Naruto walked on through the forest, without any doubt that he would make it, he looked down at his shirt…. So bloody, so soaked, and yet he was still alive, he couldn't exactly remember how, but he did it. He got what was needed to him back….. And he walked on back to Konoha with his friend….no his brother… Sasuke. As he walked with Sasuke on his shoulder, he remembered what he had done with all his friends from Konoha before he left.


"Hey Naruto, what are you going to do today." Kiba had just confronted Naruto as he was walking towards his destination. "Oh I wasn't going to do anything today." Naruto lied, today he was going to tell Sakura exactly how he felt for her, exactly how he would make her happy.

"Oh, do you want to go with me and Shino to Icharrakus…" Kiba knew Naruto couldn't deny this, I mean come on its Ramen.

"Umm actually no, I was just gonna go back to my house to get some stuff, but maybe later." Naruto continued to walk as Kiba stood there dumbfounded that Naruto denied ramen.

Naruto just kept on walking, thinking of exactly what he would say to her, how he would say it to her. It had already been five years since he got back from the training with Jiraiya, and him being older finally got his thoughts straight, and besides it was his birthday today.

'How am I going to tell her, how am I going to tell her in an honest sincere voice. She probably still thinks im some stupid kid who used to crush on her, and now thinks he likes her.' Naruto just thought and thought, then he reached her house. Now he thought there was a problem 'Shit Sakuras parents don't like me, how am I supposed to knock.' It was true Sakuras parents knew of his Jinchuuriki, and despised him for the fact that he killed there beloved Hokage.

'Ill just knock, who cares what they think, I just need to talk to Sakura.' He knocked, and waited for someone to answer, about ten seconds later Sakura came to the door, she had a smile on her face as she stepped out.

"Hey what's up Naruto?" Naruto was freaked, 'Sakura never comes out when it's me, and she especially doesn't smile either.'

"Oh nothing, I just came here to tell you something…" there was silence as he finished his sentence. "Ok, but first I have something for you." Sakura pulled out a box from behind her, and handed it to Naruto. "Happy Birthday!!!" Sakura gave a smile to Naruto, and urged him to open the gift up.

Naruto began to unwrap it, and as he opened the box, saw something he hadn't seen since…. Since Sasuke left, the old team 7 photo, he smiled as he saw him and Sasuke staring each other down, and laughed as he saw Sakuras angry face.

"Sa..Sakura… um." Naruto began to cry, he bolted back and started to run home, he couldn't take it, 'How could he, why would he do this to me, Sasuke you bastard, you never should've turned out like that, I should have done whatever necessary for me to bring you back…. That day.' Naruto began to remember the fight that him and Sasuke had, when he had finally caught up to the power craving Sasuke. 'You nearly killed me… I nearly died because of you.' He flashed through the memory of when Sasuke stabbed the Chidori into his chest.

Naruto went back into the realization of what was happening right now, he was already in front of his home…. How long had he been running…?

Sakura just stood there shocked, and at the verge of tears, 'What have I done, I knew that Naruto had a bond with Sasuke, and I knew that Naruto felt all the guilt for not bringing him back, and then me…. I have been so mean to him, Ive never once even tried to ask him how he feels… I just yell at him, like its his fault or I hate him for Sasuke leaving…' Sakura just stayed, then began to run…. Run towards Narutos.

Naruto sat there on his bed, thinking of everything that had happened in his life, how everyone detested him….. Even his so called friend Sakura hated him, and the one he considered a brother said it himself…. Naruto began to remember 'I hate everything about you…and these bonds, there nothing, there just there so I can sever them…. So I can destroy it….. I hate you, you and your damn demon.' Something that Sasuke said… the last time Naruto saw him…. The last time.

'why do I feel like this….so vulnerable, I know im strong, im stronger than everyone in this damn village, and yet after ive done so much for it what do I get…stares…remarks, like when I was younger Naruto flashed through and hooked onto a memory… a memory from when he was five…He was standing alone, in the middle of a circle…. The circle being a group of villagers, villagers that hated him and wanted him gone…. They threw rocks, called him names, and he stood there crying…. Naruto remembered it all so vividly, he knew of only one person who knew the feeling… Gaara, and yet he didn't have much of a relationship with him, just knew how he felt.

There was a knock at his door, Naruto just stared….wondering who it was….who was there to hate him… "Naruto…. Let me in, I wanna tell you something." Sakura stood on the other side, and of course Naruto didn't want her to see him like this…. But he couldn't be rude, so he opened up.

"What do you want?" Naruto stood there looking down…. Not wanting her to see his face. "I… I came here to tell you that…" Sakura attempted to gather up strength, "I… I love you Naruto." Naruto stood there shocked and unable to move.

Sakura moved closer to him and held him. "Naruto… do you love me." Sakura didn't know what to expect, ever since he came back, he was different…..he was a different person, and she grew close to him, he reminded her of Sasuke….wanting to be stronger, and able to block everyone out… It was how he acted, and she liked it.

"Sakura…I love you too…" Naruto stepped closer in and kissed her on the cheek, Sakura felt weird, like if something had just stabbed her and was slashing through her. She grabbed Naruto and Kissed him so hard on the lips…Naruto eased back into it, then he felt something on the edge of his lips….her tongue. He opened up and felt it in his mouth he simply responded back and began to lick right back.

After a while of kissing they got on his bed….Naruto didn't know what was happening, but he couldn't stop it. He felt Sakura pull on his pants, and he just let her….She pulled off everything from her, and Naruto followed. He let her get on him…. He suddenly felt something on his manliness. He looked down to something new…. A hole maybe….whatever he didn't care, he just knew it was meant for something, so he grabbed his… and well whatever… (Skip that LOL)

Naruto woke up…. He remembered what happened yesterday, and with a feeling of warmth knew he was happy, he got up, knowing she was no longer there, she had a home parents, parents that worry so she left earlier that night. Naruto just jumped into the shower, knowing he had nothing on anyways, and under the warm soft sprinkles of water smiled, what was this feeling, was it love. Naruto couldn't figure it out, he was confused…. After his shower he jumped into something different for once. He dressed in a black skin tight shirt, and put a dark blue vest over, put on a pair of black jeans, and noticed his hair was spiked, it was actually down…. He had never noticed, but it was long, and it covered his left eye…(like an emo kids hair :D)…He was being lazy and didn't mind it so he left it…

He stepped out of his flat, and head towards Icharrakus. He saw Kiba, Hinata, Shikamaru, etc.. "Hey guys…" Everyone stared at Naruto, was it Naruto.. "ummm…hi" they all said. 'What's there problem' he thought as he looked at the weird looks on there faces. "Oh…its me Naruto….Cant you tell." They all laughed and said no.

Naruto spent his whole day with his friends, and later that night… Sakura was in Narutos bedroom…she was crying, she was looking at the team 7 pic….at Sasuke…. Sakura looked at Naruto, but he just looked away… he knew what she wanted….she wanted Sasuke.


Naruto walked on, till he finally saw the Konoha gates. His vest, which was blue, now looked black, and the pants soaked in his own blood, his body, arms, face also bloody..

He walked through the gates, looked at the guards, then moved on…. Forward.

The guards stood there, looked at Naruto walk on, with the Uchiha, and smiled, they knew of Narutos skill….his determination…..they were on of the few.