Gabi's P.O.V

"Gabi, Gabi hurry up or you'll miss your bus!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Coming Ma" I glanced at my radio clock on my nightstand and it read 7:12. I picked up my book bag and rushed down to the kitchen. I picked up an apple, kissed my mom goodbye and rushed outside to the sidewalk. It was a lovely Tuesday morning and the sun was shining brightly over the clear sky. As I neared the bus stop I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Gabs, Gabriella wait up!" I turned around to see the one and only Troy Bolton running down the sidewalk. I stopped so he could catch up on me. By the time he reached me he was panting for air.

"Morning Troy" I said.

"Mor..ning..Gabs." He choked out

"What's up with you? You look like you've ran around the country." I giggled.

"I was trying to run away from Jessica and her friends. Man, who ever knew those girls could ran this fast?"

Jessica is the head cheerleader and her friends are all in the cheerleading squad. All girls in the team have a crush on Troy, not to mention many other girls at school. I guess they like him because he's good looking and is the captain of the basketball team. I like him because he's kind, caring, sensitive, cute and good looking, and is a really great guy. Thats right. I have a crush, more likely in LOVE with my best friend Troy Bolton. If only he knew that...

"Well these girls practice everyday and really are fit. So no wonder they're fast." I answered his question.

Troy gave me a what-side-are-you-on look. I laughed at his reaction and we both headed to the bus stop. I heard some giggling behind me and turned around to see Jessica heading towards us.

"Hi Troy" She said flirteously (sp?)

"Hey" He answered with a fake smile. Gosh, can't these girls ever give up! I thought angrily.

The small yellow school bus came to a stop and we all headed inside. As i got in, I saw Jessica already sitting at the back with her best friend Amanda behind her.

"Hey Troy, over here. I saved you a seat" Jessica said while patting the empty seat next to her.

"Umm..thanks thanks" replied Troy and took a seat next to me at the front.

"Those girls are really starting to piss me off." said Troy.

"Oh, never mind them. They only want you because of ur popularity" I replied. Troy flashed me his famous smile that always makes my heart beat ten times faster. I turned my head around and saw Amanda sitting next to Jessica, both girls giving me death glares.

"Oh great" I muttered under my breath as I faced the front again.

"Whats wrong?" asked Troy. "Oh nothing big. Just the fact that every single cheerleader -not to metion some other girls- hate my guts." Troy laughed and said " Oh, never mind them, Gabi. Their only jealouse that I'm spending time with you instead of them." I smiled up at him and turned to face the window. I looked out as we reached our beloved school, East High. We got out of the bus and saw our best friends, Sharpay Evans and her twin brother Ryan Evans, Zeke Baylor, Jason Cross, Kelsi Neilson, Taylor Mckessie, and Chad Danforth. Kelsi, Taylor, and Chad use another bus while Sharpay and Ryan have their driver take them to school. Zeke and Jason walk to school since they live near by.

"Hey guys" Troy and I greeted them. "Hey" they all greeted back. We got into the school and headed for our lockers. Taylor's locker is next to mine so we walk together.

" are things between you and Troy?" she asked as I arranged my books I need for first period.

"Whats things?" I asked dumbly.

"You know exactly what thing I mean."

"Tay, seriously, I have no idea what your talking about"

"Augh Gabi! Just admit it." Before I could answer I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around. I turned and came face to face with Jessica and Amanda and a couple of cheerleaders behind them.

"Listen to me you geek. Troy Bolton is taken so dont you even think about sucking up to him. We all know that he's just using you to get better marks so that he could stay on the basketball team. So stay out of his way or else" Jessica said harshly.

"Jessica, in case you havnt noticed, Troy Bolton is NOT dating you and will never date you." Taylor answered harshly and earned herself one of Jessica's death glares

"Yea, and who said anything about me sucking up to him or that he's using me to get good grades?" I said calmer than Taylor. "Listen Jessica, Troy and I are just good friends, nothing more" I said but deep down inside im desperately wishing we were.

"It better be that way Montez, or else" she puffed and walked away with the other girls behind.

"That girl is such an asshole. How could you be so calm Gabi?" exclaimed Taylor. I just shrugged and walked off to homeroom as the bell rang. I walked in and saw Troy talking to Zeke, Jason and Chad. He waved at me and I waved back. I took my seat at the back as Ms.Darbus came in. "All right everyone, off to your seats. I have a very important announcement to make" she said as eveyone else to their seats.

A/N: So what do you think? This is my first fan fic so im still trying to understand all the rules around here. Some of u might think this story is kinda lame so plzz review and tell me what u think and if i should continue!

zanessahugefan xoxo