The curtians opean and a spotlight shines on a stage. Someone steps into the spotight and glitter and confetti fall on the stage.
Kit: Hello my adoring public! Too long have I left you without my wonderful presents! But fear not, for I have returned!!
(crickets chirp and a tumble weed rolls by.)
Yoru: Oh just shut up Kit no one cares about you anyway.
Kangen: Yoru! Don't be so mean to Kit!
Kit: Yea Yoru! Be nice or else!
Yoru: Hn, or else what? Ya gonna nagg me to death?
Kit: Mess with me and I'll make a crazy rabid mary sue to chase after you.
Yoru: (twitch) Hn.
Kangen: ; heh heh
Kit: Anyway, incase you are wondering I am the formor nekocatkirara (now nekonokitsune) and I've changed my perfered nickname to Kit (though some people still call me neko-chan either one is fine with me)
Yoru: Oh gee we didn't notice.
Kit: And if you were wondering who Kangen and Yoru no Baka (Yoru: What'd you call me?!) are, they are my muses!!
Yoru: No, Kangen is your 'muse'.
Kit: Oh? And why are you here then.
Yoru: Hn.
Kit: (twitches) Yoru
Kangen: Now Kit we both know that Yoru is here for one reason and one reason only.
Kit: What, that no one else will put up with him? Or is it that he enjoys insulting me? Oh wait! I know, It's because he wants to annoy me into an early grave!!
Kangen: -.-; No
Kit: (sigh) What then?
Kangen: He loves us!!
Yoru: (blushes) NO I DON'T!! TAKE IT BACK!! (jumpson Kangen and trys to kill him)
Kit: o.o Yoru...Yoru just blushed...
Yoru: (blushes agin) NO I DIDN'T!! (turns around and keeps trying to kill Kangen)
Kit: O.O He did it agin...(faints)
Yoru and Kangen: Stop fighting and turn around to see Kit on the floor passed out
Yoru: Kit?
Kangen: I think she's dead.
Yoru: Kit!? Kit wake up! (picks up Kit and shakes her) Kit!!
Kit: (moans) Monkey wants my cinabun. (lol inside joke. I love you Katie!!)
Kangen: Oh, well maby she's (snicker) maby she's (snort) not (haha) dead after (snicker) all BUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!! (rolls on the ground laughing)
Yoru: -.-; (twitches and drops Kit)
Kit: is now sleeping
Kangen: (finally stopped laughing) Well since Kit is passed out (snicker) and Yoru is sulking, I'll get straight to the point. Kit is insanely bored and would like to ask all of you for ideas for some short storys and skits she could work on. Crossovers with inuyasha and non-cannon inuyasha parrings only please, Thankyou!
Yoru: You do know that most of that is on her profile right?
Kangen: Yes but als she needs to update that thing its old.
Yoru: Hn.
Kangen: Yes, well please respond soon!!