Disclaimer: No, I don't own HP. Believe me, I know it's sad.

A/N: Hey! I sat down to write this epilogue to the story, Anonymous Hero, with the intent that it would be fairly short, just summarizing the fates of some of our favorite characters. It turned out to be almost as long as a regular chapter (by this story's standards, anyway). So, for those who wanted more Dramione, I hope you like it!

Warning: Beware, lots of fluffiness because I'm such a romantic at heart…; )


"Draco, would you please help me?" She grunted with exertion. Draco turned the corner to see her and hurried up.

"Hermione, you can't do that. You're supposed to be resting!" He took the travel bags from her hands and struggled to find the key to their Muggle house while carrying four large bags.

"I'm perfectly fine!" glared Hermione defiantly.

Draco knew better than to start an argument with her now, "I never said you were, love." He walked around to her back, after getting them inside, and gently lifted his daughter from the baby carrier on Hermione's back. Her curly, white-blonde hair shone in the sunlight and she gurgled happily.

"Hello Vienna," He cooed as he lifted her to his chest and she laid her tiny head on his broad shoulders. Hermione smiled and reminded Draco that there were only a few hours before the Christmas Eve gathering at the Potters' house in which they had to get Vienna to settle down and unpack their bags. As if by magic, Vienna's breathing grew shallow as she fell asleep on her father's shoulder within moments. It was still beyond Hermione how Draco managed to make Vienna fall asleep so quickly. She took her year-old daughter and walked to the nursery down the hallway. After placing Vienna in her crib, Hermione walked into her bedroom where she found Draco looking at a photo album as various pieces of clothing sorted themselves out between the laundry hamper and the closets.

Hermione climbed onto the large, mahogany bed and crawled over to Draco, who immediately put his arms around her without closing the album. Hermione had looked through this leather-bound volume tirelessly so many times that she knew all of the moving pictures by heart. It was heartrending to look over them each time, however, as they clearly depicted the turmoil after Voldemort's final battle.

On the current page lay three pictures. The topmost nearly brought tears to Hermione's eyes. There she sat with Draco, cradling Vienna in her lap, surrounded by Harry, Ron, and many members of the Order in a cemetery where all of the veterans of the war were buried. She knew that among the numerous tombstones lay those of Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonagall, and Alastor Moody along with numerous bodies of her schoolmates who had courageously fought in Hogsmeade that evening.

The second photo was taken at St. Mungo's. It was of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The Golden Trio, Hermione thought, smiling slightly, Together always. She let out a giggle as she spotted the look of extreme disdain on Ron's face, most likely because of the sling on his arm and the cane he was forced to lean on while he recovered from his injuries. Harry was in the bed. He had been the last to leave the hospital, having suffered the most severe injuries. Still, he had managed to keep a large smile on his face and when Hermione looked closely, she could see the taped wrapped around his glasses, holding them together. At this sight, she giggled, remembering the first time she had ever met Harry, when she had insisted on repairing his glasses, much to his surprise. Draco looked at her lovingly and suddenly, Hermione let out a little yelp.

"What? What happened?" Draco looked alarmed. Hermione's hand flew to her protruding belly.

"Sorry. I just wasn't expecting it. He kicked, Draco," Hermione said softly, looking into her husband's eyes and smiling.

"That's my boy," Draco covered her hand with his, softly rubbing her stomach. "Just don't give your mother too much trouble there, mate. That's the woman I love right there." Hermione blushed and gave Draco a soft kiss before getting off of the bed.

"We have to get ready to go," Hermione said, walking into the closet. Draco got up and followed her. Not long afterwards, the couple had changed into semi-formal clothing and they had gotten Vienna ready to leave as well. Making sure to go to a part of the house with the windows drawn, the small family apparated together and ended up in a small alcove of trees and plants outside of the Potters' home. The lights were on inside as the sun began to set and they could hear voices chatting and laughing.

When Draco knocked on the door, a smiling Ginny, dressed, like Hermione, in a beautiful maternity dress, opened the door.

"Happy Christmas! Come inside before you catch your death of the cold out there. Harry! Draco, Hermione, and Vienna are here! Come say hello!" Ginny yelled, a mirror image of her mother. Harry came out of the kitchen into the entrance hall.

"Hey! Happy Christmas!" He gave Hermione a tight hug and shook Draco's hand. Then, upon seeing Vienna in Draco's arms, he smiled widely and took her from him. "Hey there, Vienna. Happy Christmas to you as well. It's Uncle Harry, remember me?"

With that, he carried her into the kitchen, speaking softly, obviously smitten with the little girl. As expected, there were shouts of "Vienna!" from the men in the kitchen and cries of "Aw!" from the women.

Ginny led the couple into the kitchen and everyone greeted them warmly. Hermione went around and hugged everyone while Draco shook hands firmly with the men and hugged the women. Ron, and then the twins, before finally Bill and Charlie greeted them, after which the men beckoned Draco to join them in the living room with a bottle of Firewhisky and the Wizarding Wireless to enjoy a quidditch game. He turned to Hermione and gave her a quick kiss and pat on her belly before striding over to the next room.

Hermione turned to the women. She found it amusing how she had gone to school with almost all of these women and it was odd that they had all happened to marry the Weasley brothers or their best friends. All around the kitchen, amid the amazing food and holiday decorations, were her closest friends. Sitting on the kitchen counter together sat Angelina, Fred's wife, and Alicia, George's wife. Leaning against the counter on the opposite side of the room was Fleur, Bill's wife. Ginny, Harry's wife, sat with Pansy, Ron's wife, and Chrystina, the only newcomer to the group, Charlie's wife at the table. For what seemed like hours, the women talked about everything possible. The latest robes, Hermione's vacation, the kids, the pregnancies, food…the list went on and on.

Before they knew it, the men had started to scuffle back into the kitchen, ready to stuff themselves with Ginny's delightful cooking. Hermione finally managed to get Harry to yield Vienna and everyone, Men, Women, and children sat down around the magically enhanced table.

Many different conversations went on during the meal. The entire time, Hermione couldn't help but feel very cheery. She considered that either Fred or George had put something in her drink but then she simply realized that she was happy because life was good. She was surrounded by the people she loved, her family and friends, and she no longer had to live in fear of a brutally evil man, thanks to those people around her.

After everyone had finished, many people were sitting around the table, simply chatting and Bill and Fleur were the first to leave, in order to get their toddler and baby into bed.

"Draco," Hermione nudged him. He turned to her.

"Yes, love?" He asked.

"I think Vienna's ready to go to bed," And, sure enough, Vienna's eyes were drooping and she suddenly dropped her head down on top of her mother's stomach.

"Oomph," Hermione gasped before laughing. Draco stood up and took Vienna in his arms.

"I think we'll head out for tonight, then," He announced.

"Alright, well, you two are coming back tomorrow to open presents right?" Ginny inquired.

"Of course," Hermione promised and she and Draco, after saying their goodbyes, went outside to apparate home. The first thing they did was put Vienna to bed, both kissing her softly on her round little cheeks.

Holding hands, the couple walked back to their bedroom and Draco pulled his wife close to him. He kissed her passionately as they entered the room and placed a locking charm on the door.

Yes, it was going to be a very happy Christmas Eve indeed.


A/N: Well, I hope that the little part at the end there didn't overstep the boundaries of a T rating but I really had to add it in there.

I told you it was fluffy. I mean, you could totally drown in the fluffiness right there. Hehehe.

Thanks again to reviewers because you're all totally amazing!!!!!!!!

Xx Snow

P.S. I was going to write an after word…but then I didn't know what to say so, I'll just say a bit here and then call it a day.

I loved writing this story, given that it had a few issues and I'd love to change a few things here and there, but I don't think I will. I'll leave it as is so one day I can come back and laugh at myself. Regardless, I thought the plot was a lot of fun to mess around with and it just solidified my dream to become a published author one day. So, look out for me k? Thanks again.

: D