A/N: Dang that took me longer than I thought it would to find time to write this then when I did have time the computer speakers weren't working and I CAN NOT write without my music playing. Don't know why, I just can't. So anyway those are finally kinda sorta fixed.

I just gotta say this SONSHINE ROCKED!!! Man it was awesome. I got to meet a couple of my favorite bands and rocked out at so many awesome concerts for three whole days!! WHOOHOO!!! Good times. Still a bit tired from that and my hair split is fried crispy (no shade there at all).

Michelangelo was in the middle of wiping the floor with Donnie while they played 'Space Invaders III' when suddenly the ominous dust began to drift down around him. "AHH!! No! Donnie help! Don't let her-" The last thing Mikey saw was Donnie's horrified face and then he was no longer in the safety of the lair.

"Hello Michelangelo," came a sweet, soothing voice from behind him.

"AHH!" Mikey gave his trademark girly scream (that we all love him for) and whipped around to face his adversary. "What do you want with me!?" he cried.

Dr. Diddly-Doo gave a sweet smile. "I want you to tell me everything and anything." She replied.

Mikey blinked at her in shock. "Everything? Anything?" he asked in disbelief.


The orange masked turtle stared at her for a moment, trying to decide if she was telling him the truth. "You're sure?"

The Therapist's eyes narrowed at him in warning. "Yes! Now start talking!"

A grin so big it threatened to tear his face in half appeared on Mikey's face. "SWEET!!" He yelled in excitement then started talking at a rate of about a million words a minute and his arms flew as they accentuated his words. "Okay so there was this one time when my bro's and I were like five years old and Master Splinter was teaching us how to go like all HI-YAH and WOO-HEE and so he's out there all going YAA and HEE-YO and then we're trying to follow him so we're all going AHHH-YAH, HEEEE-YA, AARR-GA!! But then Raph knocked over the rack of bokken and they're all like CRASH and then one hit me on the head really hard and I'm all like 'OWWW OWWW' and Master Splinter is all like 'RAPHAEL' and I'm still over there going 'OWW' and Raph's just like 'heehee, oops?' and he got like so many flips it took him all day to finish 'em and he had to clean up the dojo and-"

Dr. Diddly-Doo tried to get a word in, "Perhaps you could slow it down just a-"

Mikey never even paused in his retelling, being so thrilled that someone was finally letting him say whatever he wanted and not smacking him upside the head for it. He prattled on while the good Doctor tried desperately to get his attention and the Gay Reaper settled back on the couch with a bag of chips to enjoy the story.

15 minutes later…

Dr. Diddly-Doo was tapping her pencil on her clip board trying to block out Mikey's voice and concentrate on wide open fields and calm blue oceans.

It wasn't working.

The teenager was now re-enacting his great victory at the Battle Nexus and how he fought hard and long with great honor and became the Battle Nexus Champion!

The Reaper was leaning forward, eyes wide and attentive 'oohhing' and 'ahhing' in all the right places.

The therapist groaned.

15 minutes later (which is to say 15 minutes after the previous 15 minutes thus making it a grand total of 30 minutes which is also half a session later)…

"And then we're all like 'You won't defeat us! We're the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!' and then we all went all 'GRRR' and 'ARGH' on 'em and they're all like 'AHHH help!'and we're like-"

Dr. Diddly-Doo grabbed a couple of pillows and pressed them against her ears. No good. Mikey's voice penetrated all, be it pillows, a door, or a sound proof booth.

Yet another 15 minutes later (making it a grand total of 45 in case you were wondering)…

The poor therapist now ear plugs in, her head completely covered in pillows (which she had duct taped to keep them in place) with her hands clamped over her ears in a futile attempt to defeat The Voice.

The Reaper was now on his fourth can of Dr. Pepper and his sixth bag of chips.

Mikey was also on his fourth Dr. Pepper but he'd managed to polish off eight bags of chips without slowing down in his story telling.

12 minutes later (bringing the total up to 57)…

Dr. Diddly-Doo ripped the pillows off her head and yanked out the ear plugs. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" She screamed. That being said she lunged for the door and ran through it. Right through it. As in cartoon style, straight through the wood leaving only a Diddly-Doo shaped hole in it.

"Ahh man," groaned the Reaper. "She's gonna miss the best part of your story! Oh well, I get to hear it." He settled himself down for the remaining three minutes and popped open his sixth can of Dr. Pepper.

Epilogue (if I may dare to call it that)...

When Mikey got home he was instantly swarmed by his worried family. Well sans Leo who had fallen flat on his face when he tried to get off the couch. Apparently his balance was still a bit off courtesy of his concussion.

"Mikey!" cried Donnie. "Are you okay? What'd she do to you? Are you permanently traumatized? Are you about to go insane? Do you remember us? Will-"

"Dude, I'm fine." Mikey cut him off.

They all stared at him (Leo's gaze was a bit off). "Fine!" They coursed in unison.

"Fine," repeated Mikey. "In fact, that was pretty fun!"

"FUN!!" They all screamed.

"Hey guys!" called Leo from his spot on the couch. "Quick come look at this news report!"

They hurried over to the TV's to see what had Leo all excited.

A reporter was on screen saying "The renown psychiatrist, Dr. Alexandria Persnickety Diddly-Doo was arrested just moments ago and sent to a high security mental ward where she will be receiving treatment for an as yet undiagnosed problem." A picture of the therapist sporting a very trendy straight jacket appeared on screen.

"GRR!" growled April. "DIE!!!" She grabbed a nerf gun that had been sitting on the floor and proceeded to shoot at the figure on screen laughing maniacally.

Master Splinter's eyes widened and hope reappeared in them. "She is… gone? For good? No more telling how I feel?"

"No more gay guys in black dresses?" Asked Raph.

"No more closed windows to run into?" questioned Leo from under an ice pack.

"No more making me cry like a baby?" Casey queried.

"No more confusing me with backward illogical logic?" Donnie inquired.

"No more cat fights with that crazy (expletive deleted)?" Asked April (she had to ask because I ran out of other words to use for questions)

"No more session!!?" cried Mikey in despair. "NOO!! I liked those!"

The entire group promptly jumped on him for daring to say that.


Well that's that. The battle has drawn to a close. All hail the victorious Turtles and Company!! Oh and don't worry about the Reaper. Being her assistant was just some civic duty thing he had to do. A big thanks to everyone who dared to read this and even more thanks to those crazy enough to review! Help yourself to some pizza on the counter before my dog gets it.