Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshiro Togashi, Studio Perriot, and Funimation and is affiliated with Shonen Jump.

Chapter 13 Hiei

"God damn it Kurama!" I yelled as one of his plants trapped me.

Kurama rushed out and disentangled me from his plant. He looked sleepy. "Trying to escape while I was a sleep?" he asked.

"I was doing nothing of the kind and you know that!" I growled. "I can't leave you after making you my mate less then twelve hours ago."

"Why not?"

"Because it's rude!"

"Since when are you polite? You've been polite to my mother, almost to the point of nauseating, ever since you returned to the Ninginkai."

"Mukuro didn't like it when I was rude to her guards. Besides, it would be unwise to be rude to someone who is giving you a place to live."

"Then what were you doing leaving the den?"

"I needed some air."

Kurama looked at me appraisingly, as if he didn't entirely believe me.

"Don't look at me like that. I just needed some air."

"All right." Kurama walked me out to the far edge of the den.

"For crying out loud, Kurama! Put some clothes on!" I had just noticed that he was naked.

"Whatever you say, Nushi." Kurama walked back into the den. I couldn't help but watch as he walked past.

He did that on purpose, I know it, I thought. I need to think. How am I supposed to break it to Kurama…?

"Break what to me?" Kurama asked from behind me.

"I wish you wouldn't read my mind like that."

"I didn't. You seem to be volunteering your thoughts to me."

"I'm part of the revolution."

"What revolution?"

"To get the three kings back in power."

"What?" Kurama looked dumbfounded. Well, at least he's wearing pants.

"Mukuro, Yomi, and Yusuke."


"Are you alright?"

"I… what?!"

"There's a revolution to overthrow the government. Everyone wants it to go back to the way it was before."

"I'm just shocked. That's all. I just didn't expect... A revolution? Does Yusuke even know?"

"I hadn't thought about that. Surely one of the monks from Toranin have told him?"

"I don't know. Do Mukuro and Yomi know?"

"From what I understand, Mukuro is leading the revolution. Yomi is gathering his own forces from Ganderra. The monks are trying to stay out of it but we all know they want Yusuke back in power."

"What part do you have in this?"

I sighed. "I'm second in command to Mukuro. Now before you scream 'what' again…"

"I wasn't going to. Why are you staying here if you're working for Mukuro?"

I felt my face getting warm and I knew I was blushing fiercely. "I wanted to be near your presence."

"That's only half the story, isn't it?"

"Mukuro has a hard time keeping her hands off me when we're together."

Kurama stiffened at the mention of someone else touching me. "You'll just have to tell her who your mate is. She should back off once she knows."

"Where does this leave us?"

"In Alaric, I suppose."

"You mean… You want to come with me?"

"I'm your mate, Hiei. Even if I had a choice, I wouldn't leave you."

"Thank you, Kurama. You don't know how much this means to me."

Kurama captured my lips in a sweet kiss.

How's that for a happy ending?

Yes, yes, I know. Loose ends! But you expected me to write a whole revolution? Maybe later. But this is definitely the end!