A/N: Hey, this is Saving Me, yes this is a Hermione/Pansy, but this is just the prolog in Hermiones perspective, yes it's a bit short, but it will be longer, trust me. The story is going to follow the lyrics of the song 'be be your love', just so you know. Btw, I have got Blackaddersgirl to write the story about the migrating fish, It will be going on through out the story, just as a little bit of crazyness (my imagination is lazy). Please review and tell me what you think, tell me what other pairings you want and I'll see what I can do.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a few dozen tattered books, dreams, hopes and stories.


Hey, yes it's me, Hermione. Have I told you that I am the smartest student that Hogwarts has seen since, well... a really long time?

Not to brag or anything, but I was also the person most likely to go places, and I mean PLACES! I was a prefect, nice person, loved animals, started DA, I was also the leader of S.P.E.W… ok, so that wasn't my finest moment, but do you get the picture?

I also had Ron, Victor Krum, and a fair few other guys trailing after me. I wasn't just smart; I was also hot with a capital H.

Yet no matter how great my life seemed to be going, no matter how many times I say the word I, this story is no longer about me and never will be any more. This is the story about one sexy, hot, gorgeous, smart, caring, and loving… blond. Yes and not just any blond, but a blond that I could never have, never in my whole entire life. Alright maybe not my whole life, they're actually standing behind me right now, telling me how up myself I am but also that what I say about them is true, and that they love me!

Love me!! ME!!

Can you imagine that? Me!! They could have anyone, but choose me. And before you get the idea that my life is perfect, and start jumping to conclusion about who this blond is, let me enlighten you a little bit.

I'm Gay.

There I said it. It wasn't like I choose to be but when I ONCE kissed Ron, yes only once. By accident too, at lest that's his story. I knew straight away that I did not fancy him, and not only him, but that I didn't like any boy at all, not in that way anyway. Yes, I guess I probable knew all along deep down that this was inevitable. But it wasn't until my seventh year of Hogwarts that I fell in love, and yes with a girl, and I shall think you a great simpleton if you can not guess who, for there is but one women in the world I love…too much Pride and Prejudice does this to you. Before this I had tried to stop any thoughts like these coming into by head by keeping myself busy, learning knew things, starting groups, reading, being an over caring and nosy friend, but in the end none of these things worked. In the end it all comes down to the one simple fact.

I'm in love with Pansy.

Yes, the hottest girl in school, and who seemed like the straightest one. Wish we could have just gotten together straight away. Hi I'm Hermione, I'm gay. Hi I'm Pansy, I'm gay too. Want to come to my room? Sure.

Well that doesn't matter, because what I wished would have happened, didn't happen.

As I was saying earlier, this story isn't about me, no matter how smart I am, this is a story about Pansy. She's the centre star of this story, as well as my life, but I'm getting a head of myself. While I prepare to tell you this story from the START this time, let me just leave you with this final note, nobody ever thought we'd be together.

The Migrating Fish

Yes, it was that time of the year again, everybody was preparing, everyone with a fish to carry was standing in the stadium, holding their fish tank's, bowls, and anything else they could fit a fish in. Then a hush came over the room, It was deadly silent as a old man and five body guards come onto the stag, looking very important, and they were. The old man was wearing a suit that made him look cold and wise, he walked to the centre of the stag an said in a large, booming voice.

"It is……time!"