Blackfire and Rehab


Blackfire had been wandering around in space, never staying in one place too long. She eventually wondered on to Earth. What a place to end up in, the second place I dread. Blackfire soon wondered up to a large building and she remembered something from a long time a go.

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Blackfire was being held down by the palace guards because the royal medical staff had recommended that she needed to be locked up.
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

Blackfire spit and cursed at all the people she could.
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

Blackfire thought of Starfire and how she was already steadily becoming better than her.
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

Thoughts of her father looking down at her, thinking she was a freak who needed to be treated, this brought on pure anger as she began to struggle even harder against the bigger royal guards.
I'd rather be at home with ray

The palace was where she was free and where the sun shined on her black silky hair.
I ain't got seventeen days

I don't have time to be wasting stuck up in a place like that or Starfire is going to be stronger than me.
Coz there's nothing
There's nothing you can teach me

The guards lost their grasp on Blackfire, she quickly took this chance to run away from them.
That I can't learn from mr hathaway

She smirked as she learned most of the stuff by watching others and not from lessons.
I didn't get al lucky at class

Blackfire thought of how everybody hated her at school and she was a complete outcast.
But I know it don't come in a shot glass

She than began smirking as she also remembered how she beat up every single one of them.
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

She quickly ran into Starfire's room where she started laughing at her.
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

Starfire gave Blackfire a very confused look, since Blackfire was laughing like a maniac in her room. Suddenly the guards came in and rushed into the room.
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

Blackfire stopped laughing and blew a kiss to the guards as she jumped out of Starfire's window
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

Those pathetic losers trying to lock me up, I'll never go with you. Just then one of the royal guards got Blackfire half way from falling to the floor.
The man said 'why do you think you here'

The head of the medical staff looked at Blackfire and started evaluating her.
I said 'I got no idea

Blackfire smirked at the silly old man in white as she stuck out her tongue at him.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby
so I always keep a bottle near'

Blackfire soon began teasing the old man by telling what he wanted to hear.
He said 'I just think your depressed,
kiss me here baby and go rest'

After getting the doctor so angry he got closer to the tied up Blackfire and grabbed her face roughly. Going in for a kiss.
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Blackfire out of pure terror managed to break free of her restraints and knee him in the nose.
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

Blackfire soon walked over the old man and was going to hit him in the face when she narrowly missed, "Never underestimate me or you'll be sorry", Blackfire said dangerously.
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

Blackfire soon flew off quickly.
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

She soon went to her room and packed all of her things and left Tamran.
I don't ever wanna drink again

Blackfire promised herself that she would never let that happen to her again.
I just ooh I just need a friend

She started crying as she looked behind and saw her planet for the last time.
I'm not gonna spend ten weeks
have everyone think I'm on the mend

She then wiped her tears after realizing that her whole planet has hated her since she was born and she wasn't going to waste any more tears.
It's not just my pride

She then took a deep breath and flew off into space.
It's just til these tears have dried

Blackfire smiled as she finished her stroll on memory lane.
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

That was the moment she was no longer lost.
Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

A evil smile spread across her lips as she thought of causing her sister problems.
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

She soon set off with her evil plan in motion.
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go

Blackfire flew straight to the abandoned T-tower where she waiting for Starfire to return with her friends.