Chapter 4: First Day of Training

"Wake up, you pipsqueak! Why are you still asleep?!"

A loud voice boomed throughout the Tirara's new room. The purple tadpole woke up from her rest, she groggily covered her ears with her hands at the shrieking voice from the speaker in her room. Man, my head's ringing.

Tirara groaned as she rose up from her bed, rubbing her eyes.

As she did, the annoying, bratty voice shouted again through the speakers in her room, "I said wake up! Lieutenant Garuru doesn't like slackers and you don't want to see him angry! And that would be a bad scene! Get a move on!!"

Tirara growled softly, then forcefully stood up on her feet to wake herself up. "When I find that person who..." She growled, but then she realized something as she widened her eyes. "Oh no! I overslept!" She quickly raced out of her room and ran down the hallway to where she was suppose to be.


Lieutenant Garuru, Private First Class Taruru, Recruit Tororo, Lance Corporal Zoruru, and Chief Medic Pururu were all present in the bridge of the ship until Tirara appeared through the door and stood beside Tororo, panting slightly after running through the halls.

"You're late, slacker!" Tororo hissed, glaring at Tirara through his glasses.

Tirara heard his voice, then she realized that Tororo was the one who woke her up through the speakers. She glared back at him.

Garuru glanced briefly at Tororo and scolded firmly, "Tororo."

The red Keronian stiffened for a moment, then faced towards Garuru and kept silent.

Garuru briefly glanced at each Keronian present in front of him before he announced, "Everyone seems to be present. As we all know the Keroro Platoon has done nothing but accomplish chores under the security of the Pekopons in the house residence. But we still have to wary, they might be undergoing some plan that we do not about. As the same as our last mission, we will scout the area any signs of activity."

"Sir!!" Everyone saluted, including Tirara shortly afterwards.

Pururu and Tororo had already disappeared into the hallways to begin scouting whilst Zoruru simply vanished into thin air, leaving Garuru with Taruru and Tirara. The Lieuntenant turned back to Taruru and Tirara and called cooly,"Taruru."

The blue Keronian saluted and answered, "Sir."

Garuru ordered, "Train Private Tirara. Be sure to teach her everything she needs to know. We don't want any recruits new trailing behind."

"Yes, sir!" Taruru responded, as he saluted again.

Taruru smiled to Tirara, "Isn't this great, Tirara-san? You're gonna be under my wing for now!"

"Uh, yeah, that is exciting." Tirara replied, as she sweatdropped a little. She knew she felt uneasy about this.

"Let's get started!" Taruru exclaimed, before he grabbed Tirara's hand and dragged her into the hallway towards the room where she can begin her training.


In the training room, Taruru handed Tirara a rifle-like gun and the purple tadpole felt a little uneasy about holding a weapon. The blue Keronian then pointed to the target that was on the other side of the training room for Tirara to practice the weaponry.

Tirara slowly walked up to the spot where she has to take her shot and carefully aimed her projectile while trying to take aim directly at the bull's eye. She pulled the trigger and a large, green ray shot out from the rifle towards the target and blasted it, but the force of the shot launched the purple tadpole backwards toward the wall and she screamed out.

Taruru could only watch as Tirara soared by him and winced by the sound of a loud crash. He looked to see Tirara in a small crater on the wall, her back in the stone as her face plastered clearly with dizziness.


Outside, two, small hovercrafts were soaring slowly through the air in the open sky above Tokyo, but one of them halted in place, then started moving again until it stopped again, but glided backwards. On his hovercraft, Taruru could only watch as Tirara was trying to operate her hovercraft and was teaching her how to drive her hovercraft by telling her when to pull the brakes and push the controls forward. Luckily, they had their anti-barriers on so they won't be spotted by any Pekopons.

"Stop, stop!" Taruru said to Tirara, as the purple tadpole halted her new hovercraft.

Tirara then pushed the control sticks a bit to make the craft go in a slow pace again.

Taruru instructed softly, "Slow, slow..." He then noticed that Tirara was steering the hovercraft over to the houses and was about to crash into one of them.

"STOP!!" Taruru yelled out quickly.

Tirara shrieked and halted her hovercraft again, stopping her transportation mere inches from the house she was close to. She began to move her hovercraft away from the house as slow as possible.

Taruru sighed. "Slow...slow...Watch out! Watch out for the pole!!" He called out, before Tirara once again stopped the hovercraft in place before it almost hit a light pole. She slowly directing it back into the air.

The blue Keronian sighed and instructed Tirara again, "Slow...slow..." He knew it might take a while for Tirara to adjust to her hovercraft...

Hours later of relentless training...

Inside the ship, Taruru stood in front of an exhausted Tirara and sighed, "Well, I taught you all the things a Keronian needs to know and do. I hope that would refresh your memory."

"Uh...yeah. It's all...coming back to" Tirara said sheepishly between her panting.

Taruru added, "But I still have training for you. After all, I'm in charge to make sure you know everything."

Tirara wheezed with fatigue and desperation, "I need a break...please! I feel my legs beginning to crash."

Taruru replied simply, "...Yeah, we can take a break...right after we do more training until you get it, learn how to avoid a Nyororo and blast a target without flinching, and..." As Taruru continued on, Tirara's left eye twitched once before she collasped to the floor from exhaustion, while the blue Keronian babbled on what to do with her next for her train up to the level he is in..

Later that night...

"Everyone! I've finished dinner! It's ready!" Pururu announced cheerfully, walking to her comrades as they were busy with other things for the rest of the day.

Tororo sighed, before racing towards the kitchen, "Finally! Took you long enough."

"At last!" Taruru cheered, he began making his way towards the kitchen with Tirara close behind.

In one of the rooms inside the ship, Taruru, Pururu, Tororo, and Tirara started chowing and eating their dinner, despite the abscences of Garuru and Zeroro who had other things to attend. As Tirara ate, she reached for another patch of space mushrooms, but Tororo greedily snatched the batch before Tirara could get a chance to grab it. The red Keronian smugly devoured the fruit, secretly sneering at Tirara.

Tirara glared at Tororo for a moment, then sighed and resumed eating her dinner like the others.

After dinner, the Garuru Platoon went to a bathroom and brushed their teeth altogether to clean off the dangerous bacteria from taking over their teeth. Afterwards, they went off to their separate rooms for a night's rest, saying their good-nights to their fellow teammates.

Tirara went to her room alone and the door slided closed behind her once she walked in to rest after a full day of training. Maybe I'll have to get use to being a Keronian.