Marasquin'sIris survey:

So as you know, if you are reading this, Iris is over, thanks to the constant encouragement of all of you (you all rock, for the record.) But I'm not quite satisfied with the way it ended, and some of you might be as well, so I put together this little survey to see what I should do. This is the time when all those who didn't review (I know who you are) really should, because if you want to keep reading this is what will determine the (possible) sequel's fate.

Question 1: Should there be a sequel?

a) Yes

b) No (you can stop here, the other questions are redundant.)

Question 2: Should it be based on:

a) The first ending

b) The second ending

Question 3 (the obvious one): Concerning Iris and Reid, what should happen?

a) They hate each other

b) One hates the other (please specify)

c) They get together

d) They stay friends

e) They go their separate ways

Question 4: Ideas?

a) Yes (again, please specify and elaborate)

b) No

Question 5: Which ending do you prefer (without taking into consideration the possible sequel – this is just for my personal curiosity) and why?

a) The first

b) The second.

Question 6: will you assist me in getting one hundred reviews? Only requiring fourteen more, even just a word or a punctuation mark will do!

a) Yes, I'm awesome like that.

b) No, I'm a party pooper.

That's it! Just write your answers in a review. Thanks for assisting me in the continuity of this storyline!