Remake, yeah! Thanks go to the reviewers for the original version, Cylon One, shelby, Sportsman, Ashadowofwings, Anna Lee Gray, windtear, Belthasar, Fantasma101, and DX fantic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does. I don't know who owns the Ghostbusters, but I know I don't.

Family to Busters

Flashback, Danny's POV:

" . . . Danny, or should we say Daniel Fenton!" my parents roared. Jazz moved closed to me.

"Danny, they know, and they aren't taking it so well," she whispered. I looked over at mom and dad, who were now pointing ecto weapons at me.

"Get the media!" someone shouted. "It looks like there's going to be a fight!" I had to get out of there, fast.

"You're right. We're going to fight our former son!" dad shouted.

"Bye, Jazz." I whispered. "And tell Sam and Tucker the same thing for me, okay?"

"Wait!" she told me. "I'm going to try to remind them how much they love you!"

"I'll take my phone, but right now, I have to go," I said. I flew straight up until the crowd was a little dot. Then, I flew north. It didn't really matter which direction it was, every way was north. I hoped that I was flying toward Amity Park so I could get my stuff, but even if I made it there, I couldn't stay long; there were too many ghost hunters living there, including my parents.

As I flew off, I heard my sister yelling at mom and dad, angry that they'd thrown me out and insisting that I was only trying to help.

Danny had managed to retrieve his phone from his room before his parents had shown up, hot on his tail. He couldn't even get a thermos.

The pain he felt inside from rejection had only increased during his flight away from home.

He saw a sign ahead, "Welcome to New York," it greeted. Blue mist left his mouth, alerting him to the presence of another paranormal being.

'Great,' he thought. 'I'm protecting strangers when I'm hundreds of miles away from anyone I know.' Descending into the streets of the downtown area, he became a blur to those who would happen to see him as he searched for the ghost. He found it, terrorizing a mall. People were running into each other, screaming, and adding to the chaos. The ghost, a glowing hot red skeleton with eyeballs floating in his skull, grabbed a hot dog stand and threw it at the scattering shoppers. Danny took action.

"Hey!" he shouted, to get the ghoul's attention. The ghoul turned to Danny, growling at him in gibberish he couldn't make out. Before he could make another move, Danny's ghost sense went off again. Danny sighed. A green blob and four humans wearing uniforms filed in. They were wearing devices that looked similar to those used by professional bug exterminators.

The four humans shot painful-looking plasma rays at the ghost, causing more damage than the ghost had done to the mall as they did so. Two of them managed to wrap their rays around it, letting the green blob to open up a square container with hazard tape on it beneath the skeleton. The skeleton got sucked in, almost like they were using a Fenton Thermos instead of the box. One of the humans, a fair-haired guy with chubby cheeks noticed Danny.

"Hey! You're that one ghost! That ghost who saved the Earth from the Dis-Asteroid!" he exclaimed. Another human, one wearing glasses, looked at Danny.

"Indeed," he said. "What brings you to New York?" Danny placed his hand behind his neck.

"It's kinda a long story."

"I like stories!" said the first man, with a childish look on his face. "Tell us!"

The man with glasses looked at him as if to say, 'What's the matter with you?'

"Well, long story short, my parents didn't know I was a ghost, and weren't exactly happy when they found out. They kicked me out of the family. I left Amity and ended up here."

"Hey, kid," said the man with glasses. "Any chance of getting you to join the Ghostbusters?"