Chapter 24

"Every Forsaken is back to being themselves," intoned Sylvanas haughtily. "All thanks to you."

"All thanks to Hresden, actually," admitted Saran. "He's the one that cut his head off."

"The mage?" questioned the Banshee Queen. The High Elf arched his eyebrows at that and crossed his arms, the hilt of his sword visible fully now.

Hresden smirked as he stated, "I'm something of a jack of all trades really."

Sylvanas sniffed then asked, "What was he then?"

"A necromancer," replied Hresden, "armed with an item liberated from Quel'thalas after its fall by Kel'thuzad. His name was Callith Ristall and once he was a Quel'dorei like us."

"You killed him," stated Sylvanas. "And yet you sound mournful."

"He was my friend."

"I see…well, then, Necronim, you will come with me…"

Saran cocked his head to the side, saying, "No, I won't." Sylvanas scowled then took a step towards him, her power lashing out at him almost visibly, and Thrall, who had been listening from his chair in the room, rose.

"I warned you, Sylvanas!"

"Don't bother, Warchief," snarled Saran, instantly shaking off the Banshee Queen's power. "I don't fall under her jurisdiction anymore."


Thrall scowled and Sylvanas turned towards him, hissing, "I will not stand for this!"

"Guards," rumbled the Warchief, "kindly escort Lady Sylvanas to the zeppelin with the rest of her folk. They have a city to reclaim."

Two of the Kor'kron stepped forward at that but Sylvanas shook them off with a flick of her wrists, her glowing eyes fixed angrily on Thrall's face. "I will not forget this," she snarled.

"And I would warn you to kindly remember the delicate situation the Undercity hangs in right now," said Thrall warningly. "Now get out of my city."

The Banshee Queen sniffed then strode out of Grommash Hold, the two guards following in her wake. And Saran could feel her glare on his back with every step she took.

"Light save," breathed Hresden. "You didn't have to completely alienate yourself from the Undercity."

"I've always hated it anyway," spat Saran. He lifted his gaze to his friend's and added in a growl, "And she insulted Kalya on top of assaulting me. I won't forgive either."

A low cough brought their attentions back to the Warchief, who was standing waiting for the both of them. Hresden blinked then muttered, "Sorry, Warchief."

"No, no, don't apologize," said Thrall with a wave of his hand. "I've never quite seen anyone get under Sylvanas' skin like that."

"I seem to have a talent for it," stated Saran with a bitter smile. He then stepped forward, saying, "And if I may, Warchief, I have a proposal that might benefit us all."

Thrall cocked his head to the side then smiled and waved the two of them close as he moved back to his chair. Sitting down, he propped his elbows on the arms and folded his hands in front of him.

"Let's hear this proposal then."

Saran smiled then stepped forward, quickly laying out what he had mentioned to Hresden earlier. Of him becoming a spy for the Horde, the only one they had that could infiltrate Alliance cities. Even with his face still known, it would help them.

"My only requirement," added the rogue at the end, "is that I am allowed to search for my mother and sister. I never was able to find out if they were punished for what I did and I have to know."

"Done," said the Warchief. He then smiled and said, "Welcome then, my new spy. I must think on what to do with you first…perhaps a short trip to Theramore to test how well you can blend in."

"And to deliver a message to Lady Proudmoore?" asked Saran, knowing it had been harder for the two semi-allied leaders to communicate in the past few years.

Thrall smiled at that, "Indeed. Now go. I will call on you when I have need."

"Yes, Warchief."

The two bowed then slowly left the hold, neither speaking until they reached the outside. "So," finally intoned Hresden, "you really are going to be a spy."

"Its what I do best," replied Saran with a smile. He then tilted his head as he looked at the sky. "Besides…Kalya loved the Horde even if she knew she wasn't much accepted."

"She'd be proud."

"You think?"

"I do," replied Hresden. He then smiled and clapped his friend's shoulder, saying, "Now! Why don't we go find that rascal son of our dearest druid?"

"But of course," said Saran, knowing Taemmur would be sad to hear about Kalya. But the boy would understand and accept it just as the rest of them had. They all had to.

Walking along the Drag next to his friend, the rogue tilted his head back and smiled at the sky, breathing in the air of Orgrimmar deeply for the first time.

He had a new life entirely because of Kalya – in both body and mind. And there would be no more jumping from cliffs; no more trying to kill himself.

No, he would live and do something useful.

Because of her. For her.

Even if she had never known it, she had saved him from becoming something he hadn't wanted to be. And he would be forever grateful for that.

Author's Note:
And, thusly, now Child of the Horde may be continued. Hope you all enjoyed reading Bones.