Fate/Stay Night Drabbles

Section 1- Saber and Shiro Possible ShiroSaber based on interpretation

1. Table Tennis

Shiro thought Saber would be bored at home, so one day he came home with a table tennis ball and 2 table tennis racket, as well as a table for playing table tennis.

So Shiro proceeded to explaining the rules of the game, and they played one game.

At first, Saber could not control the racket and the ball, many a times, the ball hit Shiro's face. Then, she got it right, the ball flew too fast and it went into Shiro's mouth, eventually, his stomach.

Shiro told Saber, "Maybe you should play against the wall."

Saber nodded in agreement.

2. Reserved Popcorn

Shiro and Saber were at the cinema. They arrived punctually for the show. However, Saber became hungry at this point, so Shiro bought 5 large-sized servings of salted popcorn.

They were nearly late for the show due to the time for the popcorn to be filled, and Saber hurried him. With 5 servings of popcorn, it was no wonder that he missed a step and fell.

All the popcorn was strewn over the floor.

"Maybe they could put all the popcorn in one big container for us to eat," Saber said.

"Labelled: Reserved," Shiro added.

They laughed at the thought.

3. A Game of Chinese Chess

It is not known, but since some day, Shiro's house was strewn with Chinese Chess books. By observing a game that Shiro and Saber play against each other, it will be apparent who read the books.

Both of them were immersed in their thoughts at the game. However, it is one-sided, and soon Saber declared, "Checkmate."

Shiro immediately turned to me and said, "It is rather unfair. Although both of us read the books, I have to use my brains on schoolwork everyday."

What did Saber say? "Anyone who does not use his mind often does not have an advantage."

4. Something to Think About I

It goes without saying that being a person from the medieval ages, Saber, is clueless about the technologies of today, especially computers.

She has already messed up Shiro's laptop countless of times.

One day, she watched on television about robots. Just when the show ended, Shiro returned home.

"What were you watching?" Shiro asked.

"Robots. However, something bothers me."


"What if one day, they dominate the world and overthrow the humans?"

"That kinds of remind me of your case, Saber."

"Your views?"

"Something to think of, although the answer is obvious."

"The answer?" Saber inquired again.


"You're right."

5. Something to Think About II

And then, suddenly, Shiro, realising that Saber is clueless about computers, said, "Saber. Think of it the other way. Maybe, that time, they have powerful weapons to deal with renegade robots? Or maybe they can terminate electricity? Or programme the robots correctly? The possibilities are endless."

"Shiro, think of it another way. Maybe, they use the weapons against us. Maybe, they take away food and water. Maybe, the programmes are adaptive. Only time will tell," Saber was still apprehensive.

"In this case, if your country had such people, what would you do? Kill them all?"

Saber said, "Good point, Shiro."