I'm so sorry that I took so long to update. I didn't mean too. I kinda got caught into school and I had homework to make up and so on. Please forgive, I'm bringing you a new chapter of the over 100 reviews story of Girlfriend!!!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the plot, yes I own the plot. And that Sasuke key chain on eBay, I see it, and I want it, but I can't have it. Just like Naruto, which is not mine. Kishimoto owns it.

Itachi looked around making sure his mother was still at work, and his brother was no where in sight. The writing on the notebook definitely wasn't Naruto's or Sasuke's. Then whose was it. He only got his answer as he read the ending page, with only words of encouragement by the people who have read the book. He didn't write a thing. He knew her as the Hyuuga girl, the one family his father hated, so the rest of the family hated that family, and the other way around.

Yet it seemed he wanted to do the little shy girl a favor. It was beneath him to even think of such an idea, to degrade himself and help others. That didn't sound like the Itachi everyone knew and loved. It sounded like a nice person doing a favor, but he felt the need to help her out. My brother read her book without permission, as did I. I owe her enough to return it, and help out. He nodded slightly, checking again if anyone was around. He was satisfied that no one was around and quietly made his way out of the house, towards the Hyuuga household.

To return something that didn't belong to him.

She slowly shook her head as to rid the thoughts in her head. Everything was going to be just fine. Everything was going to go back to normal and no one will ever know that Hyuuga Hinata ever wrote a book, an incomplete one at that. She just got to the Shippuuden, she didn't want people to read it now, other then her own little sister, but that was okay.

What am I going to do, Naruto, and even Sasuke read it. Whose next, Sasuke's older brother Itachi? The thought came on its own, but it did hold meaning. What if even Itachi read it, and he had college friends, who have other friends, who knows her story might be worldwide before she can even get it back.

Her footing almost turned towards the Uchiha house, but she knew if she went now she'd get in trouble with her father, so she continued towards her house, hoping to get a good rest after what had happened to little ago.

What was that dream supposed to mean? To give up hope on Naruto and go with Sasuke? She chuckled at the thought. Sasuke was a friend, and only that. Sure they got off on the wrong foot in the beginning, but things smoothed out, and now they were friends, even if she was scared to death of him. Going out with a friend is like going out with a brother or sister, and thats not right. She smiled to herself as she noticed her house in the distance, and with her sharp eyes she could have swore she saw someone sitting on the porch to the house, on that little seat she loved to sit on since her house had a perfect frontal view of the sunset.

Her smile faded as she neared her house, just the sight of him was starting to scare her, did her father know about him, he was on their property and he just sitting there, waiting for someone, waiting for her.

She was already shaking by the time she was walking towards her gate to get into her yard. Her mind was telling her to run, to get away before he notices her, but all was in vein as he stared straight at her, nodding to her presences.

"Hello." the way he spoke was gentle, yet stern. He was calm and collect, the exact opposite of what Hinata was at that moment, it was like she couldn't even utter a word, but that would be rude, and she was taught manners.

"Hello." her voice was squeaky, forced out, and high pitched. Her emotions just didn't want to hide themselves in his presences.

"We need to talk." he waved her red notebook for her to see, and if it was instinct, she ran for it, and took grab of what was rightfully her's. Itachi showed no move to take it back, he only stood up, and motioned for her to follow. Hinata nodded, walking towards her door to make an excuse to follow him.

"Father, I'm going to Sakura's house today. I'll drop my things here." she yelled out, putting her school things on the floor next to the door, there was an 'okay' from her father and she quietly closed the door and noticed Itachi next to the gate, waiting for her. He had an emotionless face on, so she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

All he said was "Follow" and proceeded to open the gate, and walk out at a normal pace, not too fast for her, or not too slow. Just a normal, not so excited, or grieving speed. She decided she'd get some answers out of him, and followed.

The walking continued. The two never even said a word to one other. He was walking somewhere that she did not know, all she had to do was trust him, and that was very rare. They had only gone on one date, and that was a double date too. She was definitely nervous, but didn't show it. All she did was follow him with total trust for the blonde boy.

People said they made a cute couple, both having blonde hair and all, some other people wonder how they hooked up when it was obivious that Naruto liked Sakura and Ino liked Shikamaru.

Then how did they hook up you ask? Just by meer luck.

"Where are we going?" the same question was asked only two minutes ago.

"Somewhere good, trust me." he grinned at her bossiness, being friends with Sakura so long showed he could tolerate Ino's 'leadership' it was just normal to him now. He had started to give up on Sakura when he got to middle, he just felt he should let her go, and he started to like her all time rival, and now best friend, Ino. Had he known Sakura started to like him after he liked Ino he would have probably went back to her, but now all he could see Sakura as a sister, a very bossy, mean sister that he loved.

After about another half hour of walking endlessly, Naruto finally said they were there. Ino smirked towards Naruto before she saw the scene infront of her. She was known for one weakness, and it was flowers. Her mom owned a flower shop and Ino just adored them.

So how did she react when she saw the meadow full of beautiful flowers?

She quickly jumped up and down with squeals of joy and surprise, she instantly turned towards Naruto smiling brightly, like a little girl who just got her dream come true.

"Naruto I love you!" no she didn't mean it in a romatic way, just the way someone would say when they got what they loved. She hugged him tightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Yup, he definitely got her trust now.

"I see." she sighed slowly, listening to Itachi speak. He had finally made sure the notebook was in her hands. He nodded, and that was all. "Did you read it?" her question came and went, Itachi stood emotionless, until finally he shook his head saying he never read it.

Its better for her not to worry. He waved a goodbye as he was done walking her home. Their talk didn't last long, it was more for Sasuke then for those two. He had asked how Sasuke got an interest in her, so she told the story of her stupid talent show episode, and how Sasuke reacted after it. She explained it all from her words in the beginning to the very kiss that they shared. It was a very embarrsing thing to tell, but she went through it, and she remembed how much she wanted to get back at Ino for skipping that day.

Before he left earshot, he did say one last thing, and that simply was, "Don't worry." she didn't know what he meant by that, but if Uchiha Itachi told you not to worry was a very rare thing for all. It was almost like she could trust his word, and everything was going to go the way they were supposed to go.

And to that she finally walked into her house silently, she didn't want to disturb her father, it was his study time for his work. Too bad the hardest she tried to say quiet, the way Hanabi leaped out, yelling "HINATA!" probably shattered it all. Hinata flinched, hoping with all her heart that her father was just going to ignore them, he did in a way, but he did say "Welcome home Hinata." from his study, Hinata nodding her head even if he couldn't see it, it was just a polite thing that Hinata learned from a young age.

Hinata sighed happily as she fell to her bed, holding her red notebook close to her heart. Shes been through alot in the past few days, and all she wanted to do was sit back and continue on with her story. She wasn't even half way done, she never meant for more then Hanabi to read it.

She flipped the pages back to the final page to see the familiar writing of encouragement from her younger sister, but also two other sentences that were different handwritings. She stared at them confused as to why they were there, completely forgetting the fact of who read it.

Great job Hinata, your a great writer! The story was so good, I love my character, thanks so much for making me the main character! I owe so much to you, hope you get it published! The writing, the way the writing was, she knew it was Naruto, and she nearly blushed to that. He read it and loved it, that only made her fear go away as she looked at the neater writing on the page.

Hinata, no matter what you say about this book, it was good and I hope to continue to read it later on, even if I have to wait til it gets published. You did a great job at describing the characters and settings, along with moods and all the action. Good job, you deserve it. She knew, right after she read it, that it was Sasuke that wrote it. His words got to her, in a weird way, she was so happy that Naruto liked it, but she felt so encouraged at what Sasuke wrote.

My dream is kinda making sence "I was going to choose him in the end, wasn't I?" she laughed at her stupidness, the dream, the chat with Itachi, it all pointed towards one person.

And that person was Uchiha Sasuke.

During the talent show she could see Sasuke with a look of hunger in his eyes, now all she ever saw was forgiveness. He wanted her to forget the past and focuss on the present, he was different. He still had those attitude problems, and never smiled, but she could work with that. Its more of a challenge. she smiled. Even if was like he had a stick up his ass. All Hinata could say to that was, "I'll just have to pull that stick out, don't I?"

"I--uh--need help." the blush came across his face as he looked towards his older brother. Itachi smirked towards him, no confusion in his eyes, it was like he knew this was going to happen.

"What is it that you want?" his voice stayed calm, his lip twitching upward to grin at his little brother's blush, that was a rare sight to see.

"HowdoIactaroundgirls?!" his voice was quick, instant. Itachi knew exactly what he said, but decided to play with his brother a bit.

"I didn't quite catch that." he cupped his hand in his ear, to pretend to want to hear better, he even leaned forward to show a point that Sasuke didn't get.

"How...do...I...act...around...girls." in a little brother's life that question was common among them all. Sasuke seemed to be the person to less likely say it, but there he was, asking his older brother to help him with girls.

The smirk that streched across his face was quite annoying to Sasuke. "So?" he pushed, he needed answers, and he wanted them now!

"You must be calm, nice, you have to make sure they're happy." He spoke like he had a girlfriend, but the thing was, Itachi never had a single girlfriend in his life.

Sasuke would have laughed if his brother didn't have such a serious face. To earn Hinata's trust I have to be calm, nice and make her happy. This is going to be hard. He frowned. Before even getting her trust, he first had to learn the basics to girls.

This is going to take a while...

She looked into the mirror to see herself, she was dressed up in a nice shirt and a mini skirt. Today she had a date with Mr.Destiny, Hyuuga Neji. She had liked Naruto, but seeing him with her best friend, she just gave up on him, and thats when Neji had asked her out, she never knew he'd be the one to ask her out, he just always seemed so...quiet.

She smiled to herself before running out as the door bell rang. Neji was always on time, and she was still getting used to it.

"Someone is here for you." her mother called out as she ran down the hall.

"Got it!" Sakura yelled back, swinging the door up in one big motion. Neji just stood there, nothing plain, nothing fancy, like always. "Bye Mom." she called out, closing the door behind her, smiling towards Neji, who silently nodded, walking towards the sidewalk where his car was parked, just like last time.

He always has to be the same, I wonder if I can change that she smiled to that thought, wondering how Neji would be like if wasn't so on time.

One thing did change though, they didn't go to the same place as before. He instead drove towards a little park, one thats been there for as long as Sakura was alive, it was close to her house so she always went there with her friends. Back then they played little games like ninja, they got pretty far in that game.

Naruto always wanted to be Hokage, which was like the leader of us all, he never made it. Sasuke walked off one time in the park, he ended up joining a study group with their science teacher, to become 'smarter' to beat his older brother.

Those were the days She smiled, looking out the window towards the park as they neared it, she could see all the places she hanged out at, Ino was her first friend there, it held too many memories.

"We're here." He turned towards her, silently telling her to roll up her window, after she did so, he turned off his car, and steped out, and just like last time, walked to the other end and opened her door to help her up. He was such a gentleman.

But unlike him, she wasn't a lady, well definitely didn't act like that, instead of following him slowly, she ran towards the swings, jumping on it and swinging as fast as she could, when Neji approached her, she jumped off, landing on top of him.

He looked annoyed, but all she could do was laugh.

This is easy, all I have to do is tell Sasuke that I'll give him a chance. Hinata smiled towards the sidewalk as she slowly walked to the Uchiha household. She had something she needed to do.

Her dream said so.

But it all just seemed so hard. All the events that happened just made her scared. Sasuke does like her in a romantic way, she didn't even know her own feelings on the matter. She only wanted to give him a chance to see how things work out.

She could only hope that things turn out great.

The Uchiha house was closing in, she decided to walk to take longer when she could have used something faster, like a bike, or even roller skates, but why rush was was going to happen.

She walked up to the lawn, sighing heavily before walking past the driveway and towards the front door. There were no cars around so that must mean that their mother was at work. Which made things a bit easier.

She gulped loudly as she reached out a hand and balled it into a fist, ready to knock on the door. This had to happen, her dream and her mind told her this was going to happen.

She knocked three times. Hoping that no one was home.

She sighed in vein as she heard footsteps walking towards the door. She stiffened.

What was she supposed to say anyways?!

"Hello?" Sasuke answered as the door opened allowing him to see her fully. A blush was lightly on his cheeks from his last conversation with his brother. "Hinata, how are you, why are you at my house?" he remained calm, and tried to go a different direction then his normal 'go away' act.

She gulped yet again and stiffened more. "Sasuke." she managed to get out. "I'd like to give you." she was taking this as slowly as she could. "A chance."

That sounded so dumb.

"A chance?" he didn't quite get it.

Something in her mind clicked and suddenly she hugged him tightly. "Will you go out with me?" she muttered into his chest, not releasing from the hug.

It seemed like all was going right as he nodded and hugged her back lightly. A smile was on both of their faces