Growing Up

WARNING: Before you go any further, I just have to say that this is technically a sequel to DOOM Saga, so don't read this until you read the first story, or at least the end of it. Thank you. : )

Me: Here's that side story to Doom Saga you guys wanted.

Yugi: What is it?

Me: Yami's growing up years! I really am putting that as a separate story.

Baby Yami: Da? (Why?)

Me: Because, 13 years is a huge gap and people want to know what could possibly be going on before that. And they wanna see cute baby Yami again.

Baby Yami: (pouts than giggles)

Yugi: )

Me: Good. Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea how long this is gonna go. I might put up 100 chapters for all I know, just trying to see if I can make it to 13 years. The chapters won't be as long as usual either. But get ready for KAWAIINESS!!!

Yami & Yugi: (sweatdrop)

Me: Ah, just start the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. Oh no, I'm back to saying it again.


Cherry Blossoms

Yugi's POV

It's been about 8 months since the DOOM incident, and I gotta say, it's been weird. Yami being a baby has really put things in reverse. He used to take care of me, but now I have to take care of him. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I know, you're probably thinking Little Yugi? Taking care of someone? It's just not possible! WELL NOT ANYMORE!! I CAN SUPPORT MYSELF! I'M NOT WEAK AND I- Ooh, sorry, I got a little carried away there. Okay, I'm back.

First thing I had to do when we did come back, I had to explain this to grandpa. Quite frankly, he took it better than I thought he would have. I don't know if I'm either happy or scared. (pause) Anyway, grandpa babysits him when I have to be at school.

I think he really knows if I'm there or not. Grandpa says he doesn't play as much when I'm at school, and when I come home he becomes lively and hyper. The only thing that I don't particularly like persay, is having to wake up at 3am to feed Yami. Especially on a school night.

I remember I was so tired, I fell asleep in class. Luckily, Sensei didn't bust me because practically everyone was asleep at that time, and he never turns around. It's like he doesn't care what we do, he thinks he's doing is job. He should learn you have to grab the class's attention to actually be doing your job. But I digress...

Anyway, when Ryou and Bakura found out, Bakura actually managed to get his own body, how? I don't know. I would have demanded he get Yami his own body too but...Yami already has one. Funny when you think about it.

Anyway, I swear Bakura laughed for 2 hours straight. He wouldn't stop laughing at seeing Yami a baby, and practically vulnerable. Bakura stopped laughing however when Yami threw one of my old toys at his head. He actually managed to hurt Bakura! (sigh) I guess some things never change.

The gang really did love playing with Yami. And Yami enjoyed company a lot. Jou taught Yami how to play with a ball which was cute, until Yami threw it at his head, telling him he didn't want to play anymore. I guess I'll have to teach Yami not to throw things at people...

Today is the first day of spring. I'm taking Yami to the park to see the cherry blossoms. They're finally going in full bloom. The time we were sharing a body, Yami always found the park fascinating. He was always staring at it when I was walking by. And I was right. Yami really did love the park. He thought it was filled with peace and tranquility that you can't get anywhere else. I think he was right in a way.

I set the carrier with Yami in it on the bench and sat down and we just watched the cherry blossoms fall. You might think it's girly but I don't really think that. It was just to get some peace in our otherwise hectic lives. Yami was right, this place is filled with peace compared to everywhere else.

We just sat there, Yami occasionally cooing, when suddenly a big wind came and lots of cherry blossoms flew right on us. It looked like snow and we were both laughing with joy, Yami more than me. I actually got up and started dancing in it. Yami was clapping his hands since he couldn't walk yet.

I shook my head to get the petals out of my hair. I looked at Yami and saw his entire head was covered in petals. One flew right on the bridge of his nose and his eyes went cross-eyed to try and look at it. I thought to myself, 'Boy I wish I had a camera right now!' and I just started laughing.

Yami grabbed some flower petals and since, you know how baby's like to put things in their mouths, he put the petals in his mouth. I immediately rushed over. "Yami, no. Don't eat those." He looked at me with a sad look. I held out my hand. "Spit it out." He did. I threw those away. Lesson number one: Don't eat the flower petals. Plenty more lessons to come. Hopefully I won't have to tell him not to eat stuff off the ground. I don't think he would do that. He comes from royalty. He must have some of those instincts still with him. Unless, he never liked them...

Yami started making baby noises again, and I just had to cuddle him. He was just so so cute! A bug flew onto his arm and he started watching it. I had to keep glancing at him just to make sure he didn't put that in his mouth either, but he loved watching it more.

We played outside for the rest of the day until it started to get dark. That, and Yami fell asleep. I picked up the carrier and started to head home. Yami stirred from time to time, but he was content. He had to be, he had a big smile on his face. I smiled too. We'll have lot's of good times together. Probably some bad times, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

A petal flew on Yami's face and I brushed it away. I got back to the game shop, got inside, went up to Yami's room, which used to be the guest room. I insisted to grandpa that he should be in my room, because it would be easier to get to him, but he said that it would be better for Yami to have his own room because it would give him a sense of ownership. Maybe it would be that way when he's 3 but now?

I set Yami down in his crib and just watched him sleep for awhile. He looked so peaceful. I wonder what dreams an 8 month old could have? I didn't have much time to ponder it, for grandpa called me down for dinner. I kissed Yami on the forehead and left the room. But I know I'll be back tonight. At 3am. It's actually like setting a stopwatch. Oh well, I don't mind...


Me: Well, how was that? I thought it was so cute!

Yugi: Yeah, that was so cute!

Baby Yami: (giggling)

Me: Well, these author notes won't be nearly as long anymore. Sorry. Besides, you guys would probably rather read the story than listen to us chatter and yak.

Me & Yugi: Yak Yak Yak Yak Yak!

Baby Yami: Ya! (laughs)

Me: Review please!