A/N: Takes place after episode 2 of Season 3.

Johan was busy drinking some beer he stole from Prof. Cobra's private stash when he heard a high-pitched voice call his name.


Johan looked over his shoulder and saw a young girl with long black hair running towards him. He immediately recognized her as Rei Saotome, the girl who had represented the new students in that inagural address earlier.

Johan smiled at the younger girl and exclaimed, "Hey, bitch! Wassup?" Rei giggled like a little retard and cried, "Oh, Johan-kun! You're SO sweet! Thank you!"

Johan's smile grew even bigger as he snapped, "YOU GODDAMN FUCK-SUCKING BITCH! I WAS INSULTING YOU, DAMMIT!" Rei didn't seem to understand, because she just sat down next to Johan and licked off the small drop of beer that was on his bottom lip.

Without a single care, Johan slapped Rei across the face. Unfortunately, all it did was cause her to 'accidently' unzip his pants. "WILL YOU GET OFF ME?" Johan hissed, not a single trace of anger on his face. Rei made her best 'puppy-dog eyes' look and whined, "But I WUV you, Johan-kun..."

Suddenly, Rei's petite breasts grew two sizes with a single bounce. Johan's eyes widened in shock as he thought, 'Did I...did I really just see that?' Rei noticed Johan's discomfort and asked, "Is something wrong, Johan-kun?"

Johan quickly shook his head and went back to drinking beer. Still, he couldn't stop thinking about Rei's sudden bust growth. 'I know I didn't just see things! It really happened!' he told himself, completely oblivious that Rei was now removing his shirt.

That was when Johan realized something so horrifyingly obvious that he spat out his beer in shock. He grabbed Rei by the shoulders and shouted, "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED PEOPLE WITH BREASTS!"