
Bella was sitting in the kitchen with Edward at the Cullen's house having herself a glass of milk while talking to Edward. Edward was acting unusual for he hadn't told Bella that when he went hunting with Emmett and Alice he lost a bet and now he had to dress up like cupid for a hour. Bella was trying to talk it out of him for she new he wasn't telling her something.

"Edward, what's wrong? You've been acting really weird."

"It's nothing. Really, sorry I've been acting weird." Edward lied as casually as possible. Then he took a glance at the clock and let out a low huff for it was time for him to go change into the cupid suit.

"I'll be right back Bella I gotta take care of something."

"Alright" While Bella was waiting for Edward's return she started to drink her milk.

Edward was done quickly as usually do to his vampire speed and headed down stairs to were he last left Bella and decided that it would be best to get this humiliating thing done and over with instead of dreading it and holding it off. He opened the door to the kitchen to meet his doom.


I was taking a sip of my milk, when I heard the door open knowing it would be Edward. When I saw what he was wearing I tried really hard to hold my milk in my mouth but ended up spitting it in his face. Now he just stood there in shock with milk dripping down his face onto the floor.


Before I walked into the kitchen I heard Alice let out a low chuckle that indicated that she had a vision of something happening to me and wouldn't let me in on it so she could get her own amusement. I walked into the kitchen and Bella snapped her head up quickly knowing it would be me. When she looked at me I could tell that she was holding back her laughter and no longer could and when she started laughing her milk went all over my face and in my hair!!! I couldn't believe this I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. Then I smiled that crooked smile for her with a hint of revenge in my eyes. As soon as Bella so this she started running for her life with me quickly following behind. Then I heard her say