b l i s s.

After Everything that happened Elizabeth wouldn't dare to step foot back to Port Royal again. She couldn't stand living there after everything. She hated living in that house all the years she did live there. So many deaths had happened in that house. Her mother had died giving child birth to Elizabeth in that house and that was enough of a reason not to go back to that godforsaken place. So that last time that Elizabeth would step foot in that house was to pack her things and the last thing she would do in that house was burn it to the ground.

That was exactly how it went as well.

The Swann escaped the house before the fire got near her. After standing there a good five minutes of just watching her memories burn to the ground she fled before anyone noticed that the ex-governor's house was burning to the ground. She had arranged a passage to Tortuga through a friend of a friend and as promised the ship was waiting for her. Elizabeth knew the moment she stepped on this ship with crimson sails that there would be no more going back.

Elizabeth already knew she was going to be dreading her way to Tortuga seeing as all the men were already looking at her in the only way any man of these sorts would look at a woman. Elizabeth decided not to press her luck by attacking or putting any these pirates in their place. She had no idea how she could be attractive at a time like this seeing as her long golden hair was hidden away under her tricorn hat and she was definitely not wearing a dress like these men wished that she were. She was found wearing a white shirt that was obviously to big for her and of course men trousers.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she walked past a couple of men searching for the Captain to tell him that she was here and there was no longer a need to be waiting around Port Royal any longer. To her surprise a woman came out the large cabin she was getting ready to knock on. The woman resembled much to Elizabeth except she was wearing a dress…a dress that one of the woman in Tortuga would where. Elizabeth never tried to get familiar with any of the ladies in Tortuga but, she would be lying if she said she didn't notice what the wenches were wearing.

"You're Elizabeth?" said the woman. Elizabeth nodded watching the woman intensively as she brushed back a couple of locks of red behind her ear. She was beautiful by far, far more than Elizabeth would ever dream to be, actually. Her skin was a creamy color from being hid from the sun, not tanned like Elizabeth from fighting away in the sun. Her eyes were the color of the ocean, not a hazel color like the wood of a ship like Elizabeth's eyes. She was fit as well! Of course Elizabeth was skinny but she had to admit she didn't have large breasts like this woman did, nor did she have anything that men thought were beautiful.

Oh, how Elizabeth could be so dumb sometimes. Dressed like a pirate or not Elizabeth Swann was the definition of beautiful.

"And you are…?" Elizabeth asked with one eyebrow arched. The woman smiled at Elizabeth's pride before she slowly nodded before answering:

"I'm Caroline Pierce," Elizabeth nodded seeing as the name didn't ring any bells in her head. What in the world was she doing on a pirate ship? Of course, we all knew the reason for Elizabeth being on there and apparently the woman did to. But, Elizabeth did not know her reason for being on this ship. "I'm the Captain's lady, me and our children were just visiting for a couple of days before we return to Tortuga." How in the world…?

"Children?" No matter how much of a Pirate she was she would always have a love for children. The word children brought a smile to Elizabeth's face knowing that now the pirates wouldn't be so much of their normal selves knowing that children were on board. But, of course we're dealing with pirates so much wouldn't change.

"Yes," Caroline smiled proudly. "Two little girls. Jasmine and Hayden - "

"Miss Swann, I presume?" Elizabeth's head snapped away from Caroline finishing her sentence until she was interrupted by the voice that Elizabeth was searching for now. She turned around to become face to face with a man at least thirty years older than herself. He carried a bit of weight on him, and a long dark beard as well.

"Captain, I presume?" she mocked playfully and the Captain smirked. This smirk was nowhere near a smile and he made sure of it. "We'll be arriving in Tortuga not long from now, as you know that it isn't that far. But, you'll be sleeping downstairs with the rest of the men, I don't care if you're a woman. I've heard things about you, so it should not be that big of a problem. You shall not have that many duties, seein' as you won't be here to long. Can you cook? You better be able to," the captain spoke not missing a beat. He spoke with a rich Scottish accent and not like some of the pirates that were lurking about. "This one here can't cook a blasted thing," he made a gesture to his 'lady' as Caroline called herself. Caroline blushed before the Captain continued. "That will be all, Miss Swann," as if he was making sure Elizabeth got no word into the conversation he moved past her going into the cabin that Caroline came out of shortly

"Ignore this first request, Miss Swann," Elizabeth felt her cheeks heat of the embarrassment of sleeping near any of this disgusting men. "You'll be sharing a cabin with me." Elizabeth almost smiled knowing now that she wouldn't have to murder any of the men on the ship.


Elizabeth could not sleep. Here she was laying wide awake next to Caroline as she silently dreamed of being back in own bed in Tortuga. Elizabeth did not get to see the children as she wished seeing as tonight they would be staying the cabin with their father. Elizabeth almost admired the rude captain for his love for the children seeing as he insisted that they stay in his cabin with him. Caroline explained that the children were so excited seeing as they loved their father much and loved nothing more than hearing stories of him whenever they were home.

Elizabeth's eyes were wondering around the cabin looking for any sort of entertainment to keep her thoughts away from something she didn't want to be in her thoughts at the moment. The thoughts came anyways seeing as her eyes had locked onto an item laying on a desk with millions of quills and parchments lying around it. It was a tricorn hat but, it looked exactly like jack sparrow's hat. Elizabeth felt her heart drop at simply the thought of his name.

Elizabeth had never realized her feelings for the man until a year ago when she was aboard The Black Pearl with Jack. She always felt physical attraction toward him but, she simply thought that was all she felt for the man. The way she felt about him would never compare to anyone else she felt about and that made her feel horrible. It was simply a state of fact though. Jack Sparrow was everything she always longed for her childhood and teenage life. She wanted adventure, he had it. She wanted a pirate, he was the best around.

Without her knowing a single tear fell down her red cheeks. Her cheeks were red from the hot sun beating down on her daily, it was something that Jack was always fascinated about. That was whenever she made up her mind. She actually, hoped, that Jack would be there waiting in Tortuga like she had hoped he wasn't for so long.


please review. reviews are what make me write.


i own nothing except for things you do not recgonize from the movies. kthx.