Okay, before another chapter is uploaded, I'm going to have to take some time and edit the entire story. I've gotten lots of reviews of people putting down my story because I ended up forgetting something or nothing makes sense. Not only that, but I have had a few ideas I wanted to run by before I upload again. I'm not sure if I will include the whole Half-Blood Prince or Horcruxes ideas or not.

Also, I wanted to see if any of you guys would like to help me out in editing. I will only take one person and that person needs to help me figure out where I went wrong (if I haven't already found it). I need to clean up this story before it continues. I'm tired of seeing reviews where people tell me where I went wrong. Not that I horribly mind being told where I went wrong, but after awhile, it gets annoying.

So, I shall obey your wishes and make this story make sense. I am sorry for putting this on hiatus (I truly love the story) but this needs to be done. If you are interested in editing with me, please send me a PM. I need someone reliable and willing to help me out.

Thanks so much for your support! I love you all so much! And we're past 500 reviews!