Chapter 3

Me: Here we go with another little story!

Baby Yami: (screaming happily)

Yugi: Cool.

Me: Alright. Let's go!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or any ice cream flavors. 'Nuff said.

Thanks for reviewers of 1st chapter: (I forgot last time! Forgive me.)



Now, thanks for reviewers of 2nd chapter:









At the mall

Today was a fresh new day, where everything was bliss. Except, Yugi wanted to take Yami to the mall with him. Wonder why grandpa didn't take Yami with him to go grocery shopping? Because it's very hard taking Yami anywhere! You will see in a few seconds...

Yugi was balancing Yami on his hip as he walked around the mall. He knew what would happen if he took nine and a half month old Yami with him. It would become one strange day at the mall that's for sure. Yami was clapping his hands, finally happy after all those teething days. It was painful at first, but now they don't seem to hurt Yami as much. But he still loves to chew on waffles.

Yugi hoped with all his might that Yami won't try anything today and be a good boy. But you can't always get everything that you want. Yami started to struggle to get away from Yugi's grasp because he didn't feel like being held anymore. "I'm sorry Yami, but you're going to have to tough it out because I didn't bring your carrier. Baka, me. So please don't make this hard okay?" Yugi tried to plead.

But Yami isn't the type to give up, especially when he wants something. So he tried another tactic. He started whimpering and his eyes started to water, signaling that he was about to scream at the top of his lungs any minute now. In front of all those people. Yugi started to prevent this by rocking Yami.

"Oh no, don't start crying. It's not gonna work this time, and it'll be very embarrassing. I know you can understand me." Yugi was starting to get frantic because Yami was starting to cry. He wasn't screaming yet but he was getting there. Yugi looked around and saw and ice cream machine. He instantly perked up.

"Hey Yami, you want an ice cream?" he asked. Yami stopped crying instantly. Yugi never exactly gave Yami ice cream before, but now was a good time to start. He walked over and looked at all the different flavors. You got your chocolate, strawberry, mint chip, vanilla, neapolitan, fudge ripple, etc...

"So Yami, which one sounds good?" he asked. Yami started pointing to a flavor and making baby noises. Yugi looked to where he was pointing. "Blue Moon?" Huh, Yugi's never tried that flavor before. Might as well try it now. He ordered a Blue Moon ice cream, payed for it and walked to a secluded place.

"Okay Yami, let's see what this tastes like," Yugi said as he tried some. 'Hmm...sorta tastes like marshmallows or something,' he thought as he tasted it. He thought it tasted good. He gave a spoonful to Yami. When Yami tasted it he giggled and clapped his hands in happiness. "You like that huh?" Yugi asked as he smiled.

Suddenly, the Eye of Horus appeared on Yami's forehead and Yugi's eyes widened. Oh no, not again. Lately, Yugi found out that Yami did keep his shadow powers, but now they're more like powers of a witch or something. He can move things, make things disappear and reappear, and stuff like that. Yugi figured that out when he found out that his shoes always seemed to be missing everyday. Yami just loved playing that game.

Someone started screaming as they were being lifted and Yugi turned around, eyes widened. Now Yami's levitating complete strangers far away without even knowing it. Just imagine really, just imagine it...

"No Yami. It's bad to lift people when they don't want to be lifted," he told Yami. The Eye of Horus started fading and the person went back down to the ground. Yami made a face at Yugi that said: 'You never let me have any fun!' "C'mon Yami, let's go look at the toys," Yugi said to take that face off of Yami.

Yami cheered up immediately. They walked around and saw different things that Yami just couldn't take his eyes off of. His eyes were glistening with wonder as he saw all the different toys. But what really caught his attention, made him squeal in excitement.

He saw a stuffed Kuribo on the windowsill of the store. Yami was literally drooling over the stuffed toy. Yugi wasn't paying attention, so when he started walking away, Yami started screaming at him. "What? What is it?!" he shouted, thinking that Yami was hurt or something.

Yami started pointing to the Kuribo, making an opening and closing motion with his hands. Yugi looked over, and said, "Ohhh." Yugi was relieved it wasn't serious. He understood the bond between Yami and Kuribo, so it's no wonder he would want that toy. "You want that toy?" he asked. Yami just started giggling happily, practically bouncing up and down.

Yugi laughed as he went to buy the Kuribo. When he handed it to Yami, he grabbed it and cuddled it close almost squeezing it to death. The toy was almost as big as Yami so it hid his face when he squeezed it. Yugi smiled, happy that Yami wasn't having anymore outbursts. They went around a little bit more. At that time, Yami pulled off someone's wig. Yugi apologized and gave the wig back.

They were finally ready to go home. As Yugi was walking home, he looked down at Yami and saw that he was babbling little nothings to the Kuribo like they're actually having a conversation. Yugi smiled at that. Maybe, if he can learn, he can make the card Kuribo come out to play with Yami when he can't. That will be something to think about...


Me: Aww, wasn't that cute?

Baby Yami: (cuddling Kuribo)

Me: Hey Yugi, you better learn to make Kuribo come out of the card.

Yugi: I'm working on it!

Me: Anyway, review please!