"Since I've realized what you've done Ronald I've wanted nothing more than to kick…your…ass. Now that I have that opportunity to do so you aren't even worth the effort, my time, or my breath. You are the worst friend I've ever had and for that you are to never EVER come near me again. You are a waste of space and I want nothing more to do with you." And as a final ovation she spit right in his face.

Hermione whipped around and walked right back up toward the Heads Dorms without a backwards glance.

Draco was dumbfounded. The crowd slowly started to depart, bored with the scene that only a few seconds ago was full of life. The only people left in the corridor now were Draco, Harry, and Ron still in a full body bind from Draco.

Harry was still staring down at Ron in disbelief. There was an awkward silence as Harry looked up and realized Draco was still there.

"Malfoy." He stated simply.

"Potter." He countered.

"What happened? You must have followed her down here from the Head's quarters."

Malfoy looked down in contempt at Ron.

"Well I was doing rounds last night and I found Hermione wandering the corridors piss drunk, or at least that's what I thought. I brought her back to the room and she passed out. Then this morning she couldn't remember anything, she said she only had one drink. Where did she come from last night?"

"Gryffindor party. Celebration for our win against Hufflepuff. I remember seeing her that night, she really did only have one firewhiskey, Ron brought it to her…then she disappeared. I assumed she went to bed."

"Well this morning she didn't remember anything except Ron handing her the drink and taking an awfully long time to get it to her. She said the last thing he told her was to "drink up"."

Draco walked over to Ron's still form, his eyes were moving around furiously.

"You sicken me." Draco kicked Ron in the side.

He was surprised when he found Harry's hands not holding him back. When Draco turned he saw that Harry was still standing in the same spot looking unsure of how to act.

"You know he tried to take advantage of her." Draco said with a casualty that he did not feel.

Harry looked over and nodded.

"What should we do with him?" Draco asked.

There was a silence and a strange unity passing through the two of them. Neither liked it, but what else was there to do when confronting an attempted rapist, friend or foe.

"I say we leave him like that for at least a day…what do you say we throw him in the Room of Requirement for awhile? See how he likes being forced to do something against his will."

Surprisingly Draco liked Potter's idea immensely and he nodded in agreement.

Draco used his wand to levitate Ron and the three headed down the corridor and up a landing until they were facing the wall of the Room of Requirement.

Draco paced back and forth and thought hard, and a door appeared. They both opened it.

Harry peered inside and found a small dark room with nothing in it.

"There's nothing in it."

"Exactly." Draco said his signature cruel voice.

Draco levitated him in taking care to bang Ron's head on the threshold.

"Have fun." Draco spat.

"Consider us no longer friends Ron." Harry said as he shut the door and it dissolved behind the two.

"We'll give him 24 hours." Draco said and began to walk away and back towards the Head's dorms.

"Um Malfoy?" He heard harry ask. Draco stopped but did not turn. "Will you make sure Hermione knows I'm sorry, that I had no idea. And that I'm here if she needs me?"

"Sure Potter."

With those parting words, Draco headed back to the dorms. He hopped to find Hermione there and he would ask if she needed to talk. What would have normally been a funny night ended rather abruptly. He hoped he could talk to her though. Show that he cared at least that no one touched her against her will.

He even maybe considered that he could get her to talk about what she had said the night before. About him being cute and all. It didn't have to go anywhere, but it might be a start.