Disclaimer: Saban owns the Rangers

Disclaimer: Saban owns the Rangers. I am making no money off this. If I were, I wouldn't be depressed that the summer is half over and I am about to have to go back to work.

Author's Note: Except for the prologue this story takes place after the power transfer. For the purpose of this story, please pretend that Kim was not in the Turbo movie. I rate this fic a PG-13. There is nothing graphic but I prefer to be safe than sorry.

The Choices She Makes
by: Jennifer Hart

Kimberly wiped a tear from her eye as she dropped the letter into the mail chute. She was glad she wouldn't be there to see Tommy's face when he read the words she had spent all afternoon and evening putting down on paper. "I'm sorry, Tommy. I wish there could be some other way but this is the only way I can be really fair to you. Maybe one day you'll forgive me."

She stepped back into her hotel room and immediately checked the space formed by the four pillows strategically placed on the spare bed. The blue clad bundle hadn't moved in the time it had taken her to mail the letter that would irrevocably end any chance of she and Tommy being together.

The infant let out a whimper of displeasure. With a sigh, Kim carefully scooped the baby up in her arms and held him close. "Shh, it'll be okay, Drew." She reached for the bottle she had left on the night stand and gently teased his lips with it until he latched on contentedly.

"It's not fair, is it? You have no idea what kind of trouble your birth has stirred up. You aren't to blame, though. You just want to be loved and cared for. I don't know anything about being a mom but I promise you I'll do my best. I don't have any other choice in the matter. You and I are all the other has left in the world now."

"Not necessarily."

Kim whirled around, fear in her eyes. "Trent, what...? How...?"

"I went by the clinic and Dr. Myers told me you left sometime in the middle of the night. I knew you couldn't get far so I started searching the hotels. Kimber, you shouldn't have left. I told you last week that we would work something out together. You aren't in this alone. Raising a baby is tough enough when there are two people to love and care for the child; to do it alone is even worse. You shouldn't have to face it alone."

"Why should you have to give up everything? That is exactly why I just broke up with Tommy. Because of this baby, my life, my dreams are gone forever. It's my choice to do that but I can't ask anyone else to do the same. It's not your problem."

"The Hell it isn't, Kim. You may have delivered Drew and promised to raise him but he's part of me. He's family. I can't turn my back on him. I owe it to him to be there for him no matter what the sacrifice."

Tears coursed her cheeks and the hand holding the bottle was trembling. "This isn't fair. This shouldn't be happening."

"You're right, it shouldn't. And it's my fault that it is. I have to do this to make up for my part in all this. I know you don't love me. Your heart belongs to Tommy, no matter what you said in order to break up with him. After what I did, I don't even know if we can be friends. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me as much as I hate myself."

"I don't hate you, Trent. I never should have told you I did last week. You didn't know any of this would happen."

"Thank you for that." Trent's voice was thick with emotion. "I want to help you raise Drew. I'm not expecting anything more from you than for you to allow me to do that. He's the only family I have left."

Removing the nipple from the baby's mouth, Kim set the bottle aside and wiped away the tears that poured from her cheeks. She repositioned the baby to her shoulder to burp him but the action sent a twinge of pain across her abdomen, especially around her stitches. Trent saw her wince and took Drew from her and raised him to his shoulder.

"Both of you should still be at the clinic. You haven't healed yet. Like it or not, you need me. I can promise you I won't betray you again. Will you trust me?"

Kim picked up one of the pillows and hugged it to her body. She thought of Tommy and how much she loved him. She had dreamed of becoming his wife and the mother of his children. How could things have gone so differently from that?

"You're right. You deserve to be a part of Drew's life. I have no right to deny you that." She took a deep breath. "Like it or not. I can't do this alone. I do need help."

Trent supported the tiny infant with one arm and caressed her cheek softly with the other. "Thank you, Kim. I promise you, Angel, I won't give you any reason to regret this."

Chapter One

Two years later

Tommy Oliver pulled his car into the pit area that had been assigned to him. He frowned. He knew his timing was way off again today. He even knew why it was off. But unfortunately, he didn't know the most important thing: what to do about it.

Climbing out of the car, Tommy tossed his helmet onto a bench and picked up his duffel bag. He rummaged through the bag and pulled out a picture and a well worn letter. The picture had been taken almost three years ago, right before Kim had left Angel Grove for Florida; nine months before he had received the now well worn letter in his hand.

"Why, Kim? Why did you send a letter? Why couldn't you at least come home and talk to me about it. It still would have hurt but I would have let you go. I only want you to be happy."

"Hey, Oliver, you've got company."

He stuffed the photograph and letter back into his bag and turned excitedly, half expecting to miraculously see Kimberly Hart standing there. He frowned when he instead found Rocky DeSantos and Jason Scott standing there. Just as quickly, he covered up his disappointment and enthusiastically greeted his two friends.

"Jase, Rocko, what are you two doing here?"

Jason smiled. "This has been the closest you've been to Angel Grove since the circuit started. We didn't want to miss seeing you race."

"Not to mention, we want to take every opportunity we can to convince you to buy into Red Dragon Dojo. We even kept you in mind when we named it so it would fit you too." Rocky looked around innocently. The three former rangers understood the significance of the name; all three had been Red Rangers and all three had commanded powerful Dragon Zords.

"I'm thinking about it. Once the circuit is over, I should hopefully have enough money to do just that. Man, it's good to see both of you. Rocky, Jason, I take it you met Trent?"

The tall muscular guy smiled and held his hand out. "Not officially. I'm Trent Connerey. You guys talk him into joining you as quickly as you can. The sooner he's out of here, the sooner I can make more money from winning races."

Tommy laughed good-naturedly. "Don't let him fool you. Trent here is probably one of the best. Say, why don't we all go grab lunch together."

"Sounds great to me, but then again, when do I ever turn down food?" Rocky smiled broadly.

"I'm going to pass." Trent begged off. "I have to pick up an Angel at the airport. My fianc‚e is flying in this afternoon."

Tommy nodded. He had heard Trent mention his fianc‚e several times but didn't know much about her. He did know that Trent was crazy about her and had missed her terribly. "Hey, that's great, Man. How long has it been?"

"Two long grueling months. I haven't seen her since I flew home for her spring break back in March." To Jason and Rocky, he explained. "Kimber is in college so she can't tour with me. But her classes ended yesterday and she was scheduled for the first available flight. We are spending the entire summer together."

"Two months, huh?" Jason shook his head. "That's a long time. No wonder you look so happy."

"You know it, Man. Look I hate to run but I've got to get to the airport. Jason, Rocky, it was nice meeting you. I hope I see you again before you leave. Tommy, I'll make sure to bring Kimber around tomorrow. I can't wait for you to meet her."

With a friendly wave, Trent continued on. Rocky watched him leave. "He seems like a really nice guy."

"He is. He's usually a little more reserved around strangers, though. I guess he's really excited about seeing his fiance again."

Jason shook his head. "Can't say I blame him. I can't imagine going two months without seeing Emily. Being gone this week is going to be hard enough."

Tommy said nothing but glanced back at the duffel bag he had stuffed Kim's picture and letter in. There was a time he couldn't have imagined going a day without at least talking to Kim on the phone. But last month had marked the two year anniversary of his receiving the letter that ended things between them. It was the last he had heard anything from her.

Despite the pain the letter had caused him, he had never gotten over her. For awhile he had convinced himself that he had. He had even dated Kat while they had been rangers. She made him forget the pain and made him laugh again. But after they had relinquished their powers they had decided to just be friends. He still talked to her every so often. After she had left the country however, the pain he had felt the day he received Kim's letter resurfaced just as fresh as before. He wondered briefly what she was doing right now. Was she happy with the choice she had made? He wished he was.

Jason shot Rocky a knowing look and reached out and gripped his friend's shoulder. 'Maybe you should give her a call."

He didn't have to say her name; all three boys knew who he was referring to. Tommy shook his head. "I tried. Several months ago I called the training center. She wasn't there and I couldn't get anyone who even remembered her. Coach Schmidt has retired so there was no help there either."

"What about her mom?" Rocky frowned. It wasn't like Kim to disappear without a trace like that; but then again he seemed to remember thinking it wasn't like Kim to break up with Tommy via a letter either.

"No luck. Kim's sent her the occasional letter but never with a return address. She's worried but doesn't know what to do."

"Kim's a strong person. She can take care of herself. I'm sure she's fine." Jason meant to assure him but the lack of confidence in his voice didn't ease Tommy's fears at all.

* * *

Kim Hart stepped through the air tunnel pushing the umbrella stroller in front of her. A large diaper bag was slung over her shoulder. Her right wrist was encased in a flexible brace and a large bruise covered her right eye and cheek. Those were her only visible injuries but her ribs twinged in protest with every step she took.


She smiled as Trent's voice carried across the airport. She waved him over with her unbandaged arm. He smiled when he saw her but the smile turned to a frown of concern when he saw her injuries. He tenderly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her uninjured cheek. "What happened, Angel? Who did this to you?"

"Not here. I'll tell you everything when we get to the trailer."

"Dada." The toddler in the stroller squealed with glee. With another worried glance at her, he reluctantly turned his attention to the small boy.

"Hey, Slugger. Man, I've missed you." He looked back at Kim, concern all to evident in his eyes. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I've missed you too, Angel."

Kim smiled, her eyes bright with unshed tears. She rested her head on his chest. "This has been the longest two months of my life. I am so glad school is out and we have the whole summer together."

Trent smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. "Same here, Angel, same here. Come on, let's get your bags and go home."

Kim was glad to have Trent to lean on as they walked toward the luggage carousel. The last two months had been extremely hard, especially the last two weeks. For the first time in two weeks, she didn't feel the need to look over her shoulder.

Kim watched for her bags as Trent tried to return the toddler to the stroller. Drew protested loudly. Finally, Kim frowned. "Hand him here, Trent." She took him from the tall muscular boy but couldn't hide the grimace of pain the boy's twenty pound frame on her ribs forced on her face. Trent noticed immediately.

"What's wrong, Kimber?"

"It's nothing, Trent. I promise, I'll tell you everything later."

"It's your ribs, isn't it? Come on, Angel, if you are hurt, you don't need to be carrying him. Let me put him in the stroller."

"I don't want to listen to him scream all over the airport. I've been carrying him all his life; somebody had to and I am usually the only one around to do it. Why should that change just because I'm hurt?" She immediately regretted the words but couldn't take them back.

Trent hung his head. "Don't do that, Kim. We've gone over this so many times. I had to go on the racing circuit in order to pay the bills. You know I didn't want to leave you for so long."

Drew, sensing the tension began to whimper again. Kim shushed him quietly and gently forced his head down onto her shoulder. A single tear fell from her eye. "I know. I'm sorry. You didn't have a choice in the matter, but neither have I."

Trent kissed the tear away and took Drew from her. "Well, now you do." He reached around her into the bag and pulled out a pacifier which he plucked into Drew's mouth as soon as he put him in the stroller.

By that time, Kim's bags came into view. Trent grabbed the large soft suitcase and set it next to them. He grabbed the smaller tote and the car seat at the same time. "You okay to push him?"

She nodded and hung her head. She pressed herself up against him. "I'm sorry, Trent. I don't want us to fight. It's just a lot has happened and I've been on edge for too long. I guess I'm tired of being strong."

Kissing the bridge of her nose, Trent let his forehead rest on hers. "Don't apologize. Everything's going to be fine now. As soon as we get to the trailer, we'll get Drew settled and you and I can cuddle on the couch. I'll be the strong one and for once you can be as weak as you want to be."

* * *

"Here ya go, Angel." Trent handed her the glass of lemonade before sitting beside her on the couch. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms tenderly around her.

She smiled and rested her head on his chest. "Thanks. Drew down for the count?"

"Yep, he was worn out from the flight. Looks like you are too. Okay, Kimber, what happened?"

Kim imperceptibly stiffened. "Donavon happened. Two weeks ago, he showed up at the gym. Luckily there were a lot of people around so he couldn't do anything more than make veiled threats. I was so scared, I almost packed us up and took off right then. But I knew missing exams would have meant wasting all that money for school."

Trent tightened his grip on her. The thought of Donavon Black being anywhere near Kim or Drew was enough to frighten him. "You should have called me, Angel. I would have flown home."

Kim shook her head. "No, you had too many races that you would have missed. I was careful, or at least I thought I was. A week ago, I was leaving the apartment to go to work. Luckily I had an exam that morning so Drew was already at the daycare. I was in the parking garage when someone pulled me into the shadows and began to beat me. By the time he was through, my wrist was sprained and I had two cracked ribs. Not to mention that there is scarcely a spot on my body that isn't bruised. A couple came into the garage and scared him off. They called the police and an ambulance."

Trent buried his head in her hair, tears welling up in his eyes too. "Donavon?"

Kim nodded slightly. She placed the glass on the coffee table and stifled a yawn. "It was too dark to see him and he didn't speak but yeah, it was him. The police think it was just a mugging. I couldn't tell them anything else because it would open a whole can of worms."

"'Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.' I am so glad you are here, Kim. I can't stand the idea you were there where he could hurt you and I wasn't there to protect you. I promise you, I won't let him hurt you again."

Kim didn't answer. Twisting so he could look at her face, he smiled. Safe in his arms, she had fallen asleep. He kissed the top of her head. He could just imagine just how little sleep she had gotten since Donavon had shown up.

He could see her pacing around the apartment most of the night, checking on Drew every thirty minutes. She probably had put all of her own personal needs on hold in order to do well on her exams; work at the gym, and take care of the apartment and Drew. He eased her legs up on the couch where she could sleep comfortably. He had meant wheat he had told her at the airport. Now that she was here, he would be the strong one. He would do anything to protect her.

Chapter Two


Kim's eyes fluttered. She tried to bury her head deeper into the strong chest she was using as a pillow. For the first time in who knew how long, she felt safe and comfortable. She didn't want the feeling to end.

"Mama." The babyish voice grew more insistent. A small chubby hand patted her bruised cheek. Kim groaned and opened her eyes. Strong arms tightened their loving embrace around her as she shifted position. Kim smiled.

"Mama's awake, Slugger, but I don't think Daddy is." She eased out of his arms and swung the little boy up in her arms. She winced with the pain but pushed it from her mind.

"Dada." The two year old stared at Trent, his eyes wide with wonder. Kim knew the two months had been even harder on the toddler who couldn't understand why his dada wasn't around. Kim hugged him tighter.

'That's right, Slugger. Get used to him because he's going to be around for a long time now." She carried him into the bedroom and set him on the floor before grabbing the black tote of his toys.

Once he was happily playing, Kim began unpacking. Two years ago, she would have never believed she could have gone somewhere for a week with as little baggage as she had brought for the whole summer. Even though the one suitcase she had brought with her was large, more than a third of the contents were Drew's things.

Placing her make-up bag on the dresser, she studied herself in the mirror. Her hair was the same caramel color it had always been but she had long since given up worrying about bad hair days. If her hair didn't do what she wanted on the first or second try, she would shrug it off and settle for an old reliable ponytail. Her eyes looked older too, with dark circles that almost permanently lived under her eyes.

She wondered if her old friends would even recognize her now. She by far was not the same person she had been when she left Angel Grove. Gone was the somewhat flighty, sometimes materialistic shopaholic that had given up her Pink Ranger Powers. In her place was a mature, responsible, she bit her lip, mother.

"Hey, Angel. I meant to be awake when he got up. You deserve the rest."

She smiled, looking at him through the mirror. "Yeah, well, our pint size bundle of energy can be quite insistent when he wants to be. I didn't mean to fall asleep like that."

"Don't worry about it. I like having a beautiful woman fall asleep in my arms."

"Dada, ball." That was all the warning Drew gave before tossing a foam ball at Trent. He looked at the boy in surprise. Kim couldn't suppress a giggle and soon Drew joined in on the laughing. She scooped him up in her arms, set him on the bed and tickled his stomach.

"Sorry, Trent. I should have warned you that he's been improving his aim. Anything round is a ball no matter how heavy or fragile it may be."

"I'll keep that in mind." Trent crossed the tiny room to sit beside them on the bed. He wrapped his arms around Kim and pulled them both close. "Have I told you how glad I am that you are here?"

Kim allowed Drew to slip out of her lap where he returned to his toys. Looking up into Trent's eyes, she felt her heartbeat quicken. She chewed her bottom lip for a second before answering him. "As glad as I am to be here. I never knew how lonely I could be with a rambunctious toddler around."

Trent traced the bruise around her eye with his fingertip. "When I think about what he did to you; what he could have done... Angel, I just want to take you in my arms and never let you go."

Kim snuggled in closer to him. "I may be tempted to let you. But I don't want to talk about Donavon anymore. He's not going to find us here. If I have to in the fall I'll transfer to another college and have my records sealed. He's not going to hurt us anymore."

"He shouldn't have hurt you this time. I feel like I let you down, Angel. I promised you when we started out that I wouldn't let you get hurt again. Now look, I failed you again."

She took his face in her hands and made him look her in the eye. "Trent, if you had been there, he would have known something was going on and he would have killed us both. Then who would be there for Drew? The bruises will fade and my wrist and ribs will heal. Long before summer is over my injuries will be dim memories."

"I never thought I would see the day when you would look at me this way. How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one. Unfortunately, as much as I love sitting here in your arms, I need to see about preparing supper. Drew is going to be protesting soon."

"I could go pick something up. I don't want you to have to go to any trouble. Better yet, why don't I take Drew with me to the supermarket and I'll pick up some meat and all the fixings to grill hamburgers."

Kim laughed. "You are going to take him shopping?"

"You do it."

"Yeah, that's why I've reformed from my days as a shopaholic."

Trent looked down at the energetic toddler. "Come on, he can't be that bad. Just think, you can finish settling in without worrying about him. Take another nap. Anything you want to do, you can without a thought about what Drew may be into. Let me take care of him for a few hours. The two of us guys need the bonding time and you could use a 'mommy-free' evening."

"Ooh, when you put it like that, how can I say no?"

Trent brushed his lips with his own and grinned. "You can't. I love you, Kimberly Ann Hart."

"Love you too." She returned his light brush of a kiss with a more affectionate one of her own.

With a slight growl of pleasure Trent broke off the kiss and swung Drew up in his arms. "Tell Mama to have fun."

"Mama." Drew leaned toward her with his mouth wide open and rewarded her with a sloppy kiss of his own.

"Behave Slugger. Don't wear Dada out too quickly. Trent keep him away from the tomatoes."

Trent frowned. "Why?"

Kim wrinkled her nose as she remembered the last time she had turned her back on him in the grocery store with a tomato in the basket. She giggled at the memory of the look on the sales clerks face when the tomato splattered on the front of his apron. "Think about it, Trent. What does a tomato look like?"

Trent remembered what she had said about Drew and balls and had a mental image of what she was talking about. He laughed. "That's my boy."

"Don't you dare go encouraging him, Trent Aaron Connerey!"

"Say 'bye, Mama.'" Trent blew her kiss as he left out.

For a moment after they left, Kim sat in the blessed silence. But then the silence grew too heavy and she missed Drew being there. She turned on the radio to drown out the silence and began to finish unpacking.

When everything was put away, she decided to use the remaining free time to finish her nap. Sleep had been a precious commodity recently. One she couldn't afford to indulge in for long periods of time. In no time at all she was stretched out on the bed, a pillow snuggled close to simulate a toddler, and fell asleep.

* * *

"Mama." Drew called out happily as they entered the trailer. Trent wearily looked around for Kim but didn't see her. He set the toddler on the floor and turned back to go get the bags of groceries. He now knew why Kim had been dubious about him taking Drew to the store. He had no idea how much of a handful a toddler could be from the safe confines of a buggy. As soon as his small chubby feet touched the floor, Drew toddled off toward the bedroom.


Trent followed him and smiled when he saw Kim sprawled out on the bed in blissful sleep. He scooped Drew back up before the two year old could attempt to climb up on the bed with her and wake her up. With his free hand he shoveled the toys into the bag and carried it and Drew back to the living room. He deposited the toys and toddler on the floor and firmly closed the bedroom door to prevent Drew from re-entering. He then went back to unloading the groceries.

He was just about ready to throw the burgers on the grill when Kim screamed. Fear pounding in his heart, he rushed into the bedroom. Kim was still asleep but was tossing and turning, obviously in the throes of a nightmare. Her body arched as if in pain and she began to whimper.

Tenderly he gathered her up in his arms and held her close. He gently rubbed circles on her back and rocked with her. "Wake up, Kim. Please, Angel, wake up. It's all right; it's just a dream."

"No, no, Tommy please, no, not Tommy. I'm sorry. Please." Kim continued to whimper, locked solidly n the dream.

Her words cut to his soul. He hadn't heard her call out to Tommy in over a year. He shook her a little, trying to wake her up. "Please, Kimber. Wake up, Angel."

Her eyes opened slowly and she looked around wildly. Seeing that Trent was holding her, she clung to him as she began to cry. For a moment, he just held her and let her sob into his shoulder.

"Mama?" Drew pulled himself up on the bed and stuck his face close to hers. With all the childlike innocence that a two year old could possess, he kissed her and patted her cheek. Still holding on tightly to Trent with one arm, she gathered the toddler close with the other.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be carrying on like this."

Trent kissed the top of her head. "Don't apologize, Angel. That must have been some dream. Want to talk about it?"

Kim shuddered. "Not right now. Later, okay?"

"Okay, whenever you are ready. You're soaked with sweat. Why don't you go take a shower and freshen up. Drew and I will finish getting supper ready."

Kim took a shaky breath and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great. Thanks."

As he started to rise taking Drew with him, Kim reached out and grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. She kissed him. "Thank you."

"For what?' His eyes revealed his genuine puzzlement.

"For everything. For being there for me. For not giving up on me when I treated you like dirt. For believing that I could be a good mom when I couldn't see it for myself. Like I said, for everything."

"Oh." He blushed deeply. "Then for all that you are welcome. And I thank you for giving us a chance." He nudged her nose with his own and then straightened.

* * *

Kim sighed contentedly as she pushed back from her plate. "That was great. I couldn't eat another bite if you force fed it to me."

"There's pie in the refrigerator for dessert." He grinned as she wrestled with the temptation.

"Maybe in a little bit. I am really stuffed."

"I aim to please, milady. Looks like Drew enjoyed it as well."

Kim smiled and ruffled the two year old's hair. "Like you, he's a burger boy. Although right now Messy Boy might be more appropriate. I'll do the dishes if you'll bathe him."

Trent could imagine the pain bending over the tiny bath would cause her and readily agreed. Besides, he hated doing the dishes and she knew it. He scooped up the two year old and disappeared into the bathroom. Kim waited until they were out of sight before standing to clear the table. How nice it felt to be able to share the duties again.

She was glad Trent hadn't mentioned the nightmare again. She hadn't experienced such a mind numbing terrifying dream in over a year. She knew she had Donavon's arrival two weeks ago to thank for it. She hoped the dream wasn't a signal that her nightly demons were about to launch an all out assault on her dreams again.

She had just rinsed of the last plate and set it in the drainboard when a wail of fear and indignation rose up from the bathroom. Without a second thought, she raced into the bathroom. Trent was standing with a naked soaking wet Drew cuddled tight to his chest. Trent's face was white with fear and Drew was crying wildly. One quick swift glance assured her there was no blood and no obvious injuries.

"I didn't realize how slippery he'd be when he was wet. I was trying to pick him up but he went right through my hands. I caught his head before it hit the tub but not before his face went under water."

For a second Kim just stared at then and then to his surprise she started to laugh. He looked at her, shocked, until he realized Drew had quit crying was giggling as well. With difficulty, Kim finally composed herself and picked up a towel. She wrapped the towel around the two year old's wet body and transferred him to her arms.

"I'm sorry, Trent, but the look on your face. Don't worry, I was the same way when it first happened to me. He's okay, Trent, it just startled him. I don't know who was scared worse, you or Drew."

"I can't believe he's happy now. How did you do that?"

"A trick I've picked up as he's learned how to fall down a lot. If he's not hurt, he's less likely to cry if you laugh it off. He takes his cue from how you react to things." She kissed him softly on the lips. "How about I finish this up while you get your heart rate back to normal. Besides that you're shirt is soaked. Go on. I've got him."

Trent nodded and watched her carry the small boy back into the bedroom where she began drying him off and dressing him. He grabbed a new shirt from the drawer and listened as she talked to the toddler in a nonsensical way. He watched in fascination as she expertly dried him off and dressed him with ease. It brought to mind a memory of a time two years ago when Drew was only a few weeks old.

Trent rolled over in bed and glanced at the clock. Thirty straight minutes, that's how long Drew had been crying nonstop. He wondered if he should step across the hall and check on Kim. Her nerves were already frazzled and worn thin and her ego had taken a severe beating as she struggled to learn her new role as mother.

After ten more minutes of listening to the crying, Trent sat up and grabbed his pajama bottoms and slipped them on. He knocked softly on her bedroom door. "Kim?"

"Go back to bed, Trent. I'm sorry, I'll get him settled down in a minute." Her voice was tight and it was obvious she was struggling not to cry herself.

"You sure, Angel? I don't mind taking my turn."

"I said I've got it."

He doubted it; her voice told him she was barely holding herself together. But he knew she would never admit it and would resent him even more if he barged in and took over. He couldn't bring himself to leave her totally alone, however. Instead of returning to his bedroom, he sank to the floor against the wall and waited.

More than an hour passed and still Drew was screaming. Trent burned with the urge to go in and help her but still he refrained. However, when her own desperate sobs joined the infant's, he was on his feet instantly, throwing open the door without knocking.

In the darken room, he didn't see her at first. He switched on a lamp and bathed the room in soft light. His heart broke. Drew was lying on Kim's bed still screaming. Kim was crouched in a corner, knees drawn up to her chest and head buried, sobbing just as hard. He was torn buy who to comfort first. Finally he lifted Drew up and placed him high on his shoulder and began to alternately pat and rub his back.

"What's the matter, Slugger? Got a bad old tummyache? Go on and burp it all up then. That's right, make me proud."

And that's what Drew did. The burp was loud and Trent felt something wet run down his bare shoulder. But it was apparently exactly what was wrong because the tiny infant instantly became quiet. A few minutes later, he was sound asleep. Trent returned him to the small crib and took just a minute to wipe his shoulder off with a cloth diaper before turning his attention to Kim.

He had hoped Drew's silence would quiet her sobs but if anything it made her worse. He knelt beside her and tried to gather her up in his arms. She pushed him away. "Kim, Angel, it's okay. Shh, relax Angel, he's asleep now. Please, Kimber."

"Why didn't he do that for me? I tried burping him, changing him, feeding him. I tried everything but he wouldn't stop crying. He hates me. He knows that I don't know what I'm doing. I can't do anything right. I'm no mother."

Despite her protests, Trent picked her up bodily and carried her to the bed. Sitting down, he rocked back and forth with her. He wanted to reassure her but didn't know the word to say that would do that. So he held her. Rocking her gently, he rubbed circles in her back.

As her sobs slowly tuned to hiccups, her body began to relax in his arms. Some dim corner of his mind screamed at him, warning him that it was crazy for him to be sitting there in just his pajama bottoms holding her wearing a pink, soft cotton, short nightie. But that was the part he had tucked away in the deepest regions of his mind where all forbidden dreams and fantasies are sent. It was the part of him that had fallen in love with her at first sight.

Even now he ignored the subtle warning. Even if he had to spend hours under a cold shower, he would not abandon Kim when she was most vulnerable. Somehow he would convince her that Drew did not hate her. Convince her that nobody knew what they were doing when it came to taking care of a newborn for the first time. But most of all he would convince her that she was a mother, the only mother Drew would ever know.


Kim's soft voice broke through his reverie. He smiled at her. She had finished dressing Drew and was now rocking him back and forth trying to put him to sleep. He could tell the motion was hurting his ribs. "Let me take him."

Drew started singing to himself. Kim smiled and kissed his head. She had done this often enough to know that the sweet singsong signaled that he was just about to drop off to sleep. "He's just about gone. Where were you at? Your mind certainly wasn't here in the room with us."

"Just remembering how worried you were about being good at being a mom. Sorry I wigged out on you in the bathroom earlier."

Kim's eyes twinkled. "Look, that was minor compared to some of my wig outs the past two years. Why don't you go cut that pie. I'll be out in just a minute."

Once she was sure Drew was good and out, she twisted on the bed and maneuvered him under the covers. She kissed him and tucked his favorite bear into his small arms. For just a second, she watched him sleep, awed as always by his sweet innocence.

In the living room, Trent had already cut one large slice of chocolate pie and poured a large glass of milk. Seeing Kim come out of the bedroom he motioned her to join him on the couch. She snuggled up by him and looked at the goodies. "Only one of each?"

"I thought we could share."

A shiver ran up her spine as he alternately fed her and then himself a bite of pie. When the last of the slice had been demolished, Kim stretched up and kissed the whip cream from around his mouth. In sweet retaliation, Trent ran his finger across the plate, picking up the extra whip cream. He smeared it on her face and proceeded to kiss it right back off.

This sent Kim into an explosion of giggles as she finally pushed away from him. "You are so bad, Trent Connerey."

"Ah, but you aren't upset by it. You didn't use my middle name. Besides, you started it."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I? Okay, shame on me." She snuggled back close to him. It was times like this that she had missed most by their separation. Times when Drew was asleep and they were alone and unsupervised. These were the times that bonded them as a couple more than anything else could.

"Kim?" Trent spoke hesitantly, all traces of laughter gone.


"This afternoon when you were having that nightmare, you called out Tommy's name."

Kim bit her lower lip and looked away from him. His chest was directly under her ear and she could hear his heartbeat quicken. "I did?"

"Yeah. I didn't know you still dreamed about him."

"I haven't been. This afternoon was the first time in over a year."

"You sounded scared for him."

Kim's eyes widened and she twisted so she could look up at him. 'No, oh no, Trent. It wasn't like that at all. In my dream, Donavon had tricked Tommy into helping him. I wasn't scared for him but of him." A single tear ran down her cheek.

Trent wiped it tenderly away. "I'm sorry, Angel. I didn't mean to upset you."

Kim sniffed. "You didn't. It's just that the dream made me remember how badly I probably hurt Tommy with that letter."

"Maybe you should call him or go visit him. Explain to him now what you couldn't explain two years ago."

"No. He's probably forgotten all about me by now. I wouldn't want to hurt him all over again. Not to mention, I still can't tell him everything. It's better this way, Trent."

Trent leaned down and kissed her. "I don't want to see you hurt, not even in your dreams. I can't wait until we are married and I can hold you safe every night."

Her own heartbeat quickened. "You don't have to wait for the wedding for that, honey."

Trent's eyes widened in surprise. He stared at her incredulously. "Kim, what are you suggesting?"

"That you hold me all night. Nothing is going to happen with Drew in the bed with us and I really feel like I would sleep better knowing you were there."

Trent was reluctant at first. He still wasn't sure if Tommy's presence in her dreams meant more than even Kim realized. As much as he wanted to keep Kim's demons at bay, he wasn't sure if it was right to share a bed with her even without sex if he wasn't sure.

Kim stroked his face and looked straight in his eyes. She could read the pain and doubt that rested there. "I love you, Trent. No matter who I loved before or how long it took me to see it, you are the man that I love. I thought I had made that clear when I agreed to marry you."

She held up her left hand where a small, simple engagement ring encircled her second finger. "I haven't had a moment's doubt about marrying you since the day you slid this ring on my finger. Never doubt that."

Trent leaned down and kissed her. "I trust you, Angel. I just don't want you to regret it in the morning."

"What is there to regret, Trent? I'm asking to fall asleep in your arms just like I did this afternoon. We've taken plenty of naps in each other's arms. How different could it be when it's the whole night? I've been fighting demon dreams for so long and I've been fighting them alone. I don't want to fight them tonight. I don't have the strength to face them alone. Will you fight them for me?"

"When you ask like that, how can I say no?"

She grinned, remembering a similar exchange earlier that afternoon. "You can't."

Chapter Three

"No way, Rocky. There is no way I'm letting you behind the wheel of my race car."

Rocky DeSantos pouted good-naturedly. "This is really not fair. I don't get the chance to drive any of the Turbo Zords and now you won't let me drive your car. Didn't I pilot four different zords without incident?"

Tommy laughed. It was good to be back with friends. "You are absolutely right, Rocko. It isn't fair; you piloted the zords perfectly;" he waited until Rocky's face brightened. "But you still aren't going to drive my race car. Sorry, Man."

"Yeah, well. I'll find your buddy Trent, later. Maybe he'll be so happy about his fianc‚e being here that he'll let me drive his."

Jason shook his head, his eyes bright with laughter. "He'll be happy she's here but I don't think you can count on him being stupid. Hey, Tommy, what is it?" He frowned when he saw how stiff his best friend had become.

"It can't be. Tell me I'm not seeing things."

Jason followed his gaze and immediately realized what had so startled Tommy. "Kim?"

It could be no one else but her walking along the stretch of road leading to the pit areas. She was walking at a leisurely pace and seemed to be taking everything in, almost as if she were looking for someone. Before Rocky and Jason could stop him, Tommy had left the pit and was jogging toward her. Coming up behind him, he picked her up and swung her around in an enthusiastic greeting. He almost dropped her when she kicked back, catching him in the left thigh. If his swing had carried her an inch to the right, he would have definitely dropped her and would most certainly be talking in a higher voice than usual. Instead he set her gently on her feet facing her. Her left hand flashed out to hit him but he caught her fist gently in his hand.

"Kim, wait. Geesh, it's me, Tommy."

Her heart was beating rapidly and for a moment she was once more pulled back into her nightmare from the day before. She stared at Tommy without really seeing him. She frowned and looked at his hand covering her fist. "Tommy?" She lowered her hand.

He grinned wildly and hugged her again. "I can't believe you are here. What are you doing here?"

"Kim!" Rocky and Jason pounced on her then as well. Rocky hugged her first. Then Jason took his turn.

"Rocky, you are as handsome as ever. Jase, it has been way too long. Look at you."

Jason touched her cheek tenderly. "Actually, look at you. What happened, Kim? That could only have been caused by someone's fist."

Tommy sucked in his breath. He had been so excited about seeing her that he hadn't noticed the bruise or her bandaged wrist. He frowned, if someone had hurt her....

Kim forced a smile. "Somebody thought I had more money that I actually did. You should see what the mugger looked like." The lie rolled easily of her tongue. Actually she had never had a chance to throw the first punch at Donavon.

Tommy rubbed his sore thigh. "I can believe it."

Kim blushed and bit her lip. "I am so sorry, Tommy. I'm afraid since the mugging I've had a strike first, ask questions later response."

"After all our time as Rangers, I should have known better. I can't believe you are here. How did you know I was here?"

Kim's eyes and nose wrinkled closer together as she thought about her response. Tommy obviously thought she was there to see him. But what did that mean? "I didn't know. What are you doing here?"

"I started racing for my uncle. This is so wild, Kim. It's like you dropped off the face of the Earth. Where have you been?"

"Here and there. I'm going to college, majoring in social work. It's a long story. So Rocko, Jase, what are you two doing?"

Rocky explained about the dojo but Jason stayed quiet. He was busy studying Kim. He noticed the way she had neatly sidestepped and only half answered Tommy's questions There were subtle differences about his old friend, differences neither Tommy or Rocky had seemed to notice. What stunned him most about her was the small diamond chip ring on her left hand.

"So Kim, why are you here?" Tommy asked again.

Jason wanted to tell him not to ask. He had a feeling he knew where this was heading and he didn't want to see his friend hurt.

"I'm here with..." She caught the look Jason was giving her. "... a friend. Who is probably looking for me right now."

"There you are." Trent joined them. "We were beginning to wonder where you were. Hey, great, you met Oliver."

Kim looked from her fiance‚ to her ex-boyfriend and paled slightly. This was the Oliver Trent had been talking about for months now? She wasn't sure if she should laugh or groan.

"Actually, we know each other already. Kim and I used to date." Tommy spoke of the relationship casually but the pain was clear in his eyes. He assumed Kim was friends with Trent's fiance.

Realization dawned on Trent's face. He mentally kicked himself. Why hadn't he made the connection? Suddenly, Kim gave him a hard look. He knew exactly what that look meant.


"Taking a lap around the track in my car." He grinned, knowing she needed to be picked on right then. She glared at him in mock anger.

Rocky, however, cheered. "All right. I knew you were my kind of man. Can I drive your car next?"

"I was joking, Rocky. Relax, Kimber, Drew is in the pit being entertained by my crew. I was worried about you so I decided to come look for you while I had the chance."

"Trent, do you think you could show Rocky and Jason around? I'd like to talk to Kim for a few minutes."

The former Red Ranger missed the fear that flashed in Kim's eyes as she looked frantically at Trent for help. The other three guys caught the look plainly. Rocky looked at Jason surprised by her reaction. Jason just looked down at the ground. Trent smiled. He knew he was facing being in the doghouse for this but knew that fate had placed them in a situation that Kim would never had placed herself.

"Sure, no problem. Come on, guys. No, Rocky, I am not going to let you drive my car. I'll see you in a bit, Kim." He leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "Talk to him, Kimber. You both deserve this. I love you, Angel."

As the three boys walked off, Tommy touched Kim's shoulder. She knew he wanted her to look at him, knew he wanted her to explain the letter. But she wasn't ready to do either. Darn Trent and his noble intentions.

"So, you know Trent. He's a great guy. Do you go to school with his fiance?"

Kim closed her eyes tightly and clenched her left hand into a tighter fist. It felt like she was holding a knife, ready to stab him in the back once more. She knew he wasn't dating anyone. Trent had told her in several letters how bad he felt for his buddy "Oliver" because he seemed so lonely. Where was Kat? She had consoled herself for the past two years with the hope that the new Pink Ranger would be there for him. Slowly she turned to look at him, her eyes bright and suspiciously wet.

"Actually, I am Trent's fiance."

Her words hit him like a physical blow. She was engaged to someone besides him. He knew he had no right to be hurt. She had broken up with him; h knew she wasn't in love with him. "Congratulations. Like I said, he's a great guy."

A soft smile touched Kim's lips. "Yeah, he is. So, when did you stop being a Ranger? You wouldn't be able to tour otherwise."

In a dull voice, he explained about the power transfer. Kim's eyes widened in surprise at how much everything had changed. "Wow, who knew things could change so much in two years. I've missed everyone so much."

"Until recently, we hadn't gone anywhere. You're the one who broke off all contact after you sent me that letter." Tommy hated the hard edge that had crept into his voice. Part of him wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and tell her that he didn't care why she had wrote that letter because he still loved her. But he couldn't. He couldn't because the rest of him was still hurt by what she'd done; couldn't because the rigid way she was holding herself said she wouldn't welcome it; couldn't because she was his friend's fiance.

Kim hung her head. "I know. You're right, but I had my reasons."

"Yeah, like falling for some other guy. Trent? Was he the one or is he just the latest in a string of guys? Couldn't you have at least had the common courtesy of coming home and telling me in person?"

Kim told herself that Tommy had every right to hate her but his words cut deep into her soul. She looked him in the eye, her own eyes full of tears. "No, I couldn't, Tommy. I know that letter was the cruelest thing I could do to you and I've regretted it every day of my life since then. But if I had to do it over again, I would do the exact same thing. I was in the middle of an impossible situation. A situation that was so bad there were no good choices to choose from. So, I made the best one I could from a list of horrible alternatives."

The misery in her face was so apparent that Tommy couldn't stop himself form gently caressing her uninjured cheek. "What, Beautiful? What could have been so bad that the best choice was to break up with me through a letter?"

"I can't talk about it, Tommy. The risks are too great."

"Does Trent know the story?" A note of jealousy colored his words.

Kim nodded and wiped her eyes. "He was, I guess you could say, all mixed up in what happened. But he wasn't the reason I broke up with you. He had nothing to do with that part. Hate me if you want to but don't let this ruin your friendship with Trent."

"I don't hate you, Kim but I don't know if I can still be friends with Trent. The pain would be too great."

Kim nodded. "I wanted to be fair to you. What I did, I did to keep from ruining your life."

Tommy's own eyes were red, his hurt to fresh and raw to feel bad for her. "Yeah, well, you failed at that."

This time it was Kim's turn to react as if she'd been punched. She paled and hung her head, her expression one of utter defeat. "Yeah, well I did a lot of that two years ago, Tommy. Unfortunately, hurting you wasn't even my worst failure."

Without another work Kim turned and walked off. Tommy watched her go. Her shoulder were slumped forward, her head was downcast, and her pace was slow and unsure. In all the time he had known her, in all the battles they had fought with Rita and Zedd, he had never seen her look so defeated. Despite the pain she had caused him, all of a sudden he felt like a complete and total heel.

* * *

Meanwhile Rocky and Jason were learning some of the same things from Trent. Jason noticed how Trent kept looking back over his shoulder checking on the former couple. His worry was evident.

"She's the fiance you went to pick up yesterday." Jason make it a statement, not a question but Trent nodded anyway. Rocky looked at both of them in surprise.

"What?! How did you figure that out?" Rocky looked back to where Kim and Tommy were standing before looking back at Trent and Jason. "Did you know about Tommy?"

"That they had dated? Yes, Kim and I don't keep secrets form each other. But I swear I didn't know that Tommy Oliver my racing buddy was the Tommy she loved so much. If I had known I wouldn't have let them run into each other that way. I would have warned them ahead of time. Kim has hated herself for the way things ended between them since the moment she mailed that letter."

"Did you know her then?" Rocky frowned.

Trent nodded. "Yeah, I met her almost as soon as she came to Florida. She and my sister were roommates and best friends."

Jason stopped and made Trent look at him. "Tell me one thing. Were you the guy she broke up with Tommy over?"

"No, not directly. I'm partially to blame though. I'll admit that but I'm not proud of it. Kim isn't the only one who has some self-hate over what happened two years ago."

He resumed walking. Almost ten feet from his pit area, a small child began to wail. Without looking back at Jason and Rocky, Trent began to run. The part of them that would forever be Rangers made Jason and Rocky run after him.

Trent immediately scooped up the two year old that was standing in the middle of the pit area screaming for all he was worth. Trent couldn't see anything wrong with him so he cut his eyes over to his crew. They looked at him guiltily.

"He had been sitting in the car pretending to drive. Mark got ready to take the car for a test run so we pulled Drew out. Drew didn't like that and began to cry. I guess that's when he noticed you were around."

Trent remembered what Kim had told him last night about laughing , however, the adrenaline was pumping too fast for him to do anything but hold him close.

"Dada!" Drew's tone was slightly accusatory between sobs.

"Missed you ole daddy, huh? Shh, calm down, Slugger. You're okay."

Jason and Rocky exchanged a look. Kim's fianc‚ had a son? What had she gotten herself into? "Who's your friend?"

Trent bit his lip at Rocky's question. If Oliver was Kim's beloved Tommy, these two who were such good friends with him had to have been her friends as well. How much would she want them to know?

"Rocky, Jason, this is Drew Connerey, my son."

Though he came from a large family, Rocky had never learned the art of gauging a baby's age. All he knew for sure about the one in Trent's arms was that he was older than a year but younger than a kindergartner. "Does Kim know about him?"

Jason shot him a look. He wouldn't have asked that question. Not that he wasn't curious but because he felt it was a sure bet that Kim knew all about him. The real question, he was afraid, was who was the baby's mother, Kim or someone else?

"Yeah, Kim knows him very well. She's cared for him form the moment he was born."

"Mama!" Drew stopped crying and struggled to be free of Trent's firm, loving embrace. He looked over to where the toddler was pointing. Sure enough, Kim was walking slowly toward them. She was obviously upset about something.

Sensing Kim needed Drew as much as Drew wanted her, Trent replanted the two year old on the ground and watched as he started running toward her . He was screaming "Mama," loudly and firmly demanding attention.

Kim dropped to her knees are opened her arms wide to let him run into her embrace. Closing her arms around his tiny body, she stood with him. She gave him a big kiss and joined the others in the pit area, talking to Drew the entire time.

"I missed you this morning, Slugger. I woke up and you were gone. Have you been crying? Trent?" She paid Rocky and Jason no attention. Her full concern was on Drew. That was okay by them because it gave them a chance to observe her. She looked like she had been crying just as hard as Drew had been.

"He's okay, Angel. He just realized we weren't around. You okay?"

Fresh tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head. "No, not really. But I will be."

Trent wrapped his arms around both Kim and Drew and kissed her tenderly. "Of course you will be."

Kim almost seemed to melt against him. At the same time she seemed to be gaining strength from him. The family picture was so sweet Jason could feel tears forming in his own eyes.

"Trent, I hate to break this up but Mark needs you at the track."

Trent sighed. "Can't it wait?"

"Not if you want to do well in the race tomorrow."

"Go on, honey, I'll be okay. I'll talk Drew to the park near the trailer."

The last thing he wanted to do at that moment was leave her alone. Though he barely knew them, he looked to Rocky and Jason for help. Rocky smiled. "Don't worry about her. Jason and I will keep her company. Looks like we have a lot to catch up on."

Trent knew he really had no choice. "Okay. If you need me..."

"I'll holler. I love you."

"Love you, too."

Kim turned to Rocky and Jason, acknowledging them at last. "Guess my secret is out, huh?"

"More than one it seems."

"Yeah," she kissed Drew's cheek as he patted her tear-stained face. "Would one of you watch him for just a second? I need to wash my face."

"If he'll let us." Rocky reached out for the toddler. At first Drew was reluctant but then Rocky fished a chocolate kiss from his pocket and unwrapped it. When Drew saw the offered treat, he willingly left Kim's arms for Rocky's. Kim gave him a mock glare for bribing the toddler but the slight smile gave him away. Blowing the two year old a kiss she crossed the pit area to the small bathroom.

Rocky looked at Jason. "Kim's a mother?! How did that happen?"

Jason frowned. "The usual way I guess. I wonder if Tommy knows about this?"

"More." Drew demanded as the small piece of chocolate disappeared into his mouth. Rocky unwrapped another piece and gave it to him.

"She looked pretty upset. Maybe one of us should go check on Tommy."

Jason nodded. "Why don't you do that. I think I can get Kim to talk to me. We've known each other way too long for her to be able to put me off."

"Right. Should I mention this little guy?"

"Only if he does. We don't know the full story. Just because he calls her Mama doesn't mean she is."

By the time Kim emerged from the restroom, Drew was devouring his fourth chocolate kiss. His mouth was coated with the sticky candy. Kim took one look at him and shook her head. "Someone was a lot nicer to you than I am."

"More." Drew grinned.

"No, no more." Kim grabbed his diaper bag and fished out a wet wipe. Seeing her coming, Drew ducked his head onto Rocky's shoulder smearing chocolate on the sleeve of his blue T-shirt. Kim laughed. "I'm sorry, Rocko, but you were the one who gave it to him."

Once she had him cleaned up, she took her back from Rocky. "You guys don't have to go to the park with us."

"Wouldn't miss it, Kim. Rocky's not joining us though, he has something else he needs to do."

Kim nodded. She knew that meant Jason was going to grill her and thought she'd be more willing to talk it it were only him. So the question was, what should she tell him? The truth or a carefully constructed lie? Neither would leave him with a very high opinion of her.

They walked in silence except for Drew's jabbering. Once in the small park, Kim set Drew on the ground and let him run off to the sandbox. She and Jason took a couple of steps to the bench. Sitting down, Kim drew up her legs up close to her chest. She had discovered that this position tended to decrease the pressure on her sore ribs.

"Funny how dreams change, huh, Jason? Three years ago, I never would have pictured my life like this."

"Are you happy?"

"Usually, yeah. My life is full and there is never a dull minute. But days like today, I'm reminded what all I had to give up and it hurts like Hell all over again. I'm so sorry I hurt Tommy but there was no way around it."

"Why did you break up with Tommy? Bottom line, Kim."

Kim watched Drew scoop up sand and throw it up in the air. Sand landed in his hair and on his clothes but Drew laughed and squealed in delight. A slight smile played on her lips but it didn't reach the faraway expression in her eyes. "All of a sudden, I was facing the most assume responsibility a girl could ever be given: motherhood. All my hopes, dreams and fantasies were dashed with one fell swoop. That realization was devastating but at the same time I wanted Tommy to put his arms around me and tell me it was going to be all right. Then it hit me that I couldn't do that to him. It wouldn't be fair. How could I mourn the things that I was being forced to give up and then expect someone else to do the same thing? I knew if I told him what was going on, he would have dropped everything to be there for me. My knight in a White Falcon Zord."

"So you took the choice away from him." There was no recrimination in his voice, only respect. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Kim. He took a deep breath and asked the question he had no right to ask. "Is Tommy Drew's father?"

Kim's heart skipped a beat. She had dreaded the question but had been expecting it since Rocky and Jason had seen Drew. She knew her one word answer would condemn her without the truth but the truth was something she couldn't tell. "No."

Jason nodded but said nothing else. Like Rocky, he wasn't good at judging ages but he knew enough to know Drew was well over a year old. Therefore, Kim was pregnant long before she broke up with Tommy. So if Tommy wasn't the father... He let the thought dangle because the alternative was too hard to contemplate.

Kim knew what he was thinking and suddenly wanted to tell him the whole truth. "I never cheated on Tommy. Even after I sent him the letter, I loved him. It wasn't until after Drew turned a year old that I began to realize I had feelings for Trent other than friendship."

Jason looked at her puzzled. "What are you saying, Kim? How can you say you didn't cheat on Tommy and explain how Drew was conceived?"

"I'd like an answer to that too."

Kim twisted around at the familiar voice. Tommy was standing behind her. Rocky was a few paces behind him looking uncomfortable. Tommy's expression was one of contempt and anger. His eyes so full of righteous fury and hate sent a chill down her spine. At that moment he looked more like he did as Rita's evil Green Ranger than she had ever seen him.

Kim's heart dropped to her feet. If she had had any hope that Tommy could ever forgive her or ever want to be friends again, it was now dashed. With a frown, she muttered her favorite mommy curse. "Oh, fudge."

Chapter Four

"How old is Drew?"

Kim eased up on the picnic table and looked back to where Rocky had started pushing Drew in the toddler seat swing. After Tommy's arrival, Jason and Rocky had offered to entertain Drew, where the former couple could talk. It had taken some persuading on their part to convince her. Part of it was because she wasn't sure she trusted the two boys with her son and partly because she was dreading this conversation. Finally she had given in but only to going as far as the picnic tables where she could see what was going on.


She took a deep, steadying breath. "He turned two last month."

Tommy looked away and nodded. "So you waited until he was born to break up with me. You had nine months to get used to the idea but still you couldn't face me and tell me in person."

"It's not that simple, Tommy. Facing you didn't become a problem until after he was born. It's a long story..."

"A long story with too many risks, so you've said, Kim. Forgive me but that's not good enough. And why wasn't it a problem before he was born? You knew from the beginning that there was no way I was the father. I don't understand; before you left for Florida, everything was so great between us. We were as close as two people could be but every time I broached making love to you, you changed the subject. All you would ever say was that you wanted to wait until you got married." He looked away, his voice thick with emotion. "But I guess that was a lie and it must have just been me you had a problem with sleeping with. Because not only have you had sex, you apparently had sex with Trent within a few weeks of arriving in Florida."

"That's not true, Tommy." Her voice was low, almost inaudible.

Tommy growled in frustration. "Then how do you explain Drew? You can't make a baby without sleeping with someone, Kim."

"MAMA!" Drew called out in delight from the top of the slide. Kim bit her lip in concern that Rocky would carry the two year old up that high but then she saw that he had a tight grip on the toddler and that Jason was hovering protectively nearby. She waved at him as she mulled over what Tommy had asked and said.

There was no other way around it, she had to tell him the truth. "Like you heard me tell Jason; I never cheated on you. Trent is not Drew's father. Trent's name is on the birth certificate but we did that to keep Drew's existence a secret from the man who did father him. If Donavon Black found out Drew was alive..." She shuddered hard but didn't finish her sentence.

Tommy reached over and gently massaged her shoulder. As mad as he was, he couldn't help but worry as he saw the pain in her eyes. "Tell me about him, Kim. Who is Donavon Black?"

"A cold, black-hearted, sorry excuse of a human being. Oh, don't get me wrong, I thought he was a great guy at first. He was a regular Prince Charming. He was every mother's dream for her daughter, until you stood up for yourself and went against him. Then it was goodbye, Dr. Jeckyll; hello, Mr. Hyde."

"Did he rape you? Is that why you couldn't talk to me and tell me you were pregnant?"

"Oh, boy." Kim looked up at him, her eyes bright with unshed tears. She thought about the Sir Walter Scott quote Trent had used the night before. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Okay Tommy, let me back up. What I am about to tell you may not seem like it has anything to do with anything but please hear me out without interrupting. Okay?"

Tommy nodded. Kim was about to continue when Jason sheepishly approached. He smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry to interrupt but Drew is hungry. Is it okay if Rocky and I take him to get lunch?"

"If you're sure you want to. He'll eat practically anything that doesn't bite back but I'm afraid he's got the table manners of a two year old."

"I could say the same about Rocky but I'm willing to go to lunch with him." That got a laugh from both Tommy and Kim. "Seriously, we thought we'd take him to McDonalds and let him play in the play area for a while. That way you two can talk without you looking at us the whole while like we are going to break Drew."

Kim blushed. She was about to protest but realized she had been doing exactly that. Once she started telling Tommy what really happened, it would be better if her attention wasn't divided. "Sure, go ahead. Be careful. Take his bag with you. I haven't started to potty train him yet but he should be fine for now. Don't let him run with food in his mouth; he might choke. No soft drinks either. He can drink either lemonade or fruit juice."

"Kim, we can handle it just fine. Don't worry."

"Don't worry, right. No problem." Jason turned to leave. "Jase, he's scared of clowns."

"Goodbye, Mommy." Jason laughed as he walked away.

Tommy shook his head. "It's weird seeing you in 'Mommy Mode.'"

"It's sometimes just as weird lapsing into it. Maybe I should have said no."

"Drew will be fine. Rocky at least has plenty of experience with kids."

"Actually, I'm more worried about Jase and Rocky. Dining out with Drew is an experience few could forget. So where was I?"

"You didn't want me to interrupt while you told me a story that might not seem like it has anything to do with anything."

"Okay. When I first arrived in Florida, I was paired with a girl named Andrea Connerey, Trent's sister. We were so much alike both in looks and actions that people called us twins. I thought Trini and I were best friends but I immediately felt like Andi and I had known each other all our lives. She had just started dating her brother's best friend Donavon. Their relationship was intense right from the beginning. When I first met him, Donavon reminded me so much of you. I thought it was appropriate; we had so much in common, why shouldn't we be attracted to the same type of person. Andi was so happy with him that it made me miss you even more." She smiled at him, her expression far away as she remembered those early days at the training center.

** "Come on, Kim. Please, just this once. It's not like you and Trent would be on a date. Donavon's dad gave him four tickets to the concert, primo seats. I know you want to see her as much as I do. You wouldn't be cheating on Tommy. Call him and see what he says about it. I guarantee you, he'll say go."

Kim dropped down on her bed and looked at her roommate. "I don't want to give your brother the wrong idea. Come on, Andi, you and I both know Trent has a crush on me."

Andrea rummaged through her closet looking for the perfect dress. "So, he has a crush on LeAnn Rhymes too, but he's not going to her concert tonight expecting it to be a date."

Kim laughed and rolled her eyes. "Let's hope not."

Andrea knelt beside Kim's bed and looked at her pleadingly. "Kim, Trent knows that you are as deliriously happy with Tommy as I am with Donavon. It's a concert Kim, not a commitment. Donavon has two extra tickets. One he is giving to his best friend, the other he gave to me to give to mine. It's as simple as that. It's just like if you were to do something with Billy, Jason, or one of your other male friends. I know you did things with them even if Tommy wasn't around. So why should this be any different?"

Feeling her resolve weakening, Kim groaned. "Okay, okay Andi, enough with the puppy dog eyes. I'll go." **

"That night I don't think Trent and I said more than a dozen words to each other. Andi and Donavon never even noticed. They were so wrapped up in each other I don't know if they even heard half the songs. Andi and I never discussed it but I knew that she and Donavon were sexually active. Andi was a big girl and could make her own decisions but I had a feeling Donavon was the one pushing for them to have sex. I didn't think much of it. After all, you were always the one to bring the subject up when you and I were making out. I thought Donavon was a nice guy and would never do anything to hurt Andi."

Kim paused for a moment trying to figure out how to continue. Tommy gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "A couple of days after the concert, Andi woke me up, worried and upset."

** "Kim."

Kim rolled back over and buried her head deeper under the pillow. She wasn't ready to wake up yet. She groaned when her roommate shook her again.

"Kim, please!"

This time she heard the fear and tears in Andi's voice through the sleep-haze that surrounded her. She woke up instantly and sat up. Andrea was sitting on the edge of Kim's bed, crying. Her face was pale and a little green around the edges. Alarmed, Kim reached out to touch her roommate's arm.

"What's wrong, Andi?"

"Kim, I think I may be pregnant. My period is three weeks late and I've thrown up twice already this morning." The teen wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, Kim. I shouldn't have woken you up. It's only five a.m. It just hit me this morning what all this could me and I got scared. Go on back to sleep. We can talk about this later."

"I can't go back to sleep after a bombshell like that. Andi, are you sure? What kind of protection did the two of you use?"

Andi wouldn't look at her. Kim shook her head. "Andi, I know you know about safe sex. Didn't Trent at least use a condom?"

The girl cried harder. "He said he hates wearing them. He promised me the first time we slept together that it would be all right. He told me this couldn't happen and I believed him. I am so stupid. Oh, Kim, what am I going to do?"

Kim hugged the girl tightly. "The first thing we are going to do is find out for sure if you are pregnant. I'll get dressed and run down to the store and get a home pregnancy test. Then we'll go from there."

Throwing on a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt, Kim rushed to the store. Within ten minutes she was back and the two girls were reading the instructions. Andi disappeared into the bathroom to follow the directions. Once she was back in the bedroom, Andi sank onto Kim's bed as the two girls waited for the results.

"How could I be so dumb? There is no way I can compete in the Globals if I'm pregnant. Donavon is going to be so mad at me."

"Why? He's as responsible for this as you are, maybe more so because he was the one who refused to take precautions. Andi, please promise me, no matter what the test results say, that you won't sleep with him again unless he agrees to use a condom."

"I don't think I ever want to have sex again, period." She glanced at her watch. "Time's up. I can't look at it. Kim, will you?"

"Sure," the petite teen disappeared into the bathroom and returned less than a minute later carrying the stick. Her face was pale and her expression shaky. "It's a plus sign. I'm sorry, Andi; you're pregnant." **

"I don't understand, Kim." Tommy frowned, forgetting his promise not to interrupt.

Kim didn't chide him. She was grateful for the interruption because it gave her a chance to get better control over her emotions. "As near as she could figure, she was about a month along. For her, there was only one option: have the baby and raise him or her. She didn't want to tell her brother until she had a chance to talk to Donavon. She knew Trent wouldn't take the news well and wanted to put it off as long as possible. I think she really believed that Donavon would agree with her decision and that they would get married. I thought he would too because I knew that that is what you would have done if you'd been him. I can't believe now that I ever thought he reminded me of you."

Kim looked up at her former boyfriend but Tommy doubted she even saw him. She continued. "When she told Donavon, he insisted that she have an abortion. He was so furious and insistent that it scared her. He was treating her like it was all her fault that she had gotten pregnant. I think he really believed that just because he told her to terminate the pregnancy that she would do it without hesitation."

"But she didn't." Tommy couldn't help but interrupt again. He still didn't have a clue to where this story was going and what it had to do with her own pregnancy but Kim's voice was so haunted that he couldn't help but listen to her.

"No. She didn't believe the baby should have to pay for her mistakes. She figured he was too much in shock to react any other way. She said nothing more about it to him and let him believe what he wanted to believe. She knew by the time he found out she hadn't terminated the pregnancy, she would be too far along for an abortion. She thought once he realized that there was no other option that he would come around and accept what was going on. Only she and I knew about the pregnancy until she was five months along. That's when we had our physicals and the doctor had to report the pregnancy to Coach Schmidt. He had no choice but to cut her from the team. She moved in with Trent. He was stunned and more than a little upset that she hadn't told him the minute she had found out."

"I guess Donavon found out as well. How did he take the news?"

Kim stiffened. Tommy could feel her icy anger; he knew her anger wasn't directed at him but at the memories her story was invoking. "He was livid. Andi showed up at my room one night at two a.m. She was afraid to stay at Trent's for the rest of the night. Trent was out of town and Donavon kept calling her. Donavon accused her of purposely getting pregnant in order to trap him. When she told him that that wasn't true, he accused her of sleeping around and denied being the father. He made a few vague threats but nothing she could really prove."

"Did she still love him?"

"At this point, no. She tried to tell him that she didn't want anything from him. She realized they would never be a family. It hurt her but she tried to put Donavon out of her mind and concentrate on the baby. Apparently Donavon wasn't satisfied with that. During the next month, Andi had seven unexplained accidents. She dismissed them as coincidence but I believed it was Donavon. I was scared of him. I couldn't prove it but I was convinced he was trying to make her lose the baby. Andi wasn't sure that he was that dangerous but she was still didn't want to have anything more to do with him."

"What about Trent?"

"Around Trent, Donavon was his old, sweet, charming self. Trent just wanted the two to resolve their differences and get married before the baby was born. To his way of thinking, it was simple. Donavon was his best friend and Andi was his sister; they belonged together and the sooner they realized that and got married the happier they would all be. Keep in mind that Trent had never seen Donavon's dark side and Andi wasn't scared enough of Donavon to say anything to upset her brother. I was still avoiding Trent like the plaque because of his crush on me. I didn't want anything to happen to betray your trust in me. Besides, I had been a Power Ranger; after all those monsters I should be able to handle one ordinary jerk, right?"

Suddenly, Kim wished Rocky and Jason were back. She suddenly had this overwhelming desire to hold Drew tightly against her body. "Then Donavon's father found out about the pregnancy. He was excited about being a grandfather so Donavon had no choice but to once again turn on the charm. To please his father, he had to win Andi back. He spent the next month doing everything in his power to make her love him again. But it was no use. She had seen his dark side and couldn't forget how ugly it was. I could see she was getting depressed. By the time she was seven months pregnant, she was twenty pounds over her usual weight, scared, and worn out from resisting Donavon. I was worried about what all that stress was doing to her so when my next long weekend came up, I suggested we get away for a little while."

** "This was such a great idea, Kim. Thanks." A visibly pregnant Andi set her tote bag on the floor of the rustic cabin as Kim and Trent carried in the rest of the stuff. "I'm so glad we never sold the cabin after Mom and Dad died."

"I don't know that this is such a good idea. What if something happens?" Trent folded his arms over his chest.

"Then we'll drive down the road to that little clinic we passed. Relax, Trent; it's not like I'm alone. Kim will take care of me. Now remember, Trent, I don't want anyone to know we are here. Please."

"I don't like this." Trent insisted once again.

Kim momentarily stopped putting items in the refrigerator. "You don't have to like it; you just have to do it. She's still two months away from her due date; she'll be fine. This is a girls only weekend. Don't tell anyone where we are. Now, goodbye, Trent."

Kim practically shoved him out of the cabin, closing the door behind her. With a sigh, she turned back toward Andrea in time to see her friend ease into a chair and shake her head.

"You should give Trent a chance, Kim."

Kim groaned softly as she returned to putting away their supplies. "No offense, Andi, but I don't want to give your brother a chance. I have a boyfriend, remember? Tommy and I may not get to see each as often as we'd like but we still love each other very much."

Andi laughed. "Kim, I'm not suggesting you date him. Trent knows you love Tommy. He doesn't want to come between the two of you. But he would like to be your friend. I know you know that guys can be just friends with a girl without expecting a red hot romance. Or is there something you haven't told me about those good looking guys from back home that you call your friends?"

Kim flushed deep red. "Okay, you have a point there, I guess. I'll think about what you said at least. But no more talk about guys for the rest of the weekend. I won't mention Tommy and you are not to even think about you know who. Understood?"

"Understood." Andi hugged Kim. "Thanks again for suggesting we do this. Being away from everything is exactly what I need."

The rest of the day and evening found Kim and Andrea playing board games and cards. Laughing and joking the entire time, they baked chocolate chip cookies and devoured the plateful. Soon Andrea felt the stress of the last few months slowly lift off her shoulders.

"Kim, can I ask you to do me a big favor?"

"Sure, as long as it does not involve eating another cookie. I am going to be so huge."

"When you get to be my size, then you can complain about being huge. But don't worry, this has to do with the baby. Will you be his or her godmother?"

Tears touched Kim's eyes. "Oh, wow, I'd be so honored. Thank you." Getting up she walked around the table and hugged her friend tightly.

"Don't cry, Kim. My hormones are so messed up, you'll have me bawling, too. One thing you don't want to do is make a pregnant lady cry."

That made Kim laugh. Later that night, Kim was lying in bed, wide awake and thinking about the awesome responsibility Andi had asked of her. What better honor could anyone bestow on a friend than to trust them with your most prized possession? The distinct tinkle of glass breaking broke Kim away from her thoughts. Was someone breaking into the cabin?

Her Power Ranger instincts kicked in as she slipped from the bed. Taking no time to throw a robe over her sleep shorts and top, Kim edged along the wall to the door. Easing it open, she cautiously stepped out into the main room and looked around.

In the dim moonlight, she cold see the curtains blowing in the gentle breeze. Kim frowned. That window was closed when they went to bed. Kim had doubled checked it herself. She took another step toward the open window.

A hand snaked around her waist and another clamped a cloth over her mouth and nose. She realized it was chloroform when her head started spinning. Holding her breath, she began to struggle in a way she had not had to do since she relinquished her powers to Kat.

With a grunt, her assailant lifted her from her feet and slammed her head against the wall. Bright lights danced behind her eyes and she forgot to hold her breath. Darkness swallowed her as she sagged against him.

She wasn't sure how long she had been out when she awoke to hear Andrea whimpering. Kim groaned as her head throbbed. Somewhere in her rattled brain she realized she was tightly bound to a straight back chair. She flexed her muscles but the bonds had no give. "Andi? Are you okay?"

"Shut up, Kim. You've caused me enough trouble already."

Donavon, how had he known where they were? Kim gave the question only a moment's thought as she focused her attention on the situation before her. Only a single lamp lit the room but it was enough for Kim to see the predicament Andi was in. The pregnant teen was similarly tied to a chair but she had obviously been beaten. Her nose was bleeding and her lip was swollen; her cheek and eye were already bruising.

"How did you find us?" Kim asked, hoping to turn his attention from Andrea. She knew she had succeeded when he backhanded her savagely across the mouth. The force was so great that the chair teetered and almost fell. Her cheek stung but she would gladly take a thousand blows if it kept him from hurting Andi.

"Do you really want to know how I found you? It wasn't hard; all I had to do was ask Trent. He was glad to tell me exactly how to get here. He understands that Andi and I belong together and that I should have my baby."

Kim stared at him in disbelief. Trent wouldn't have really betrayed them. There had to be another answer. "Liar."

"I told you to shut up." His eyes were wild. She had never seen him so out of control. Andi whimpered again and it caused Kim's blood to boil.

"You think you're tough because you can beat up a girl who's seven months pregnant and tied to a chair? Untie me and then we'll see how bad you are." What good had it been to battle Rita and Zedd if she couldn't use those fighting skills to defend a good friend?

Donavon laughed. "Maybe when I'm through with Andi, I'll tame you. Now shut up and stay out of my business."

Kim's eyes filled with tears. She had been scared of him since Andrea's first "accident" but even she had no inkling just how mad he really was until now. "She's pregnant, Donavon. You can't do this."

Donavon grabbed Kim's cheeks and squeezed hard. His eyes flashed. "I know she's pregnant. If she had just had the abortion like I told her to this wouldn't be happening. But no, she had to be stubborn. My dad wants to be a grandfather but she won't let me back in her life."

He released Kim's face and whirled toward Andrea. "That's my baby you are carrying. I want him now."

"No, no, no." Andi whimpered frantically. Sweat was standing on her forehead and she looked like she was in severe pain. Kim was truly worried about her. She knew the doctor had expressed concern about Andi's blood pressure. It was one of the reasons why Kim had suggested the getaway.

"Donavon, you are insane!"

"SHUT UP!" Donavon's leg shot out catching the leg of the chair Kim was tied to. The breath was momentarily knocked out of her as she landed hard on her back. He gave her no time to recover before kicking her savagely in the side.

"Just couldn't keep you mouth shut could you? When I'm through with you, you'll regret ever sticking your nose in my business." The blows rained down hard on the former Ranger but Kim could do nothing to defend herself tied to the chair. What he did to her didn't matter though, so long as he left Andi alone.

Andi screamed for him to stop but he ignored her. Suddenly a hard, all-over cramp squeezed her stomach and she felt something wet run down her legs. Having just completed her Lamaze class, she knew that the sticky fluid that had soaked her underwear meant her baby was in more danger than from just Donavon's presence.

"Kim! My water just broke."

Donavon stopped his viscous attack and turned to look at Andrea. He smiled. "Good, I was afraid I would have to cut the baby out."

Kim's left eye was rapidly swelling shut and her chest and ribs protested every breath but she instantly turned her attention to Andi. "It's too early. We have to get her to the hospital. Donavon, be reasonable. The baby is premature and will die if he or she does not receive proper care."

"No, everything will be fine." Donavon untied Andi and picked her up. As he disappeared into the bedroom Kim could hear Andi's screams of protest. A moment later, Donavon returned and knelt beside Kim. "You are going to deliver the baby."

Kim stared at him in horror. "Are you crazy? Don't answer that, of course you are crazy. I wouldn't know where to begin to deliver a full term baby, let alone a premature baby. If you love the baby at all or if you have even a sliver of a heart you won't do this."

Donavon pulled a knife from a sheath on his belt. Kim's heart thudded loudly against her chest. With one hand, he flipped the chair with Kim attached on its side and slit the rope binding her to the chair. He hauled her to her feet and pushed her up against the wall.

"You better hope for a miracle, Kim, because you are all Andi's going to have. You'd better do a good job because if the baby dies, so will you."

Donavon shoved her toward the bedroom. Kim immediately went to Andrea's side and sat on the bed beside her. Her battered body protested each movement but she pushed it aside much like she used to do as a Ranger.


"God, Kim, I can't believe this is happening. I can't have this baby right now. It's too early."

"Well, early or not, it looks like you don't have much of a choice. This is all my fault, Andi. I never should have suggested coming up here."

A contraction caused Andrea to tense up and cry out. Not knowing what to do, Kim let her best friend squeeze her hand. When the contraction ended, Andi continued the conversation.

"Not your fault. Blame Donavon. This really hurts, Kim."

"I'm afraid it's going to get worse. Andi, you've been through Lamaze, you're going to have to tell me what to do."


Kim's whole body was taut. Tommy could tell she was reliving that night all over again. This time he didn't interrupt. He was scared what might happen if she was suddenly snatched back to the present. He hoped Rocky and Jason stayed away for a little bit longer.

"That was the longest night of my life. I was scarcely aware when the sun came up. Donavon kept sticking his head in and yelling at us. In all our battles with Rita and Zedd, I was never as scared as I was that night. Andi was amazing. I can't even begin to imagine her pain but between contractions she would talk to me." Kim shuddered with the memory.

"She told me she didn't think Donavon would let her live after the baby was born. I told her we would get out of there somehow. But Andi didn't believe me. She knew she would be in no condition to escape after giving birth so she asked me to promise that no matter what I would take the baby and get away from Donavon. I told her not to be silly; we'd all get away together. 'We're going to be fine' I promised her faithfully. What an idiot I was."

Tommy couldn't help himself; he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He hated to see her in so much pain. He wished he hadn't pushed her to talk to him about this.

"I don't know how long it took but finally I was holding the baby in my hands. He was kind of blue and wasn't breathing well so I started mouth-to-mouth. I could hear Andi screaming at me, wanting to know about the baby. Donavon was trying to take the baby away from me. I ignored both of them. I was focused on the helpless baby boy in my arms. When he took his first good breath and began to cry pitifully it was like the world started back to revolving."

** With the first cry, Kim let out a shaky breath. Saying a little prayer of thanksgiving, she placed the impossibly small infant on Andi's stomach and turned her attention to tending to the new mother. Donavon knelt beside her, his knife in his hand. Kim looked at him in fear and revulsion.

He smiled. "We have to cut the cord."

Donavon seemed to take perverse pleasure in cutting the umbilical cord. That chore completed, his hand flashed out and Kim screamed in pain. She stared down at her stomach that was now crimson with blood. He had stabbed her.

"I've got to get some things out of the car. I don't want you to get any ideas about leaving."

Once he was gone, Kim pulled herself painfully to the side of the bed. Andi was only partially conscious but she turned to look at her friend. Tears glistened her cheeks. "Kim, take him and run."

Keeping a hand clamped to her bleeding stomach, Kim shook her head. "No, I'm not leaving you."

"Please, Kim, he's going to kill us both and then steal my baby. I don't want that monster anywhere near my baby. Take him and go where Donavon won't get him. You're his godmother, Kim; you have to take care of him. Send help back for me."

Kim lowered her head. She knew Andi was right but couldn't stand the thought of leaving her friend. She picked the baby up. "I'll get him to the clinic and come back for you. You are going to be fine, Andi. I promise you that."

"I wanted to name him Andrew if he was a boy. I've always liked the name Drew. Kim, promise me you'll take care of him. I don't want strangers raising my baby."

Tears spilled down Kim's cheeks. "They won't; you will."

"Promise me, Kim."

"I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can." Giving her friend's hand one more squeeze, she stumbled toward the window. She had the forethought to grab the car keys out of the night stand drawer on her way out. She lowered herself out of the window despite the fact that she was rapidly losing strength.

Outside she waited until Donavon went back inside before stumbling to her car. She tried not to think about Andrea as she cranked the car and put it in drive. One arm clutched the baby close to her body while the other steered the car.

Bleeding heavily, Kim could feel consciousness leaving her. The car veered off the road and slowed as her foot slipped off the pedal. A car horn startled her awake. She vaguely recognized the car that had stopped next to her. Fearing it was Donavon, she screamed when the door opened beside her.

"Kimber, my God, what happened? Who beat you? Is that Andi's baby? Where is she? Kim, you're bleeding." Trent's voice was frantic.

Taking shallow breaths, Kim filled him in on what had happened at the cabin. "Andi needs help. Go get her. I'll get Drew to the hospital."

Putting his arms under her, Trent lifted her out of the car and carried her to his. "You're in no shape to drive. The clinic is just up the road. I'll get the two of you there and then go back for my sister."

Kim didn't answer him. He stole a sideways look and frowned. She had already passed out, the baby cuddled protectively to her. **

"I woke up at the clinic with twenty stitches in my stomach. The doctor at the clinic told me that he had rigged a makeshift incubator for Drew and that he was doing remarkably well under the circumstances. I was worried about Donavon finding us and taking the baby but Dr. Myers told me he had promised Trent that he wouldn't let anyone near us. Apparently I had been unconscious for two days. Trent had already told Dr. Myers everything I had told him at the car. They had both decided it was better if nobody knew what had happened. Donavon's father is a pretty powerful judge who believes his son is a golden boy who can do nothing wrong. Everything would have been swept under the carpet and Drew would have been given to Donavon."

"What about Andi?"

Kim covered her face with her hands. "I kept asking that same question. Neither Dr. Myers nor Trent wanted to tell me. They kept putting me off telling me I needed to rest. They would tell me when I was stronger, they said. The day after I woke up Trent came in to see me and I was determined to find out."

** "Hey, Angel, you're awake. I stuck my head in earlier and you were out like a light."

"Why did you call me Angel?"

"Because that is what you must be. Dr. Myers said it's a miracle that the baby made it. If it hadn't been for you, that four pound baby boy probably wouldn't be right down the hall from here breathing on his own without aid. Without you, he'd be dead."

She struggled to sit up. "Trent, where is Andi? Why won't anyone tell me about her? Is she okay?"

"Lay back down, Kimber. You lost a lot of blood. You and I have the same type but Dr. Myers would only take a pint from me to give to you. It wasn't as much as he would have liked to have given you but it was enough to keep you alive. Dr. Myers said that rest was the best thing for you right now. I'll tell you everything later."

Kim glared at him. Fine, if he wouldn't tell her about Andi, she would ask him about the other thing that was bothering her. "Did you tell Donavon where to find us?"

She waited for him to deny it but Trent hung his head. "I did. He told me he wanted to propose. I just wanted things to work out between them. I didn't mean for all this to happen."

Tears filled her eyes as she glared hard at him. "We told you not to tell anyone. Wasn't that what you heard? Anyone."

He stared at her, his eyes red with tears. "He wanted to propose."

"No." Kim shook her head, her voice harsh. "He wanted to beat her up; he wanted to beat me up. He wanted to steal her child. That's what he wanted to do. That's what he did."

"He didn't steal the baby. The baby is safe thanks to you."

"And thanks to you, he needed saving." Kim winced as pain rippled across her stomach. She clinched her eyes shut. "Andi's dead, isn't she?"

Trent slowly and reluctantly nodded. Kim began to sob. Trent tried to wrap his arms around her but she weakly pushed him away. "Don't. This is your fault. I hate you, Trent. Go away and leave me alone."

"Okay, Angel. I'll leave for now but I'll be back. We have to figure out what to do about the baby."

"Drew, she named him Andrew before I left with him. We aren't going to figure out anything. You've done enough already. She told me to raise him if something happened so that's what I'm going to do. I'll raise him as my own. I'll fight the devil himself if that's what it takes to carry out her wishes." **

"Donavon killed her." It wasn't a question. Tommy could tell by the look in her eyes.

Kim nodded. "She was dead by the time Trent went back for her. Donavon had stabbed her repeatedly. He must have been furious when he came back in and found out that the baby and I were gone. Dr. Myers was great. He knew that as long as Donavon thought the baby was alive, he would keep looking. So when he made out Andi's death certificate, he made out a bogus one for her baby. Then he made out Drew's birth certificate listing me as the mother. He suggested we put Drew up for adoption. But I couldn't do that."

"Instead you gave up everything to raise Andi's son." Finally Tommy understood what Kim had gone through two years ago.

Kim wiped her eyes. "I didn't have a choice. I promised Andi. I failed her on the most important promise I ever made to anyone. I couldn't let her down a second time."

"You didn't fail her, Kim. You saved her son's life."

"But I didn't save her. I promised her that I would get her out as well."

"That was a promise she knew you couldn't keep. Kim, you had been beaten and stabbed. It's a wonder you were able to even get away with Drew. You've done a remarkable job raising him. Don't beat yourself up for being human, Kim."

Kim forced a little smile. "Trent's told the same thing a million times."

Tommy frowned. "That's one thing I don't understand, Kim. After what he did, how did Trent end up with you and Drew?"

"He's Drew's uncle. I couldn't deny him the right to be a part of his nephew's life. Besides, as Trent pointed out to me after I left the clinic with Drew, I needed help."

"I would have helped you if you'd asked."

"Oh, Tommy, I couldn't have asked that of anyone. Trent knew that. He knew I was too proud and guilt-ridden to ask for help. So he reminded me that Drew was the only family he had left in the world. So instead of him helping me it was like I was helping him."

"Kim, not many people would have had the courage to do what you have done. Why are you so scared for people to know?"

"Because in the truest sense of the law, Trent and I are kidnappers. We could go to jail if the truth came out. Dr. Myers could lose his license. But most of all, because if Donavon found out that his son hadn't died right after birth, he would stop at nothing to get Drew back. But that's not going to happen. He'll have to kill me before I let him near my son."

"MAMA." Drew came running across the park, Rocky and Jason jogging along beside him. Pushing off the picnic table, Kim ran to her son and caught him up in a bear hug. Tommy watched the scene, still reeling from his former girlfriend's story. He had new respect for the petite former Pink Ranger. The pain and bitterness he had been carrying for the last two years melted away in a flash.

Tommy's eyes darkened. Donavon Black had better hope he never came face to face with the former Green/White/Red Ranger. Kim had already sacrificed so much because of that arrogant scum and while she might be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save her son, Tommy knew it would be a cold day in Hell before he ever let her do it.

Chapter Five

Night had long since descended on the city. The area set aside for trailers was dark, save for a single street light and the soft light that spilled out of the small trailer at the end of the lot. A single figure sat on a dirt bike staring up at the stars.

From the doorway of the trailer a petite girl with long caramel hair watched the brooding figure, a wistful look on her face. Glancing back at the silent bedroom, the girl sighed and stepped outside the trailer.

Walking up behind him, Kimberly Hart wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She could only do that when he was sitting down because standing he towered over her with his six foot frame.

"Penny for your thoughts." Kim whispered in his ear.

Trent Connerey swung his legs to the other side of the bike so that he was facing her. "I was thinking about Andi. I didn't do a very good job of protecting her. After Mom and Dad died, we were all each other had. It was my job to keep her safe from people like Donavon; instead I handed her right over to him."

Kim took his hands in her hers and raised them to her lips. She kissed the big rough hands and then placed them over her heart. "Trent, we've been through this over and over again. You saw what Donavon wanted you to see. Andi and I saw him for what he was because he wanted us to see that. If we had confided in you things might have been different but we didn't."

"I might could buy that if I hadn't let you down last week. I didn't protect Andi two years ago and I didn't protect you last week. I can't keep letting the women in my life down when they need me."

Kim's eyes flashed with anger. "Trent Aaron Connerey, I will not stand here and let you keep kicking yourself. You didn't let either one of us down."

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing. Trent, you jump down my throat every time I blame myself for leaving her behind and not saving her. I won't let you turn around and blame yourself, not for what happen to Andi and not for what happened to me last week. You are always telling me that I'm only human; well Darling, what do you think you are? You couldn't read our minds to know what kind of person Donavon is. As for last week, the last time I checked human cloning was still illegal so it's impossible for you to have been in two places at one time."

Trent looked up at her his eyes bright with tears. "I miss her so much, Kim."

Kim leaned against him, his hands still trapped in hers between them. The tears that she thought she had cried out of earlier in the day filled her eyes once more. "So do I, Trent. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. Whenever Drew does something cute or has a milestone I wish she were here to see it. But I think she does see everything that happens."

"Where is Drew?"

"Out like a light. Rocky and Jason wore him out today."

Trent smiled. "I think he did the same thing to them. They looked pretty wiped out when they came back to the track with Tommy."

Kim bit her lip at the mention of her former boyfriend's name. It was hard to believe that after two years, he finally knew the truth about why she had broken up with him. She felt like a huge burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

"What's the matter, Angel?" Trent removed his hands from her and cupped her face in his hands.

"I was just wondering what was going through Tommy's mind when I told him the truth. I had just finished when Jason and Rocky came back with Drew. He didn't say anything while they were there but I looked back at him at one point and his eyes were so dark. I've only seen that look in his eyes one other time in all the years that I've known him and it's the scariest thing I've ever seen. For all I know he may still hate me."

Trent held her close and kissed her cheek. "Oh, Angel, I don't see how anyone who truly loved you could ever hate you. But, if he does hate you, knowing what all you sacrificed for Drew; well, then he isn't the man I thought he was. But Kim, with the exception of Donavon, I've never been wrong about a person before."

Kim grinned and kissed him tenderly on the lips and then rested her head on his forehead. "You always know what to say to make me feel better. But you know, it doesn't really matter what he thinks. At least I finally told him the truth. I don't have to feel guilty about lying."

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

Kim nuzzled her head on his neck. "Not since I walked out here."

"Well then, let me not waste another minute. Kimberly Ann Hart-soon-to-be-Connerey, I love you and I would do anything for you."

"And I love you. Nothing and no one will ever change that."

* * *

"Man, I can't believe Kim went through all that and never told us." Rocky shook his head.

"If you had told me yesterday that we would see Kim today and find out something shocking, of all the things I would have imagined it would be, this wouldn't have even made the list." Jason added.

Rocky looked over at the couch where Tommy had been sitting since he started telling them what he had learned from Kim. "You okay, Tommy?"

"All this time, I was so hurt and mad at her because I thought she had found someone else. She didn't betray me for another man. It was all for a baby. There was no one else."

Jason touched his arm. "Maybe not when she wrote that letter, Bro., but that was two years ago. She's engaged to Trent now."

Tommy shook off his friend's arm and rose to stand in front of the window. "But does she love him? How could she? He was the one who led Donavon to her and Andi. Both of you know how Kim is, especially you, Jason. Do anything you want to her but watch out if you hurt someone she cares about. Jason, you were the one who told me she still has a grudge against your neighbor who accidentally ran over your dog in eighth grade? This is much bigger than that. She only let Trent in their lives because he is Drew's uncle. I bet the only reason she is marrying him is because of Drew. You know how Kim is about family. She probably feels like she doesn't have a choice. What we had was special. I feel like I'm being given a second chance with the woman I love. I'd be crazy if I didn't try to recapture that."

Rocky and Jason exchanged a look. They had seen Trent and Kim together, seen how close they were. It certainly didn't look like Kim felt obligated to Trent. Jason felt Tommy was only setting himself up for another heartbreak. "Tommy..."

"No, Jason. I have to do this. I lost Kim once; I can't lose her again. I can't let her marry Trent, not unless she can convince me it's what she truly wants. I'm going for a walk. I'll be back later."

Rocky looked at Jason when they were alone. "So, what do you think?"

"I think one of those guys is going to end up with a broken heart. It's obvious that Tommy's got his heart on his sleeve where Kim is concerned. And it was pretty obvious that Trent adores her."

"So Kim's going to have to choose one or the other."

Jason nodded his brown eyes grim. "Kim will know that no matter whom she chooses, someone's going to be hurt. Kim's like my little sister and I know her better than I know my real sister. It's going to kill her to know she's hurt either one of them."

Rocky stretched out on the bed. "I don't want to see Kim hurt. After all that she's been through, she deserves to be happy. So what do we do?"

Jason shook his head. "We don't do anything. Kim's going to need us when this all blows up but not if we but in now. I just hope when the time comes we can do more than just pick up the shattered pieces."

* * *

Kim stepped out of the bedroom, a thin light robe over her shortie pajamas. Blushing slightly she walked across the room to kneel beside the couch. Trent had stretched out and pulled a blanket over him. He seemed surprise to see her.

"Something wrong, Angel?"

She bit her lip. "Not really. I just wanted... I mean.... Why is this so hard for me to say? Trent, you don't have to sleep on the couch. I liked having your arms around me all night."

Trent pulled her up on the couch with him and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh, Kimber, waking up this morning with you in my arms was incredible but I don't know. I think, no I know, it's something we could get too used to. I don't want us to get in a situation we don't want to be in. Last night was one thing, I wanted to protect you from your nightmares but I don't know that we should share a bed just for the sake of being able to hold each other." Then a thought flashed through Trent's mind. "Unless you are thinking that maybe your talk with Tommy today is going to make your dreams worse. Is that it?"

Kim leaned her head on his chest. "I could say yes and you would join me in the bedroom without hesitation. But it wouldn't be completely the truth. I've had nightmares every night for the past two years. I've learned how to fight them off except when I'm extremely tired or stressed. After that wonderful rest I got last night, I know I can handle whatever the demons throw at me tonight. I just hate for you to have to sleep on the couch. It's one thing back at the apartment where we each have our own bedroom but that's not an option here. Come to bed with me, Trent. Nothing is going to happen. Besides the fact that Drew will be there, we both love and respect each other enough not to let things go too far."

"If we start this here, I don't know if I could go back to separate bedrooms when the tour is over and we go back to the apartment."

"Then we'll have to make sure it isn't a problem by the time we get back."

Trent watched her carefully. "What are you suggesting, Angel?"

'That we've been engaged since Christmas day. I think it's time we set a date and get married. Let's be husband and wife by the time we return to the apartment." She blazed a trail of feathery kisses from his shoulder up his neck and ended at his mouth.

For several long minutes, neither spoke any words but they said so much to each other with their long, passionate kisses. Finally, they pulled away from each other at the same time, both out of breath.

Trent cupped Kim's face in his hands. "Our wedding night is going to be so special because of what we've saved for each other to share that night. But I don't want to spend the night alone on this couch. If you trust me; I trust you. Come on, let's go to bed before Drew wakes up and wonders where his mommy is."

* * *

Kimberly Hart sat up with a start. Her heart was beating rapidly and sweat stood out on her forehead. She took a couple of deep breaths to get her breathing rate back to normal. Strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her backward until she was resting against the bare chest of her fiancé.

"Easy, Angel. You're safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Kim twisted around so that she was facing him and buried her head in his chest. She wrapped her arms around his body and held him tightly. "Don't let go of me, Trent."

Trent kissed the top of her head. "I wouldn't dream of it, Angel. Want to talk about it?

"It was the usual. Only this time, somehow he captured the three of us; you, me and Drew. I was tied to a chair just like in the cabin the night Drew was born. Drew was in another room but I could hear him screaming for me. Donavon had beaten you to a bloody pulp. I kept thinking that this was going to be just like before. Except this time, you were going to be dead instead of Andi, and Donavon was going to run off with Drew. Once again I was helpless."

Trent held her even tighter as she sobbed into his chest. How many nights had she had dreams such as this with only her pillow to cry into? "Angel, I am not going to let Donavon anywhere near either you or Drew. He'll have to kill me first."

Kim sobbed even harder. "That's what I'm afraid of Trent. I don't want to lose you."

"You aren't going to lose me, Kimber. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that."

Kim struggled to bring her sobs under control. Neither spoke as they simply held each other. After several long minutes, all that remained of her sobs were hiccups. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"You didn't wake me up. I was lying here watching you and Drew sleep."

Kim sniffled and grinned. "Learn anything interesting?"

"Besides the fact that you snore?" Trent laughed when she punched him in the arm. "Just joking, Kimber, just joking. You and Drew have some of the same mannerisms. You both tend to sleep on your right side with your left hand tucked up under your chin. I think he's going to be left handed like you are. I know he doesn't have any of your genes but if I didn't know either of you and just happened to see you out somewhere, I would pick him out as your son."

"I would give anything if Andi had lived and had been able to raise him. But from the time I held Drew for the first time after knowing she was gone, I've felt like he was my son."

"Even when you felt like you were a horrible mom?"

In the dim moonlight that spilled into the trailer through the window, Trent could see her eyes twinkling a little in merriment. "Especially then. That's why it upset me so much to think I was a failure."

"I have to be honest with you Kimber, as much as I loved my sister, I don't think she would have been any better a mother than you've been. Now, why don't you close those beautiful brown eyes and go back to sleep."

With one more kiss, Kim turned back over so that her back was up against him. Trent's arms slipped around her body and tightened protectively around her waist. Kim covered his hands with one of her hands, and with the other reached out and gently caressed Drew's baby fine blonde hair.

Trent kissed the top of her head. "Close your eyes, Kimber. Go to sleep."

With a contented sigh, Kim smiled. He knew her so well. Safe in the arms of the man she loved Kim drifted back to sleep.

Chapter Six

"And in the lead is car 62, Tommy Oliver. Right behind him is Car 17, Trent Connerey. Folks, you are seeing two of the finest racers in this circuit."

"Come on, Trent." Kim could barely stand still as she watched the afternoon race from the pit area. Drew was sitting in his stroller, mesmerized by the cars speeding past him. Though he had protested vehemently, Kim was glad she had thought to put cotton in his little ears to muffle the sounds.

"As the lead cars come around the head turn for the final lap, it looks like Connerey in Car 17 is about to make his move and pass current leader Tommy Oliver."

As the announcer spoke, Trent's green and blue car shot out and drew up even with Tommy's red car. For the longest time, the two vehicles stayed side by side, each driver jockeying for position to be in the lead when the checkered flag was waved.

Kim closed her eyes. She couldn't watch, it was so close. Suddenly a cheer rose up from the crew in the pit with her. "He did it. Trent won." Mark shouted from beside her. Kim reopened her eyes.

"He did?"

Mark hugged her and swung her around. "He did it. Man, I thought for sure Oliver had him this time." He set her back down. "Go on over to the winner's circle. Trent will want you there. I'll watch Drew for you."

She kissed him on the cheek to thank him and took off to where the other's were gathering around the winner's circle. It took her several minutes to push her way through the crowd to even see the car. Trent was just emerging from the window. When he saw her elbowing her way through the crowd, he grinned broadly. "Kimber!"

Breaking past the last person, she launched herself at him and hugged him tightly. The crowd cheered even louder when she kissed him. "I'm so proud of you."

* * *

Tommy leaned against the car and watched the young couple in the winner's circle. Rocky shook his head. "I though you had it for sure, Man."

Tommy shook his head. "It was just a race. You win some; you lose some."

Jason sighed. He recognized the lovelorn look on Tommy's face. Despite what he had said to Rocky the night before about them staying out of the situation, Jason couldn't help but try to convince Tommy to put a stop to things before anyone got hurt. "Kim looks really happy with Trent."

Tommy wouldn't look at him. "Maybe, maybe not. Looks like she's coming this way."

Sure enough, Kim had left Trent's side and was practically skipping toward them. Jason marveled at the difference between her today than yesterday. Revealing her secret and erasing the lie must have been just what she had needed to do. She smiled and kissed Tommy on the cheek.

"Great race, Tommy."

Tommy wrapped his arms around her and hugged her in return. He almost didn't want to let her go when she pulled away. She greeted Rocky and Jason with a hug for each of them.

"Hey, Kim, where's the tricycle motor?" Rocky asked her with a grin.

"Drew's in Trent's pit with Mark. Actually, I'm glad you asked because I need a huge favor."

Rocky groaned. "If it has to do with crawling around in those colored tubes at McDonalds, forget it."

Kim laughed. It was nice to see her so relaxed and carefree. "Not quite. They are having a dance tonight for the racers and their crews. Trent and I would like to go but we need a baby-sitter. If we were at home, I could do a drop off at Drew's daycare or get one of my friends from college to watch him but I don't know anyone else around here well enough to ask. Please? He'll be absolutely no trouble. I'll have him fed, bathed and in bed before I leave."

Rocky frowned. "I don't know. How well stocked is the fridge?"

Jason jabbed him in the ribs. "Sure, Kim. We'll be glad to watch him What time do you need us?"

"The dance starts at nine but Trent and I thought that we could grill steaks for supper if you wanted to come at seven to eat first. Tommy, you're invited too. The three of us could walk to the dance together."

Rocky rubbed his hands together. "Who am I to refuse a steak dinner? We'll be there."

* * *

Promptly at seven, Tommy, Jason, and Rocky walked up to the trailer. Trent was standing outside turning steaks on the grill. He smiled when he saw them. "Hey, guys, glad you could make it. But I'm surprised. Usually the only thing Tommy is on time for is the starter pistol of a race. Go on in. Kim's in there getting Drew fed before we eat."

Rocky stayed outside to give Trent a hand but Jason and Tommy went inside. Kim was nowhere to be seen but they heard squealing from the open door of the bedroom. Suddenly, Drew ran into the living room wearing nothing at all. Jason scooped him up in his arms as the two year old ran by. Drew laughed and tried to wiggle free.

"Andrew Trenton Connerey, you'd better come back here and get your clothes on." Kim emerged from the bedroom, looking a little exasperated. Her white T-shirt was soaking wet and was clinging to her body provocatively. Tommy couldn't help but stare at her.

She blushed when she saw them. "Hi guys. Sorry, I didn't know you were here yet. I figured Tommy would be running late." She smiled to let him know she was just joking. "Thanks for catching him, Jason. Come here, Drew. Time to get dressed."

"No dress. Play."

Jason laughed and transferred the squirming boy to his mom. "Looks like he's already been playing."

Kim looked down at her wet front. "He really likes splashing in the water. That's why I wouldn't have put you and Rocky through that. Where is Rocky?"

"Outside with Trent. Aren't you scared he's going to have an accident without a diaper on?" Jason noticed that Tommy wasn't saying anything.

Kim laughed. "No, he's got better control than that. He's almost ready to be potty trained. But I do need to get him dressed. Make yourselves at home. There are drinks in the fridge."

She disappeared back into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Jason punched Tommy lightly in the arm. "You're drooling, Man."

Tommy reluctantly wrenched his gaze away from the door Kim had closed. "Sorry, but seeing her in that wet..."

Jason laughed. "Easy, Bro."

The bedroom door reopened and Drew once again ran out. This time he was clad in a diaper and T-shirt. Jason thought he saw something in the toddler's hand and had a suspicion as to what it was. His suspicions were confirmed when something red flashed in his hand as it was thrown.

"Ball." Drew called out as a warning. Jason had seen this maneuver several times the day before and ducked. The red plastic ball hit Tommy square in the chest.

"Oh, Drew." Kim couldn't help but laugh as she emerged from the bedroom. She had changed out of the wet T-shirt into a hot pink muscle shirt. "Sorry about that, Tommy."

"No problem. He's got a good arm."

"That he does." She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a jug of milk. Filling up a sippy cup, she glanced back to the two boys. "Name your poison. We've got soda, O.J., water, tea and milk."

Both boys requested sodas. After handing Drew his sippy cup of milk, she reached back into the refrigerator and pulled out five cans. She handed Jason and Tommy each a can and set hers on the counter. Picking up the other two, she started to the door. Before she could reach it, the door opened and Trent stepped inside carrying a tray. Rocky was right behind him.

Trent set the tray of steaks on the counter and kissed Kim warmly. Kim pressed the cold can drink in his hand and turned away to give Rocky his. She smiled. "I don't know about the rest of you but I am starved. Let's eat."

The five young adults gathered around the table. As they ate, Drew went from person to person, begging for food. Kim kept reminding them that he had already eaten and that he didn't need anything else. But it didn't escape Tommy's notice that Trent was slipping the two year old pieces of meat whenever Kim wasn't looking.

Quickly realizing who he was having the most luck conning out of food, Drew stayed near his father. Not realizing Trent had given him steak, Kim relented and offered Drew a baby carrot from her salad. Drew ran to her side but suddenly began to gag. Reacting quickly Tommy jerked him up and gave him two sharp back blows. Drew began to cough and scream at the same time that a partially chewed up piece of meat fell out of his mouth.

Kim took Drew from Tommy and held him tight, her own tears filling her eyes. She glared at Trent. "You gave it to him didn't you? After I said he didn't need it, you gave him a piece anyway."

Trent touched Drew's back. "Relax, Kimber, he's okay."

"Thanks to Tommy. Trent, how could you?"

"I didn't think it was that big a deal. He eats steak with us all the time. I couldn't stand having him look up at me and beg for food."

"He's your son, Trent Aaron, not a dog."

Jason and Rocky exchanged a look. Both boys wondered if they should be hearing this. Tommy was watching Kim intently.

"Kimber, I didn't mean for him to get choked. Calm down, Angel." He reached out to caress her cheek but Kim pulled away and stood.

"I'm going to go rock Drew to sleep and then change clothes. I'll be out in a little while."

Without another word, Kim disappeared into the bedroom. The door shut behind her with a small slam. They could still hear Drew crying inside. Trent looked at the others. "I'm sorry about that. I'm sure you noticed yesterday that she's a tad overprotective."

"Should one of us go check on her? She sounded really angry." Jason glanced over at the closed door. Tommy stood, ready to be the one to go to her. Trent waved them back down.

"She wasn't really angry. She was scared and mad but not angry. If I was really in the doghouse she would have used all three names on me. The fact that she only used two names means she's only annoyed and upset. Besides, you don't disturb her when she's trying to get Drew to sleep."

After about ten minutes the crying stopped but it was forty five minutes before Kim stepped out of the bedroom. She had changed out of her tan shorts and pink muscle shirt into a pair of tight pink jeans and a white sleeveless shirt that was tied at the waist and revealed a hint of her belly button. Her hair was down but pulled out of her face and clipped into place with a barrette. She didn't look at Trent as she left the bedroom. Though she had put on fresh make-up, it was clear to all four guys that she had been crying.

"Rocky, Jason, he should stay asleep the whole time we're gone. But if he should wake up you can give him some milk in his sippy cup and read to him. His books are in a pile by the bed. I have my pager so if you need me, the number is on the counter by the cell phone. Make yourselves at home."

"Don't worry about him, Kim. He'll be fine." Jason gave her a warm hug. "The question is, are you okay?"

Kim gave her oldest friend a shaky smile. "I'm fine. I guess I am more in need of this night out than I realized."

Jason kissed her cheek. "Then go have fun. Don't worry about Drew at all."

Once the two boys were alone, Rocky whistled. "Someone's going to be sleeping on the couch tonight."

Jason gave Rocky a hard look. "What's that supposed to mean? You make it sound like they are sleeping together."

Rocky shifted uncomfortably. "Jason, there is only one bedroom and only one bed."

"And right now, Drew is sleeping in it. Rocky, one thing that Kim has been adamant about for as long as I've known her is that she doesn't believe in premarital sex. That was what bothered me most about seeing Drew yesterday. Anyway, this whole conversation is none of our business."

* * *

Kim didn't say a word in the five minutes it took them to walk to the community room that was being used for the dance. Tommy wanted to reach out to her, say something to make her feel better. But with Trent right there with them, he didn't know what he could say. He vowed to get her off by herself as soon as he could to talk to her.

Inside the community room, the music was jumping and couples were already on the floor dancing. Almost on cue the DJ switched to a slow romantic ballad. Trent smiled and put his arm around her. "Excuse us, Oliver."

Trent led her to the floor and wrapped his arms around her. She remained stiff but didn't pull away. He leaned down and rested his forehead on her head. "You're not mad at me, Angel. I know you too well. Drew could have just as easily choked on that carrot you were about to give him. I don't even think you are still upset about the fact that he got choked at all. I know at the time it happened you were but not now. Now, you are embarrassed that your friends saw you wig out. It's easier to pretend to be mad at me than admit that."

Kim sighed and looked up at him, her eyes bright with tears. "You really do know me too well. I am so sorry about the way I acted. Can we forgive and forget?"

Trent brushed her lips with a slight kiss. "There is nothing to forgive and it is forgotten already."

Kim rested her head on his chest. "You know, one of these days, I'm going to lash out at you and you aren't going to be so forgiving and understanding."

Trent chuckled at how forlorn she sounded. "Maybe, but not tonight and not when I am partially to blame. I shouldn't have given him the steak after you said not to and for that, I'm sorry. Now can we put this behind us and enjoy ourselves. Evenings like tonight don't come along all that often. It's been so long since we've been dancing." He kissed her again.

Kim smiled as they broke apart. "Put what behind us?"

At the punch table, Tommy watched the couple with a frown on his face. How long had it been since Tommy had held Kim like that? He felt a stab of jealously watching as Trent held her close and kissed her.

Tommy knew he should be happy for his friend. Trent was a great guy and deserved the love of a wonderful woman. In any other circumstance with any other girl, Tommy would be wishing Trent the best. But this was Kim, his Kim. He couldn't just walk away without trying to win her back.

"Hey, Tommy, great race today. Aren't these dances a drag when you are away from your girl?" Bobby Mason, another racer, whistled as he spotted Trent on the dance floor. "Trent seems to be having a good time. Who's that beauty he's with?"

Tommy didn't answer right away. His eyes were on the couple in question. Trent had lifted Kim off her feet so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. He continued to sway to the music as he held her there. "That's Kim. She's his... his fiancee." He almost choked over the title.

"Lucky guy. She hasn't been around here before. I would have remembered seeing her."

"She's been away at college." Tommy explained but he wasn't really sure why he bothered.

"Trent's a better man than I. There's no way I could go on tour and leave that sweet beauty all alone."

Tommy had to agree. If he did win Kim back, he would never leave her to go on tour. Bobby grabbed a glass of punch and left Tommy alone. Tommy continued to watch Kim as the music shifted back to an upbeat tune. On the dance floor, Trent set Kim back on her feet and followed her lead in moving to the beat of the music.

Tommy loved watching Kim dance. She moved with all the grace of a gymnast and really got into the music. Her face lit up as she danced and it was obvious she was loving every minute of it. Tommy watched her as long as he could and then couldn't stand on the sidelines.

Rubbing his palms against his jeans, Tommy approached the couple and tapped Trent on the shoulder. "Hey, mind if I cut in?"

Trent smiled. "Not at all, Bro. Kim's a lot better at this than I am. I think she could stay out here all night without a break. But then again, I guess you know how she is on the dance floor." He winked at Kim. "Have fun, Angel, I'll get something to drink and call the trailer and check in with Rocky and Jason."

"Sounds great. Thanks." Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed Trent gently on the lips before turning to Tommy. "It's been a long time since we've done this."

Tommy smiled as he took her loosely in his arms. He hoped the DJ would play another slow song soon. "Too long, Kim. I didn't get much a chance to talk to you yesterday after you told me what happened."

Kim hung her head. "I know. I'm sorry, Tommy. About everything."

"I still wish you'd have called me and told me what was going on. Maybe I could have helped you."

"Which is exactly why I didn't tell you. Besides, you were a Power Ranger. You were too busy having to battle monsters to have to worry about me as well. I was going to talk to you about what Andi was going through but it seemed like every time I got ready to bring it up, your communicator would go off and you had to rush off."

"Kim, I..."

"Don't apologize, Tommy. I don't blame you. Besides you wouldn't have been able to do anything but listen anyway. I'm just saying you had a life of your own with responsibilities too important for you to abandon just because I was in a sticky situation. Part of growing up is learning that sometimes you have to give something up and make sacrifices in order to do the right thing. Sometimes accepting your responsibilities means putting your own happiness aside for the greater good."

The DJ started a song they had danced to a thousand times. Tommy mentally thanked the guy as he pulled Kim closer. Neither said a word as they swayed to the music.

* * *

"Sounds great, Jason. Thanks again. Bye." Trent hung up the phone and made his way to the punch table. As he poured himself a glass, Bobby Mason joined him. "Hey Trent. I saw you out there with your fiancee earlier. Lucky guy, she's a real looker. Where is she?"

"Dancing with Tommy Oliver. They are old friends."

Bobby looked out at the dance floor and gave a low whistle. "Close friends, I'd say. You're awfully trusting, Trent."

Trent said nothing but searched out Kim and Tommy. His heart fell as he watched them dancing. Kim's back was to his so he couldn't see her face but he recognized the undisguised look of love in Tommy's eyes. Tommy was still in love with Kim.

Trent had known it was a possibility from the moment Kim sent Tommy that letter. He had known that the day may come when Tommy would learn the truth, forgive her and want her back. But Trent had never allowed himself to think about where he would fit in all this. Who would Kim want to be with, him or Tommy? Now as Trent watched his friend and his fiancee, Trent was afraid the answer might be Tommy. He couldn't stand to think that he might lose the love of his life.

Chapter Seven

"Angel, you should go."

Kim sighed as she rinsed off the last plate and put it in the drain board. "Really, Trent, it's not that big a deal. I don't want to leave you alone so soon after I got here."

"I saw your face when Rocky said your old friends Trini and Zack were going to be there. I know you would love to spend time with them. I don't mind if you go."

This had been their topic of conversation every since Jason and Rocky had told her about the Youth Center Reunion Dance. Ernie had recently returned from overseas and had wanted to see everyone again. So he had sent out invitations to all the old regulars that he had addresses for. All of the other old Rangers were going to be there. Kim really wanted to go; she knew it would be a surprise to everyone. No one had known where she was and had had no way to contact her to tell her about the reunion. But she didn't want to go without Trent. Every since the dance two days ago, Trent had been distant. Though he still held her every night, it wasn't with the same intimacy as before.

"Come with us then. I would love for you to see where I grew up."

"I have races, Kim."

"Four races, Trent. You could miss them. Tommy is missing them so he can go."

Trent shook his head as he carefully kept his face neutral at the mention of Tommy's name. "We need the money, Kimber. I can't afford to miss four races. But I want you to go. Jason has already said you can stay with him. Go, have fun. You deserve it."

Her lower lip jutting out a little, Kim eased down on his lap. "How can I have fun if I'm missing you?" Kim nuzzled his neck and kissed him.

She certainly wasn't kissing him like someone who was in love with someone else. But Trent had no doubts that she would rather be with Tommy. He knew how much she had loved her former boyfriend. Trent would never have even had a chance with her if it hadn't been for what happened with Andi.

So many times the last couple of days, he had wanted to talk to her about it and find out for sure. He owed it to her to make her happy even if it meant losing her to Tommy. That's why he couldn't do it. If he admitted that he knew, there could be no more pretending that everything was fine. She would admit her feelings for Tommy and Trent would have to let her go.

He loved her too much to try to force her to stay where she didn't want to be but it was going to kill him to lose her. So he selfishly said nothing. Wanting to hold on to her until he had no choice, he tried to forget the look he had seen on Tommy's face the night of the dance.

"You won't miss me. You'll be having too much fun to even notice I'm not there."

Kim captured his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. "Trent, I miss you every second you are away from me. No matter what I am doing or how much fun I might be having, I feel your absence. I'm not whole unless you are by my side. So don't kid yourself thinking otherwise. I am always aware of your presence or the lack thereof." She kissed him again. "Besides, I want my friends to meet you; to see how lucky I am."

"Kimber, Angel..."

Kim put her finger on his lips. "Shh, I understand if four races are too much for you to miss. I won't ask you to do that but I think we can compromise here. The actual dance isn't until Saturday night. Drew and I could ride with Jason and Rocky tomorrow. I can spend the week catching up with my friends while you win those first three races. Then you can leave right after the Friday night race and join me in Angel Grove so that you can be there for the dance. That would leave you only missing Saturday's race. What's one race going to mean in the long run?"

Trent groaned. How could he tell her no about anything she asked for. "Okay, I'll join you for the dance if you really want me to."

Kim grinned and kissed him again. "I really want you to."

She rested her head on his shoulder and the two sat there in the blissful silence. Kim was glad he had agreed to join her. She could feel the distance growing between them but wasn't for sure what had caused it. She wondered what was going on in Trent's mind right then. She wanted to know what was bothering him but was too afraid to ask. She was afraid that she had finally pushed him away for good. Afraid he would say that he was tired of the way she treated him every time she got upset. She didn't want to hear the words that would cut her to her very soul; that he didn't love her anymore. So she said nothing and instead listened to the steady beating of his heart.

* * *

"Okay, Slugger. Be good for Mommy. I'll see you in a few days."

"Dada, bye bye." Drew leaned toward him and gave him a wet sloppy kiss. Trent hugged him tightly and strapped him into his car seat. He was suddenly filled with a sense of dread. One that suggested that if he let Kim and Drew go to Angel Grove, he would never see them again. He dismissed the notion as a side effect of his worry that he was going to lose her to Tommy.

"Hey, do I get one of those?" Kim wrapped her arms around him.

"A sloppy Drew kiss?"

"Not quite the kiss I was thinking about." She closed her eyes and a chill ran up her spine as Trent lowered his lips to hers. Tears filled her eyes. "I miss you already."

"Don't cry, Angel. I'll see you in a few days. Enjoy visiting with your friends."

"You have the number Jason gave you for his house. I'll call you as soon as we get there. Page me?"

"Every chance I get, Angel."

He started to release her but Kim tightened her hold on him. "I love you."

He kissed her again and then led her to the other side of the Jeep. "Go on Kimber. Rocky and Jason are waiting for you."

He closed his eyes so that he wouldn't see the hurt that he knew just filled her eyes. After a few quiet seconds, the car door closed and Rocky's Jeep pulled away. Tears streamed down his face as he could feel her getting further and further away from him.

What had he just done? Treating her like that, he was surely going to lose her. He knew suddenly without a doubt that he couldn't push her toward Tommy. He couldn't give her up. Oh, Trent knew that she might decide that she wanted to be with Tommy anyway but it wouldn't be because Trent left her no other choice. If she did choose Tommy, then he would release her from her promise to marry him but Trent couldn't release her from his heart. She was forever embedded there. Without her, Trent was nothing.

Pulling the cell phone from his back pocket and punched in a number. He could only hope he wasn't too late. After a couple of rings, an automatic voice answered. "You have reached a digital pager. After the tones, punch in your number or leave a message."

With a shaky breath, Trent waited for the tones. "I love you too, Angel. I'm sorry I let you go for even a second without saying it. Call me soon; I miss you, Kimber."

* * *

"So Trini and Zach should be arriving by plane not long after we get back to Angel Grove. I'm hoping Billy was able to arrange things so that he could make it. You did know about him going to Aquitar, didn't you, Kim?" Getting no answer, Jason looked back to where she was sitting in the back seat. She was turned to the side where he couldn't see her face but from the way her body was shaking, it was more than obvious that she was crying. "Kim, what's wrong? Rocky, pull over."

"Don't Rocko, keep going. I'm fine." Kim protested softly. She didn't want to talk about it. She couldn't explain to her two friends that she was afraid she was losing Trent and that it was slowly killing her.

Rocky glanced over at Jason. He wanted to pull over as much as Jason wanted him to but the traffic was heavy and the shoulder was too steep to risk pulling over here. Jason nodded for him to keep going as he unfastened his seat belt. Maybe Rocky couldn't stop the car but no one was going to stop him from helping his friend.

Jason eased past Rocky through the narrow opening between the front seats. He climbed into the back seat, wedging himself between Drew's car seat and his distraught friend. Despite the now crowded conditions, Jason wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.


She took a shaky breath. "I don't want to talk about it, Jase."

"So we won't talk. I just can't let you sit back here crying by yourself."

"I'm not by myself. Don't forget about Drew over there."

"I didn't forget about him. But right now he's asleep and besides that, he's a little too confined right now to be able to put his arms around you."

Kim knew how crowded the muscular boy had to be in that small space. "You look pretty crammed in there yourself."

"I can handle it. Being a little crammed is better than sitting up there worrying about you."

Kim rested her head on Jason's shoulder. That was what she had missed most about her old friend: his gentle, comforting, non-pressuring presence. "I hope Emily knows how lucky she is."

Jason laughed, glad to see the hint of a smile pass over her face. "She does, but it couldn't hurt if you maybe mentioned it to her while you are in Angel Grove. Trent is pretty lucky himself." He ventured carefully. He wasn't sure if this would help or make thing worse.

She sniffed and shook her head. "No, I'm the lucky one. By all rights, he should have walked away from me a long time ago, but he's stuck by me through it all. Goodness knows I haven't made it easy for him."

"You never do. I remember how you pushed us all away when your parents were going through the divorce. If you've been even half as bad to him as you were to us, then I can really feel for Trent."

"Actually I've been worse. There have been so many times I couldn't stand to be around myself. I don't see how he could. But he never complained. He just took everything I threw at him and kept coming back for more. I've often wondered why."

"Probably for the same reason we did. We care about you too much to let you scare us off. What happened, Kim?"

"You saw how I treated him the other day. I wasn't mad at him; I was embarrassed that I wigged out in front of the three of you. I apologized to Trent and I thought everything was fine but every since then he's been distant. He didn't even tell me he loved me when I left. For over a year now, we've never said goodbye without saying those three words. I can't lose him, Jason."

Jason caught Rocky's eye in the rearview mirror. Both boys could see how much Kim truly loved Trent. Tommy was going to be in for a heartbreak. "Kim, I'm sure..."

He felt something vibrate on Kim's waist. Both looked down at the small black box at the same time. With a sniffle, Kim unclipped the pager from her waistband and looked at the readout. Her face instantly lit up as she read the message. She smiled as she showed Jason the message.

I love you too, Angel. I'm sorry I let you go for even a second without saying it. Call me soon; I miss you, Kimber.

Jason gave her shoulders a squeeze. Then he pushed a small button on the pager to save the message. "Worried over nothing, huh? Now, when you start to have your doubts, you can go back and read this message and chase them away."

* * *

Two hours later, the Jeep sped by the Welcome to Angel Grove sign. Kim felt a shiver of anticipation run up her spine at the thought of being home for the first time in three years. As good as it felt to be home, it still felt a little weird.

"So, Jason, where is everyone staying?"

Jason turned in his seat to face the back seat. He had returned to the front seat after Kim had made Rocky stop at the first store he came to. After getting Trent's page, she had wanted to call him immediately. Glad to see her happy again, Rocky would have driven her to the moon if she'd asked him to.

"My parents are out of town with my brother and sister for the whole week, so I've got plenty of empty rooms if people don't mind sharing. I thought it would be fun for all of us to stay together. Even Rocky is coming over."

Kim smiled. "Leaving one crowded house for another, Rocky?"

Rocky laughed. "Actually, I have my own apartment. When you've shared a bathroom with as many people as I have for as long as I have, you get out as soon as you can." The three friends laughed. "Hey, Kim. Do you need a crib for Drew? I think my parents still have one up in the attic. I could get it for you if you need it."

"Thanks for the offer, Rocky but Drew likes to climb out of cribs too much. He's been in a regular bed since he was fourteen months old. That's when he climbed out of his crib for the first time that we know of and proceeded to turn over our fish tank in the living room.. He can share a bed with me like he's been doing at the trailer."

Rocky pulled into Jason's driveway and parked. "Here we are at Casa Scott. I'll grab your bag while you get Drew. He's been asleep this whole time; I don't want to be the one to wake him."

Kim laughed. "This is a common ritual. Drew falls asleep whenever a car is in motion, no matter how long the trip is. He wakes up on his own as soon as the car is turned off. He didn't wake up when we stopped at the store because you left the car running."

Sure enough, now that the engine was off, Drew opened his eyes and smiled at the three adults. Kim carried him inside and set him on the floor. She did a quick scan for any hazards but decided Jason's house was pretty Drew-proofed. The two year old ran from room to room, investigating every nook and cranny. Rocky set her bag inside the door.

"Okay, I have to get to the airport. Trini, Zack, Kat and Aisha should be getting in within the next hour. Are we going out tonight or what? I can swing by my house and see if one of my sister will watch Drew if we want to go out."

Jason caught the pensive look on Kim's face and smiled. He realized she was worried about leaving Drew alone on his first night in a new place. "Everyone's going to be pretty wiped out from traveling. Why don't we stay in and get caught up on what's been going on with everyone?"

"I can cook supper if Jason will make a grocery run for anything he doesn't already have."

Rocky shook his head. "Kim a cook, boggles the mind doesn't it?"

"I had to learn in order to survive. Unless it's something prepared on the grill, Trent is useless in the kitchen but he has an appetite to rival Rocky's. Before you go, Rocky, there's a favor I want to ask both of you. I know Tommy told you guys the truth about Donavon and Andi and what happened to make me Drew's mom. I don't mind that you know but I don't want everyone to know the truth. It's not that I don't trust the rest of the gang; but I think its better if all they know is that Drew is my son."

Jason rubbed her arm. "He is your son, Kim, in all the ways that are important you are his mother. How that came to be is no one's business unless you want it to be. They won't hear it from us."

Kim smiled. "Thanks guys."

* * *

"Ace, doggie." Drew came up to Kim carrying a framed photograph. Kim pulled him up on her lap and took the picture from him. She smiled. It was a picture of Jason when he was in eighth grade. With him in the picture was a larger German Shepherd. Her eyes misted up as she remembered how close Jason had been to that dog.

"That was Jason's dog Dusty."

"Doggie here?"

"No, Dusty doesn't live here anymore.' She said no more about it to Drew but she bitterly remembered the day that Jason's neighbor had hit the dog with his car two months after that picture had been taken. Jason had been so hurt at losing his canine friend, so hurt that Kim had carried ill feelings toward Jason's neighbor for the longest time after that. "Why don't you play with your toys? Want Mama to play blocks with you?"

She could imagine what Jason would say if he returned from the grocery story to find her on the floor of his living room playing with Drew and smiled. Both Jason and Rocky seemed to be getting a kick out of seeing her as a mom. She returned the photograph to the shelf and settled on the floor with her son.

She was in the middle of building a tower for Drew to knock over when the doorbell rang. She kissed the top of Drew's head and went to answer the door. Pulling open the heavy oak door, she squealed with delight when she saw who was standing there.

"Billy!" She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

The former Blue Ranger stood there for a second stunned. But as the shock wore off, he smiled and returned the hug. "Kim, how? Nobody's heard a peep from you in two years."

"I ran into Tommy, Rocky and Jason at the race track a few days ago. They told me about the reunion. You look great. Come on in; Jason is at the grocery story but he should be back really soon."

Grabbing his hand, she pulled him into the house and closed the door behind them. Billy couldn't take his eyes off her. He couldn't believe she was there. "Kim, did something happen in Florida? That letter you sent Tommy was so unlike you. I tried to call you at the training center but they said you had abruptly left. I was worried that Mondo had done something to you so I ran scan after scan searching for you. Zordon assured me that you were okay but I sensed he was hiding something."

Kim bit her lip. "Wow, you were that worried about me? The other didn't tell me you did all that."

"They don't know. So, did something happen?"

Just then from the living room came a small crash and a delighted squeal. Kim smiled as she realized that Drew had knocked over the block tower she had made before Billy's arrival. Billy looked puzzled as he followed Kim the rest of the way into the living room.

"You could say that."

"Mama, do it again."

Billy stood there stunned once again as Kim settled back on the floor with Drew in her lap. She ruffled the toddler's hair before she started rebuilding a tower. Billy shook his head and sank to the floor beside them. "Did he say Mama?"

Kim smiled patiently and nodded. "Billy Cranston meet my son Drew. Drew, can you say hi to Billy?"

"Hi, 'ly."

"Bil-ly." Kim corrected him with a smile.

"B'ly." Drew stirred again. He gave Billy his biggest smile. Kim laughed out loud and hugged Drew.

"Close enough for a two year old, I guess. Billy, don't look at me like that."

"No wonder Zordon looked so worried. Why didn't you tell us?"

Kim sighed. "Too much was going on. I didn't know what you guys would think of me. There are probably a hundred thousand reason that I came up with for not calling. Billy, my mom doesn't even know about Drew. Maybe I'll tell her about him after the wedding."

Billy stared at her, intently searching her face for any sign that all was not right. "You're engaged, too? Who is he, Drew's father?"

Kim nodded. "His name is Trent Connerey and he's the most wonderful man in the world. He'd have to be to put up with me for as long as he has. He'd be here now if he didn't have so many races this week. That's how I ran into Tommy, Jason, and Rocky." She gave that a second to sink in.

"You'll like him, Billy. He'll be here for the dance Saturday night. But enough about me. What's this about you living on Aquitar? I know you got over your fear of water after you battled Rita's fish monster but I still can't picture you living on a water planet like Aquitar. She must be pretty special."

Billy blushed. "Tommy and the others told you about Cestria, huh?"

Kim reached out and touched his knee. "Nope, you did. I can still read you like a book, Billy. You've got that look in your eye. That same look you got in fifth grade when you fell head over hills for Melissa Halliday. The one you had in eighth grade when you and Sara Meeks went steady. Do I even have to mention Laura and Violet? You had the same look with them that you have now with Cestria."

"You make it sound like I'm always falling for some girl."

Kim laughed. "I hardly call 5 girls in nineteen years always falling for girls. So is Cestria her?" As she talked she was automatically stacking block on top of block, building a new tower. Drew only let her get it five blocks high before he knocked it over. Drew giggled and tried to build it back himself.

"Her who?"

"The one who makes you complete. You remember when my parents were divorcing and I was so sure I would never trust love enough to risk my heart? You told me that a day would come when I met the one person who held a missing piece of my heart. You said once I met him I would feel complete and would know without a doubt that he was the one. So is Cestria the one who completes you?"

Billy smiled as Drew handed him several blocks. He sat there for a minute intent on building his own tower for Drew. Finally he looked at Kim, his blue eyes wistful. "I don't know. I do know that I am happy on Aquitar. I'm learning things I would never learn here on Earth even if Zordon were still here to share his vast knowledge. And I'm really happy with Cestria. She may very well be the one but we are taking things slow."

"That's the best way to do it." Kim agreed with him.

"Turn about's fair play." Billy warned her. "What about Trent? I know you are engaged to him but is he yours?"

Kim nodded. "He really is. I've never felt this way about anyone, not even Tommy. It's like my body is in tune with Trent. At home, I work in a gym coaching some gymnastic classes. I was there right before Spring Break teaching a class. My back was to the door but all of a sudden, I just knew Trent was standing there watching me. It was crazy because he was supposed to be in Arizona. I wasn't expecting him in until late the next day. But I turned around and there he was. I know when he walks in the room because there is a piece of me that's missing except for when he is with me."

"Then I'm glad you found him."

The front door opened and Jason entered with several grocery bags. "Honey, I'm home." He called out jokingly.

"Great, put the groceries away and come see who's here." Kim joked back before getting up to help him.

Kim left Billy and Jason in the living room with Drew while she put the groceries away. She couldn't help but wonder what all questions Billy was asking Jason about her. She also wondered what Jason would tell him. She wasn't worried. She knew that Jason wouldn't say anything about what happened and she thought Jason had liked Trent.

Once the groceries were put away, Kim stepped to the doorway and watched as Jason and Billy both were engrossed in building with Drew's blocks. They were so engrossed that neither boy had noticed that Drew wasn't even paying them any attention. Instead he was walking toward her with his left thumb in his mouth and his fingers crooked over his nose. His eyes were heavy and she knew if he got still for half a second, he would be asleep.

With a smile, Kim held her arms out for him to come to her. He smiled around his thumb and allowed her to scoop him up. He pulled his thumb out just long enough to kiss her cheek before plucking it right back in his mouth.

She continued to stand there holding him even after he was asleep. Neither boy had even noticed that Drew was nowhere around. She stifled a laugh. "Entertaining Drew, guys?"

"Of course we are, Kim. Right Drew?" Only then did Jason look around for Drew. Kim saw his eyes grow wide when he didn't see him. Billy looked to her first and was relieved to see her holding Drew. He motioned for Jason to look.

"Um, how long has he been asleep?" The former Blue Ranger asked.

"About five minutes but the two of you had lost his attention way before that. Don't worry, I've seen Trent do the same thing. Jason, which room did you put my stuff in?"

"The guest room down the hall. I figured you wouldn't want to take any chances with Drew and the stairs."

"You are right about that. Thanks." They heard Rocky's Jeep pull into the driveway. "Rocky's back with the others. I'll be out as soon as I get Drew settled."

Kim disappeared down the hall as the doorbell chimed. Drew whimpered and clutched her arm tightly as Zack's enthusiastically greeted Billy and Jason. Kim took extra time in putting him down to make sure he was soundly back to sleep. When she felt it was safe to leave him, she kissed his forehead and backed out of the room.

Kim stood hidden just inside the hallway for more than a minute as she observed her friends. Trini and Zack were in one corner talking to Jason. Kim could only guess they were filling him in on the things he had missed since leaving the Peace Conference. Kat, Billy, Rocky and Aisha were sitting on the couch animatedly talking as well.

Zack noticed her first. His mouth dropped open as he ignored the question Jason had just asked him. "Kim?" He grinned an ran to her, picking her up and swinging her around. "Man, it's good to see you."

Suddenly the others converged on Kim in a sea of hugs. Despite her genuine happiness at seeing her old friends, Kim couldn't help but cast a furtive glance back to the bedroom, worried that the noisy greeting may have woken Drew. Jason and Rocky noticed her concern; while Rocky steered the group back toward the middle of the room, Jason quickly headed down the hall to check on the toddler.

"Kim, where have you been? I've tried and tried to get in touch with you." Trini squeezed Kim's hand.

"I'm living in Waco, Texas." She glanced back at Jason who had returned to the living room. He gave her a thumbs up to let her know that Drew was fine. She smiled her thanks.

Zack frowned. "Wasn't that where that cult was a few years ago? The one that the government had the stand off with?"

"Yeah but it is also home to Baylor University where I've been a student for the last year and a half."

"That's great, Kim." Aisha shook her head. "But you still could have let someone know how to find you. Waco does have a post office and telephone company, doesn't it?"

"Hey, Kat, how is England?:" Rocky steeped in to get the attention off Kim. She flashed him a grateful smile.

"It's beautiful but I've missed being here. It's good to be home even if it's just for a visit."

Zack, Trini, Billy, and Aisha echoed the sentiment. Kim didn't respond. As great as it was to be here surrounded by most of her best friends ever, she missed Trent. She wished he was with her right then.

"So I say we head to the Youth Center. I can't wait to see the place. Can you believe I've even missed Bulk and Skull?" Zack laughed.

"Actually, Kim was going to cook supper for us all. She even got me to go to the grocery store. My mom is going to be shocked that I even knew where the store was."

Aisha raised an eyebrow. "Since when can you cook? You lived with me, remember? I've tasted your cooking."

Kim laughed good-naturedly. "You'd be surprised at what all's changed since then."

"So what's on the menu?" Kat inquired.

"Tacos Caliente."

Rocky's eyes lit up as he recognized the Spanish word. "Hot Tacos? What's in them?"

Jason gently rubbed Kim's shoulders. "If everything she put on the list earlier for me to pick up is going into it, you don't want to know."

"Actually the things on the list were just the things I didn't see when I looked through the cabinets. There were several things that your mom already had."

Jason whistled. "I think we are going to need fire extinguishers."

Kim laughed. "Just really big glasses of tea. A friend of mine from college gave me the recipe. The first time she made them I went through four glasses of water for one taco. But that didn't stop me from eating two more tacos before the meal was over. But if anyone is against spicy food, just let me know and I'll make some regular taco meat as well." She would have to make some for Drew anyway. There were no other takers.

Rocky shook his head. "I'm not worried. Spicy food doesn't bother me at all."

"Keep thinking that, Rocko. Just keep thinking that."

Jason looked around. "Okay, here's how I thought we'd split the rooms. Trini and Kat, you can use my parent's bedroom down here. Aisha, you and Tanya can share my sister's room upstairs. Zack and Billy, if you don't mind bunk beds, you can share my brother's room. That would leave the upstairs guest room for Rocky and Adam and my room for Tommy and me. We'll be crowded but at least we'll all be together."

Before anyone could say anything about Kim's lack of a roommate, Tommy entered the house with Adam and Tanya. Once again, there was a noisy reunion. Everyone, except Rocky, Jason, and Billy watched to see how Kim and Tommy would react to each other. They were surprised when they greeted each other like friends who had just seen each other the day before rather than as a former couple who hadn't seen each other in years.

Suddenly, Aisha frowned. "Do I hear a baby crying?"

The others looked at Aisha like she was crazy until they too heard the sound of crying coming closer and closer. Kim bit her lip and started toward the guest room. Drew entered the living room before she took three steps. His face was splotchy from crying and his lower lip was quivering.


Kim ran to him as he searched for her in the crowd of strangers. As she scooped him up in her arms and tried to reassure him, the others stared at her. Never in a thousand years had they expected this.

Adam found his voice first. "Did we miss something?"

"Did he call her mama?" Zack added.

Kim spared her friends only the briefest moment of attention. "Everyone, this is Drew, my son."