A/N: Last chapter folks! To those of you who were with me through the whole thing: thanks! I greatly appreciate your support! So, I am going to write Danny's pov of this story as some of you requested. That's going to be a separate story though. In other words, it's not going to be added on to this one! So stay posted because I still have to think up a title for it! Anyway, tomorrow I'm leaving for vacation so I won't be on for a few days. I'll start Danny's pov when I get back. Also, I left this story on a sort of cliff hanger. Sorry, but I just had to. If you want a sequel (though I have no idea how I would continue this) say so. Though, it's probably best if I leave this story as is. But whatever. Anyway, please read and review!

Rewritten Perspectives

I stood on top of the highest building and glared at the sky. "Okay, Danny! I know you're listening to me! I want to say I'm sorry! I really am. I suck and I know and understand that now! I'm sorry that I suck and I'm sorry that I've ruined everything! I tried and then I failed and because I did I gave up and did what I wanted! I know that was wrong of me! So please, I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm asking for understanding. I'm asking that you write the last chapter for me! End the story so we can switch places! End it so this can be fixed!"


I take off again and fling myself back into the sky. I go as fast as I can. I'm a cold bullet piercing the sky. I'm a knife slicing the air, cutting it. I'm a fanfiction writer tearing this world apart. I don't belong here. But I don't know how to get back. I helped make this place yet I don't know what I've made. I don't know what I have created.

People often warn inventors to beware what they create for it might eventually become more than they can handle. Funny how I didn't understand that before.

But as I fly through the chilly sky I come to terms with that. I created my own prison. I wrote myself into a story I should never have entered. But I did. Sure I did it without knowing, but I did nonetheless. I just trapped myself into a world of my creating and trapped someone else in the world I just left. Ironic, no?

I go back home as the sun sets and land in my room. I don't bother changing back. I just lie there and stare at the ceiling. I look at its cracks and burn marks. It's weird. The ceiling has so many breaks yet it keeps the rain and wind and other elements off me. It holds it all on its back and stares down at me. It has long accepted its burden.

I haven't though. I never really did. I hated responsibility and more often than not shirked it if I didn't like what I had to do. Kind of what I should be doing right now. I should go and talk to Danny's family, set things straight. I should go out and protect the city. It's my duty now. I should clean this room, get dinner, and make up for my stupidity.

You should. Now get to it, my inner voice urges.

And for the first time I didn't argue.

I walk downstairs and see the family sitting on the couches. They're talking in low whispers, probably about me, the troublesome youngest child. I make a slight coughing sound and they look up. Relief, confusion, fear, love, and other emotions flash across their faces. Regret rips at me.

"I'm sorry… for everything. Can you make room for one more?" I ask.

They make room. I sit down and rub my face. I'm so tired. I'm tired and I'm hungry. I should have gone into the kitchen to grab dinner before coming in here. " 'kay. A lot's happened," I begin. "What can we do about it?" And thus my Mary Sue'ish conversation with my parents begins. Somebody erase me now.

Four hours later it's ten o'clock at night. New ground rules have been laid and my parents don't hate me. All is well with the world. Sort of… I'm going to fight ghosts now.

I head out the door and jump into the cold night air. My ghost sense goes off a minute later. I turn around and come face to face with the Ghostwriter.

"Should I bother to ask why you're here?" I ask.

"No, Andrea. You already do," he says.

"You're not going to start that rhyming thing are you?" I ask before he can continue. My head is in my hand and I'm sitting cross legged in the air.

"Does it sound like I am? Now are you going to listen respectfully or do you wish to stay here longer?" he asks with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Go ahead," I say.

"I am afraid you must leave soon," wow, who would be afraid of seeing me leave, "but before you go you have one final test." Test? Ew. Wasn't this place test enough?

"What test?" I sigh, resigned to my fate of forever being challenged.

He hands me a book and a pen. "You must write your own ending."

I take the book and the pen. The book is gold leafed. The cover is black and silver. The spine reads in green ink 'Flip Flops'. The pen is black. I open the book to the last page. Words were writing themselves onto the page. When one page was full another appeared behind it. Then the words continued their frantic dance down the page.

I tap the page with the pen and the words stop. They leave off on the words, "She tapped the page with the pen." I hesitate before writing. I'm not sure how I should end this story. Then I realized that I already knew the perfect ending! I put the pen to the paper and the world vanished.

I was standing in the middle of a black void. The only other person with me was Danny in his ghost form. I promised myself that I wouldn't do anything stupid, that he wouldn't hate me before this was over, and I would get another hug from him… and a single strand of his hair… just one strand… that was all. I sighed. After all I had been through I was still a phangirl at heart. Some things will never change.

Danny looked around. His curious green eyes looking every where but at me. It was kind of painful to have him ignore but I deserved it. I had been a jerk to him and his family. This was just my reward for being a moron.

"Danny?" I said hesitantly. He didn't show any signs of having heard me. "This is almost the end of the story. I just have a few things to say before I write 'The End'. One, I'm sorry. I was a jerk and you have every right to be angry. I won't ask your forgiveness. I only ask that you will forget me because I don't want you to remember me poorly. I would rather have you not remember me at all. Two, you will never see me again after this and I will never see you… well, I'll see you on the tv screen and on the computer but that's about it. C'est la vie. Three, you probably already know this but your parents know your secret now. Sorry I wasn't more careful. I explained everything through a song and dance routine. I hope you found that somewhat entertaining. Fourth, lastly, I want to say good-bye and I hope everything goes well for you." With that I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I said I would, didn't I? And despite the fact that he hated me I still enjoyed every second of it.

After two seconds I let go. He still hadn't said anything. His silence, more than anything, scared me.

"Well, good-bye," I said as I walked around him, back to my home, my real home. "And I'm sorry I hurt you." I was running now, more to get away from my mistakes than to get away from him.

"Andrea! Wait!" I heard him yell behind me. But it was too late.

In my mind I watched the words 'the end' appear on the page. Then the black void was gone as was Danny.

I woke up in my room, my real room. I woke up in my body, my girl body. I woke up. I rolled over. I cried. I cried for a solid five minutes. Then I got bored and decided to do something else.

I sat up and looked around. It was nice to see familiar surroundings again. I was happy to be back where I belonged. But I felt as if something was missing.

I looked down at my hands. Something was…

"What the…"

Around my wrist was a pearly white, glowing strand of hair! "How did that get there?"

I don't remember getting one off of him. So how did I get it?

After several minutes of pondering this I shrugged and grabbed my laptop. I turned it on and got on the internet. I probably had a ton of reviews to respond to. I should get on that now since it was 8:22 and my parents would be checking up on me soon.

And sure enough there were thirty replies and alerts to new chapters added to my fellow fanfic writers' alerted stories. I immediately started going through the huge pile of stuff.

When I was done I opened Word and worked on my fanfiction. I posted five chapters, apologized profusely for not updating for several days, and then… stared at nothing. I still couldn't believe all of that had happened. It felt so surreal.

I looked at the hair tied around my wrist. Where had it come from?

I looked back at my laptop's screen and saw…

"What is going on here?!" I yelled as I watched one of my newer fanfics begin to write itself! Or was it…

"Dear Andrea,

I hope this finds you. Ghostwriter says that it will but who knows.

I just want to say that I accept your apology and want to offer one of my own. I'm sorry that I hurt you too. What happened was pretty weird. I shouldn't have expected you to handle it perfectly… I mean, you never dealt with anything like this before. So, why should you get it perfect?

I also want to say thanks. Thanks for lifting my grades up a little bit, telling my parents everything (I can't believe that I'm thanking you for that, but it actually made things easier on me!), and for getting me with Sam. See, you didn't ruin everything!

So, sorry and thank you. I hope you don't hate me for not saying anything in the void.

Truly yours,

Danny Fenton/Phantom

P.S. You're probably wondering where the hair came from. Well, let's just say that our worlds aren't as separate as we thought…