Disclaimer: I do not own Artemis Fowl. Song at the end: "We Close our Eyes" by Allister.

Here it is! The prequel to A Different Kind of Friendship. You don't necessarily need to have read that to understand, though. Basically, it's Holly and Artemis' thoughts and feelings about everything and each other after the Hybras adventure.

This story is a mixture of point of views, songs, diary entries, communicator calls, etc. Anything that comes to my mind and that I'm able to write. I don't know if anyone's ever done anything like this before…

The chapters are fairly short in this story, but that means that they'll be many of them!

Warning before the story starts: It's going to be Artemis/Holly. Don't say I didn't warn you!

1. Return From Hybras

Artemis Fowl's diary (encrypted)

I have returned but hours after saving an entire colony of fairies—the demons—only to find that I have been missing for three years. All this happened because of me. During the time tunnel, Holly was to think of the location, while my part was time. I can't believe this, but what's done is done. Everyone will just have to live with it, especially me.

When we arrived to Butler's new home, I couldn't believe it. He had grown a beard. Butler! Poor old friend, he looked so happy to see me, which made me feel even worse. I suppose he wanted me to rest, before I told him everything that has happened, so he started light-topic conversations. We talked about Minerva, or rather, he did. He says she has grown into a beautiful young lady. I believe she was already extremely attractive before. Tomorrow, Butler and I are going to Fowl Manor and she will be there too. I can't wait to see her. She will be around the same age as me now, although I am chronologically eighteen years old.

There is also another strange thing. I'm a big brother! Who would have thought that Artemis Fowl, genius and former criminal mastermind would have twin brothers? I have no idea about how to react when I see them tomorrow. Or Mother and Father. What will they think of me? What will I tell them? I cannot risk telling them about the People, however Butler has already done so.

Finally, today, before leaving, Holly kissed me on the cheek. I have to admit that I liked that, but Holly of all people! Why had she done that? I can't stop replaying that scene in my head now… No, I have to stop thinking about it. It was probably the joy of being back again. I cannot say if it was normal or not, seeing as I don't usually socialize, therefore I do not know if kissing your friend is normal. Then again, I wouldn't call Holly "normal"...

Holly's Top Secret Diary: Private!

Dear Diary,

Long time no write! I've been gone without knowing it for three whole years. That's right. I had saved the world once again, with the help with Artemis Fowl, but that so-called genius had brought us back three years late! It wasn't his fault though. I probably would have done the same. I wonder what's going to happen to Fowl and his family.

Oh yes, and Dear Diary? I have a confession to make. I… kissed Artemis Fowl the Second. Well, on the cheek, anyway. And he's a MUDBOY! DO YOU HEAR ME??? But I couldn't help it! I don't know what got over me. I mean, we are friends, right? So that's totally normal. I think.

When I got back underground with Foaly and everyone from Hybras, everyone squashed me in giant bear hugs! It made me real happy, even if I don't like hugs that much. Everyone's changed so much! Everyone but me… Though in a way, I've changed, and they've stayed the same. Foaly is always as smug, Trouble the macho-fairy, Mulch the "humorous" dwarf he is—and you know what? Doodah Day is in our Private Investigation Business! —and Chix was still trying to flirt with me when I got back… Frond, did he ever fall on the ground.

Can't wait to spend the day with everyone tomorrow! They all decided to take the day off to be with me, which is really sweet of them!

we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream
another year has come and gone
we close our eyes and the world has turned around again
we close our eyes and dream

Hoped you all like this! Be nice and review, pretty please?

Have a wonderful day!