"We need to talk…" Harry repeated, trailing off as he entered the room in a pair of pajama pants with a towel hanging from his shoulders.
"So, you've said, I expected it, sooner or later. Now, what have you been doing while I've been gone? Secondly, why would you continue on in my place? I know you dislike war as a whole. You also have your own goals and life. Why would you sacrifice so much for me and deal with people you dislike, hate even; especially, because you were very furious with me the last time we spoke."
Harry made himself a cup of tea before sitting across from Voldemort at his kitchenette table. The older man had set out two plates of food for them, but Harry suddenly felt an old habit he'd picked up while Voldemort had been gone rear its ugly head.
He pushed the food away as he sipped his tea, the cup warming his hands and pushing the chill from his body he usually got after taking a hot shower. His black bangs dangled in front of him, dripping cool water either down his face or down his chest. He knew Voldemort was waiting for him, but he was only trying to arrange what he was going to say; how, specifically, he was going to say it.
"I know you...a lot better than I think even I realize, sometimes. It was a long time, I suppose. Three years. We were both stubborn, and even though we spoke to each other that once, it only made the time in between seem longer. We used to have such fun, when I was small. You would humor me, and even now I look back on it and realize that to everyone else, you weren't that type of person. You've never wanted children, I know that. You never suffered through the cretins of the world, surrounding yourself with elitists, the best of the best. Then a child, one who can speak the tongue of snakes, but doesn't base things on what's right and what's wrong comes along, me.
"At first I think I was more terrified than you, mostly because I understood...Nagini when she spoke to you. I didn't want to grow up, because from what I knew, when you grow up, you have to leave your home. You were starting to feel like home. Not the manor, not Uncle Lucius, or the traitor Severus; just you, and Nagini before she was taken from us. There were times, even ones I recognized when I was that young, where I saw you happy; not satisfied after a well day's work, or a great acquisition, but truly and utterly happy and content. You would smile softly for hours while talking to Nagini or me. Then, Severus ripped it all away. He wanted Dumbledore to save me, his precious Lily's only son. I didn't want to leave though."
"You did, however," Voldemort murmured quietly into the brief silence. They were speaking so softly, that the clock against the far side of the room could be heard ticking, loudly; almost as if it was echoing.
"Yeah, I did. I could do magic, it felt like you didn't want me and I knew no one else did. I thought...." he choked slightly, making a face as he turned away before continuing, "I thought if I could make you happy, like before all of this started, you would want me. That it would be like before. That maybe you were just as angry and helpless as I felt without your magic. I only knew one thing that would truly make you happy though; jealous that it wasn't me, all the same."
"What have you done?" Voldemort asked, a small measure of wonder and apprehension entering his voice.
"It's been a long time in the making, and such a trivial thing to say, but with Severus' disappearance, everything has been set into motion. It was tedious, and I wasn't sure it was worth it at first, but Lucius and I got the Board of Governors on our side. There are a lot of…supporters inside of Hogwarts, because of this. The governors have been doing our job for us. They constantly disparage Dumbledore to the media and student body alike. The school is divided; student against staff, the students on our side."
"People must have become wary with me gone?" Voldemort asked.
"Yes, and the ones in our ranks who did, were taken out quickly and efficiently. After that, not much changed. People became used to seeing me in your place, trusting my word to be yours. Everyone, light and dark a light know where I stand. All we've been waiting for is you. What better way to celebrate your…return, than by obtaining your greatest want."
It was quiet for quite a while before Voldemort spoke again, standing from his seat to walk over to Harry before kneeling in front of him once he'd turned the boy's chair towards him.
"How such trivial things as goals change?" he murmured, pulling Harry's hands into his own, "I am…immensely pleased, to hear what you've done for me. Knowing that you stepped up, as the Heir I originally intended you to be, but slowly saw that you could not be, invigorates me. I feel…unworthy of your gift though," Voldemort said, tripping over his words as he tried to express himself clearly, to the one person he knew he should be wary of doing so to, "because the entire time you have been trying to obtain my goal, the only thing that has been on my mind, is you."
"I'm not sure I get it,"
"You left because I pushed you away; I realize this now, and also how foolish it was of me. Two people mean more to me than anything; one of them is dead, the other is you. Nagini would be so frustrated with me, if she could be alive to see how I've acted."
Harry smiled brilliantly, leaning down to kiss Voldemort, knowing the words for what they were. "Yeah, she would. I love you, too, Marvolo. When are we going to Slytherin's manor?"
"Well, there isn't actually a reason to now…I suppose, we could still go, if it's so interesting to you. We can call everyone together. A celebration of my return?"
"Only if there's dancing,"
"You're such…a romantic…" Voldemort said, cringing as he made a face of disgust.
"I wasn't the one spilling his conscious a few minutes ago, if you'll remember."
"Yes, well, you needed to hear it."
"As I wanted you to say it, yeah." Harry murmured on. "How about we leave in the morning?"
"After we've had breakfast, yes."
"Then let's head to bed," Harry said as he stood, pulling Voldemort up with him.
"Indeed," the older man murmured, his eyes measuring Harry up as they made their way towards the bedroom. Harry's food untouched, completely opposite of Voldemort's empty plate.
Just from the man's tone Harry knew what he intended and rolled his eyes, "I'm tired, we're sleeping." He said, daring the man to push his own luck.
It wasn't until they reached the bedroom that he heard a quiet, "Conceded,"
Harry only smiled as he threw the towel around his neck into his hamper. He ran a hand through his hair before pulling back the covers and curling up just shy of the middle of the bed. That's where Voldemort laid, puling the blankets over them as Harry snuggled into his side.
"G'night, Marvolo,"
"Good night, my little one."
So after a warm breakfast, and little to no talking, except to tease, Voldemort had Harry apparate them to Slytherin's Manor. Telling the young man where it was so that Harry knew for himself, and also so they wouldn't get splinched on the way there.
The manor couldn't exactly be called a manor though. It was a manor in the sense that Hogwarts was considered a house. The building was gargantuan. The stones slightly grey and black, weathered by time.
Voldemort led them through the from double doors, only a few meters away.
"How can you live here? It's so huge, wouldn't it feel…empty after a while?"
"It would if I used it all. I've been in one wing for a while, it feels…homey. With you there, however, I don't believe anything could ever seem empty."
Harry smiled softly as the two walked to the wing Voldemort had mentioned previously, the older man led him to what Harry's presumed was his bedroom before dropping the younger's hand.
"You get ready, I'm going to call my Death Eaters. I'll be back after your shower. All right?"
"Yeah, sure, see you in a little bit." Harry murmured, feeling awkward at the…ordinariness of the situation. It was like a play in his head, one he was watching from the outside in. Marvolo was acting like nothing between them had changed, perhaps it really hadn't, but there was so much that had happened to the other while they'd been away. Harry felt saddened that the older man was continuing on as such, no matter what he'd said yesterday night.
With a heavy sigh, he crossed the bedroom towards Marvolo's armoire. After choosing some clothes, he turned, walking to the bathroom to begin his shower after he set his clothes on the sink.
"Breath taking, "Voldemort murmured as Harry stepped out of the bathroom, steam following him before diffusing into the air. His Harry was wearing some of his dress robes, crimson red with a black cloak over them that was tinted green. The crimson wasn't bright though, it was darker than Voldemort's eyes, almost black.
"I look like a bloody Christmas tree." Harry muttered. HIs bangs were pulled back into a tight but sloppy ponytail that left him looking more handsome that girlie. He flushed lightly when Voldemort continued to look at him.
"Come Harry, it's time we left."
Harry smiled nervously as he looked at Voldemort, dressed intimidating in black and green.
They left the room together, taking their time walking down the corridors to the ballroom. Once they were both in range of hearing the occupants of the room, they straightened their backs and steadied their gaits. Voldemort held his arm out and Harry took it with a brilliant smile before they both solemnly entered the room. The gathered crowded silence and watched in an almost reverent awe as the two strikingly similar wizards descended the stairs.
The silence continued at the two reached the bottom of the steps. Voldemort led them to a dais with a table on it, set against a wall where his inner circle sat. His Death Eaters were all kneeling as the two made their way towards the two empty seats in the middle of the dais. Harry sat as Voldemort stayed standing.
"Good evening," He began, "Thank you for continuing on. I know I was away for an extended period of time, which out notice or reason to any of you. You have always been faithful though, and you followed my instructions through Harry and Lucius. This unerring loyalty has put our goal far closer than any of us thought possible in such a short amount of time. For that, tonight we celebrate!" Voldemort cheered. He raised his wand, music filtering the room as the Death Eaters stood to their feet, cheering for their lord.
Voldemort smirked down at his followers, something like triumph over taking him as he watched them begin to dance. Tables with food and drink appearing against the far wall as his Death Eaters began to lose themselves in the celebration.
He turned to Harry as he heard the young man make a sound of contentment. He held his hand out to the man, trying not to chuckle at the look of surprise on his face. "May I?"
Harry placed his hand in Voldemort's, nodding slightly as he stood, following the older man off the dais when beckoned. The music changed from a miscellaneous background sound to a slow waltz as Voldemort and Harry stepped down from the dais. The crowd parted and the two moved to the middle of the masses. Voldemort swung Harry to face him before resting one hand on his hip and the other entwining with Harry's hand. He squeezed it slightly in affection.
Harry's heart almost left him as Voldemort bowed slightly before standing up straight again. "I can't dance! We're going to look mad." He whispered furiously.
"Just relax and lean against me." Voldemort murmured.
Harry complied, sighing lightly as his body melted against the older man's. Then he was flying and none of the cheering Death Eaters or supporters mattered. It was somewhat stupid and cliché but he really didn't notice they weren't alone until Voldemort stopped dancing and the crowd applauded them. By then Harry was slightly winded with a blush on his cheeks.
He didn't want to stop, however, so he clutched Marvolo's hand and shoulder before leaning against him again. He felt Marvolo smile against the side of his face before the two of them were off again. Harry feeling like his feet weren't even on the floor anymore as he relaxed against Marvolo, oblivious again to the outside world.
He kissed the side of Marvolo's neck before burying his face against the man's robes, inhaling his scent.
He'd dreamt of this for so long, and now it was finally his. Marvolo was back; most of all, Marvolo wanted him in a way he had once denied fiercely. It was different now, though. They'd both gotten what they'd wanted. Soon, Marvolo's attention would be on both Harry and ruling the Wizarding World, while Harry's would be on Marvolo. It didn't matter much, however, Harry was sure that he could stray Marvolo's attention whenever he desired, no matter what the man was doing.
With a sigh of contentment, he continued their dance, Marvolo swirling him around the dance floor, uncaring of their spectators as he stared mesmerized at his little Harry.