"I can't stand it anymore…" Muttering quietly to himself, Ishida pulled out a tiny, black notebook from inside of his desk. He sat directly in front of Ichigo Kurosaki, his number one menace, and it was driving him insane!
Pulling the top off his pen, Ishida quickly made a list in the tattered notebook, a sign showing it was often usesd.
"Things I Hate #786
1) Ichigo Kurosaki / All Shinigami
2) Renji Abarai (He's a redheaded version of Ichigo.)
3) The world ginormous
4) People who say 'like' ten times in one sentence
5) Texan accents
8) Bunnies"
Taking a breath, Ishida felt thoroughly relieved. All of his annoyances were safely maintained in his little notebook he called his hatebook.
Hate and notebook in the same word, sometimes his own genius even suprised him. Smirking, Ishida could hardly believe his brilliance in releaving his stress and pulled his normal class notebook back to the center of the desk again.
About two hours later, the lunch bell finally rang, relieved students groaning as they stood and stretched. Today, so far, had been exceptionally bad; the class nearly had a test in every subject. Letting out a small sigh, Ishida pulled his lunch box out from inside of his desk and stood, walking to the corner of the room where the Sewing Club regularly met.
"He… He left it! Grab it Ichigo." Renji whispered to his fellow classmate, and Strawberry quickly grabbed it.
Ichigo opened it, peering at what the Quincy had written, an evil smile going across his face. "Oh… This is going to be so easy."
An hour later, Ishida realized his was missing something very important; his hatebook! Looking frantically through his desk, the Quincy was confused. Where had he left it? Did he put it in his book bag? Going through his stuff quickly, he let out a yelp as a peice of chalk hit him on the top of his head, the class breaking out in laughter. "Ishida read the first line in the book!" The teacher called out, and the Quincy scowled, but complied.
Ishida still had not found his hatebook, and the school day was ending. Looking around at his fellow classmates, he mentally thought over who could have taken it. Kuchiki? No, she's too polite… Sado? No… Orihime? No…
Scowling, he put the books he needed for the night in his bag, standing to leave when suddenly he heard behind him…
"Renji, isn't that cloud ginormous? Like, it looks like, oh, like, a bunny or something." Ichigo called to his fellow shinigami, the man sitting two seats behind him.
"I dun know there Ichigo, it looks more like a ginormous 'gator to me, or like a type o' mutant chicken." Renji called back, his voice laden down with a fake Texan accent.
Ishida nearly had a heart attack, all most everything he hated in a few sentences! Gasping for breath, the Quincy looked at the two, his world starting to swirl.
"It's frekin' ginroums, hey Rukia, like, don't you think, like, it looks like some sort of chappy bunny, or like, some sort of mutant, like, chicken?" Ichigo asked his mentor.
"It's hard to tell, chappy is more, like, puffy, like this, you know, like…" She held up a drawing in front of her, showing the other shinigami.
"I 'unno there Rukia, I dun' see no chappy." Pretending to chew on a grass stalk, Renji let out a sigh. "I think that there cloud looks like a 'gador."
Ishida felt his vision darken. He was dieing! He was really dieing! "Okaa-san… I'm coming to you!" The Quincy called out, and he fainted to the ground, landing with a hard thump on the linoleum tile.
"Dude!" Ichigo let out a laugh, hoping up to go poke Ishida. "We made him freakin' faint! Nice one Renji!" Giving the thumbs up to his companion, Ichigo pulled out a permanent marker. "Way too easy." Grinning, he quickly squiggled a chappy face on the downed Quincy, standing after a few moments.
"You guy wanna go get some Ramen?"
"Yeah, let's go Rukia." Renji said, swinging his bag over his shoulder.
Rukia stood, holding her bag in one of her hands. She stopped when she neared Ishida, flames growing in her eyes. "That's what you get for insulting Chappy the Bunny!"