing it, I yelled, "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING?"

He thought for a moment, and shook his head, before looking back at me, "No, I don't have a shell, darlin'."

I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply as Jake came to stand beside me. I looked back up at Jack and yelled thru gritted teeth, "NO! NOT A SHELL JACK! HELL!"

"WHAT?" He screamed, ducking. Sara glanced over at me, clearly trying to hide her laughter. I, on the otherhand, was far from laughing. What? Rum makes me irratable. "NO! JACK! I SAID- you know what?" I grabbed a rope and swung over to the deck. When I got over there, I pulled the trembling Jack up and said, "I said where the HELL are we going?"

"Oh, well-" Jack said, in an obviously better mood. "-why didn't you just say so?" He motioned for me to follow him down the stairs. Which of course, Sara had to follow us down as well. "There was a mutiny in a small town just outside of here..." Jack began, looking at me with a smile. I had no idea where he was going with this, so I just stared at him, waiting patiently for him to continue.

"...many people died."

"Jack." I laughed, "Darling, that's not something to be smiling about."

"Nor to be laughing about." He pointed out to me. My smile faded as he said, "As I was saying, where there is dead souls going from this world to their next...there has to be a..." He stroked his chin as if in thought, causing me to laugh. When I laughed, he turned down to me and smiled, " A mediator of sorts to guide them to their next life, or by serving-"

"-a hundred years on his ship?" I asked him, hopefully. When he smiled, I screamed and jumped into his arms. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and said, "I didn't think you'd be so happy about it, love."

I pulled back and smiled, "Jack! Of course I am! But won't this be out of your way? I thought that you had to go to Spain or something to get something for your father."

"Darling, you've been asleep longer than you though." Jack said, smiling. "And I completely agree with you. No more rum...for you." He said those last two words with an evil smirk. I rolled my eyes as he said, "We're just off the coast of Spain actually, love."

"You amaze me, Captain Sparrow." I recognized that saying as the one I said to him in Tortuga before he left for Port Royal. He smiled at the irony of that statement and said in counter, "I amaze myself as well, love. We'll be making port in about an hour." I hugged him again, before swinging back over to the Empress.

When I got off of the rope smiling, I bounced all the way down the stairs getting strange looks from my crew as I did so. Jake dropped the rope he had been holding, handed to an older crewman as he followed me and asked, "What's put you in such a fine mood, Captain?"

It was hard to miss the amusement in his voice as I turned and around to his smiling face. I just shrugged and said, "Nothing really." I darted my emeralds into his eyes and said, "Would you mind taking over for me? If Jack gives your orders, take them."

"Aye." Jake said, walking up the stairs. Wait, that was stupid. "Um, Jake?" He spun around and looked down at me. I smiled as I walked over to him and said, "Don't take the orders if it makes you second guess yourself or will put us in any danger."

"Aye." He said again, nodding with a smile on his face. I smiled too as I walked back into my captain's quarters. I shut the door behind me and picked up the chest. I smiled down at it and rested my ear against it, listening to the faint beating of his heart that for so long was the only thing that I had of him.

"I told you, love." I whispered to it. "One day came..."

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The thunder rolled thru the pitch black sky as Sara and I catiously followed Jack down the hill of the deserted city. This one hadn't been the one of the mutiny, but it was so close, that a lot of people had fled from it. Sara shot me a scared look, to which I said to Jack, "Darling, don't me asking. But why would Will be here if we know of his situation?"

As you can tell, I was highly doubting that Jack was telling the truth now. Right now, I was thinking that Jack was lying to get me press-ganged into some weird scheme. He just had to have bait to lure me in, and Will was it.

My eyes fell on a bunch of skulls lying on the ground. They were so perfectly placed, that that fact was almost as scary as the skulls themselves. Sara sped up to catch up with us since she had been drifting behind us, complaining that she was tired. She didn't seem so tired now.

I looked down the streets of the town, it could have been quite pretty, but now...

"Darlin', have I ever gave you a reason not to trust me?" When I didn't answer, Jack pulled me closer to him. So close, that I honestly thought that he was going to kiss me. Sara apparently did too, since her eyes got as wide as tea cups. "Darlin', Will could in fact be here if you left your mother on his ship."

I just stared at him for a long time, very confused. "Darlin'! We accidently...accidently on purpose... left your mother on the island. Will went back and got her-" He leaned down and whispered, "And if he has a goddess-"

"Oh." I said, nodding. "Of course."

"Now-" He handed me the compass. "-if you will excuse us. We will leave you and your heart's desire alone." He smiled and gave me a nod, as he and my cousin walked away from me, down the hill, and further into the city. I sighed as I opened the compass and watched it spin. As it spun, I noticed that it got slower everytime that it landed on the place that Jack had just walked. Suddenly getting scared, I hit it hard. It finally pointed in a direction, and when I looked up...

"A pub." I said, with a groan. "Of course." I began walking into it, and said, "-the day I say that I'm going to stop drinking, and look..."
When I walked into the pub, a smell of smoke and rum filled my nose. The majority of the pirates in here, I noticed, looked like they had Spanish ancestry. But since we were on the Isla del motín, it didn't surprise me much.

"Oh, stop already.." I muttered as I sat down at the bar, watching the compass spin madly as if I was right on top of him and couldn't see him. The bartender walked over to me and asked me, as he eyed me, "What'll it be, senorita?"He clicked his tongue and said in a seductive tone, "¿No es usted magnífico?"

I glanced up at him, not believing that he actually came out and me gorgeous. Well, he was a pirate and probably had no idea that I could understand him. I smiled sweetly up at him and said, "Gracias. Pero desafortunadamente, tengo un fiancee." When he gave me a shocked look, I continued to smile as I said, "And I don't want anything...I'll take a rum."

Damn, what is wrong with me? No more rum! That's what I had said!

But in the end, it didn't matter if I ordered it or not. I looked back down at the compass and saw that it finally stopped spinning. I got up out of my seat and followed it, pushing thru the crown. "Excuse me... EXCUSE ME!" I pushed thru two men fighting. Both of them looked at me like I was crazy, and then continued after I was gone.

I walked out on to the balcony. The rain was just starting to fall, and I didn't see anyone. Chewing my bottom lip, I walked over to the rail and leaned against it, looking down at the town below. Sighing, I sat the compass on the rail, and wiped the line of kohl that the rain had made run down my cheek away.

I heard the wood of the deck creak as footsteps came nearer to me. Thinking it was the bartender, I groaned inwardly and prepared to get my sword out. But, it wasn't.

A chuckle came out from behind me as the man said in a voice laced with amusement, "Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain Michelle Jones. Now tell me, what on earth are they doing letting a pirate like you in a respectable place like this?"

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Review, loves!
Mucho amor pirata!
Captain Autumn