Blood Brothers

Written by ChristinaLupin01442

A/N: I'm back! I guess I couldn't go for long without writing a Harry Potter fanfic. Haha. My novel is doing very well, if you guys were wondering. It's actually a series now. Anyway. Blood Brothers is a story that starts out with the Marauders (only one chappie for them) and continues with Harry's fifth year. I may have some original characters in here… I don't know yet.

2nd A/N: This chapter has now been edited by the lovely .! Please help me in thanking her for taking on the task of helping me to make the story flow better. *hugs beta*

Prologue: The Bonding Ceremony

"Is it almost done yet?" a boy with shoulder-length black hair asked impatiently.

"Shh, Sirius! He needs to concentrate, you bloody idiot!" another dark-haired boy answered.

"I can't concentrate if you two keep quarreling like an old married couple!"

The two arguing boys glared at their friend, who was sitting beside a black cauldron. A wooden spoon stirred the contents within.

"That's just mean, Remmie."

"Yeah, very cruel."

The fourth boy, a lot smaller and rounder than the three, gave a loud groan. "I swear by Merlin, James and Sirius, you two must have been twins in another life!"

Everyone turned their attention to him, looking very shocked at the boy's outburst. He turned beet red and didn't meet their gazes, choosing instead to stare at the stone floor. The boy who was brewing, "Remmie", pulled the wooden spoon from the mixture.

James rubbed his hands together nervously. He glanced down at the textbook on his knees, "Okay. It says that each of us needs to give one drop of our blood and a strand of hair. We add it to the mixture, pour four equal amounts into cups, drink, and invoke the words written down… which look like long freaking Latin sentences!"

Remus rolled his eyes and pulled out his wand. "I'll go first." He muttered a spell under his breath and a cut appeared on his pale flesh. The boy raised his arm over the cauldron and squeezed one drop of his blood into the bubbling liquid. Then he pulled one tawny hair from his head and added that in too. The other three boys followed after him in age order.

The mixture had turned a very deep red with an amber swirl. It ceased to bubble. Remus dipped four gold goblets into the cauldron and filled them halfway before passing them around.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" the small boy asked, glancing around nervously at his friends. "I mean… it could be dangerous…"

"We all decided it would be a good idea, Wormtail. We are a family, regardless of blood or name. Now we can certify that we are family in everything." With that being said, James Potter downed the potion, wincing at the taste he barely managed to swallow it whole.

James looked to the pages to find the incantation. Instead of a long string of Latin, he found the words were written in Latin. He blinked. "How weird…"

"What was that, Jamesie?" Sirius asked.

"Nothing." He reached out his hands, offering one to Remus and the other to Sirius. The four boys joined hands and closed their eyes, the words flowing out of their mouths as if they knew them by heart.

"Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, I hereby bind myself to my brothers. We swear to bring forth undying loyalty. Any child we father will be bound to my brothers." The four continued their words, not noticing the soft white light that encased them. The light then joined together over the cauldron, forcing the leftover mixture to boil and hiss. By now, the boys had stopped talking. They were frozen in their spots, eyes still closed, hands still clasped together. Finally, the light vanished back into the boys. Each of them took in a sharp breath and opened their eyes. The liquid inside the cauldron had at last calmed down, and turned a dark shade of green.

"Wow," whispered Peter as he let go of Remus and Sirius' hands. "That was intense."

"How do we know if it worked?" Sirius asked.

James conjured a piece of parchment with his wand and smeared his blood on the paper. He then muttered something under his breath and words scrawled over the paper. Remus, Sirius, and Peter looked down and gasped. Written in his scarlet red blood were the words James Cameron Potter-Pettigrew-Lupin-Black.

"That's gonna be a mouthful," whispered Sirius, his eyes wide. He then smirked. "I wonder how my dear Mum will react if they see this on the tapestries."

Remus hit his forehead with his palm. "I forgot about that!" He looked to his friends. "We need to find a way to disguise this from everyone. No one can find out we did this."

"Blood Magic is considered illegal and we could go to Azkaban for it," continued James. He sighed. "Okay. I think we can do this." He smiled. "Right, brothers?" The three nodded.

End of Prologue

A/N: Short but to the point. Sorry if the words were a little corny or whatever. I couldn't think of anything else to put down. Anyway… I will shut up, post this, and write the first chapter.