Ok so here it is! It's the sequel to Not Like That. Thanks for everyone who read the story! I hope this one is well written like the first one! This chapter was posted before I thought it would be so enjoy...

It was humid outside and the temperature was increasing with each hour. The students of East High were in their classrooms waiting for the day to end. It was the last day of school for them and they couldn't be any happier. Sharpay smiled at Troy who smiled back.

It had been 2 months since they had gotten together. Their relationship was going well. They had a few fights here and there, but other than that it was perfect. 'The Dream Couple' as some people put it.

Ryan and Gabi were also exchanging smiles as Chad and Taylor watched the clock. The teacher had given them a free day so they basically watched the clock.

"10 MINUTES!" Chad shouted with excitement. Everyone looked at him and a few giggles and laughs were heard. Mrs. Darbus looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Troy and Sharpay rolled their eyes as well and turned their attention to Jason and Kelsi's conversation.

"Pool party at my house after school!" Jason announced to them. Troy looked at Sharpay who nodded.

"Cool. We'll be there." Troy said and laughed as Taylor and Chad were intently watching the clock.

Ryan watched Gabi as she looked deep in thought. She had her head in one hand as it was held up by her elbow on the desk. She seemed to be thinking of something happy judging by the slight smile on her face. She turned to Ryan and asked "Do you remember our first date?"

Ryan smiled with her. "Yeah I do."

"It was something I'll never forget." she whispered

Ryan was in his car on his way to Gabi's house. He was nervous about taking her out. Although it was just ice cream and a walk in the park. He finally made it to her house and walked up onto the porch. He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

The door opened and Miss. Montez was there. "Can I help you?" she asked nicely.

"I'm here to take Gabriella out." Ryan answered.

"Ah you must be her date." she said and smiled.

"Oh yeah sorry. I'm Ryan." he held out his hand politely

She stuck her hand out. "Carla." she shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you."

"Well why don't you come in. Gabi's almost ready." he walked inside the house and waited in the living room for her to come down. "She's just putting the finishing touches on her make up and stuff." she explained.

"Ok no hurry." he smiled at her. He held his hands on his lap. He felt them sweating. Why am I so nervous?

Gabriella walked down the stairs. She looked amazing to Ryan. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans that fit her perfectly, a light purple top with sleeves that went to her elbows that weren't to floppy and she had white wedges to put it all together. Her hair was put up in a side ponytail with a flower hair tie. She had on a light layer of make up and some necklaces and bracelets.

"Wow." was all Ryan could say. Gabriella giggled and grabbed his hand that he held out for her

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." she grabbed her sweater off of the couch. "I'll be back later mom."

"Have her home by midnight." Carla warned Ryan.

"Of course." he looked at Gabi. "Ready?"

"Yup. Bye mom." and giving one final hug to her mom they left the house.

"Two chocolate ice cream cones please?" Ryan asked the cashier.

"Alright." Ryan handed the guy the money and they sat down to wait.

"I could've paid for mine." Gabi said with a smile.

"No. The guy is suppose to pay. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't." he responded. She smiled at his generosity. He was so sweet and cute.

"Well thank you. So what do you have planned next for us?" she asked curiously. He looked at her with a smile.

"It's a surprise." he took the ice cream cones from the guy and handed one to Gabi. "Let's go for a walk while eating them." he grabbed her hand and they left the building.

They were walking around the park. It was a cool day- not too hot and not too cold. It was perfect. There was a slight breeze every now and then.

"So the park?" she asked with a smile. "It's romantic."

"Well I'm glad you like it. But this isn't the surprise." Ryan said and gave her a charming smile.

"Did I ever tell you that I hate surprises?" she asked hinting for him to tell her what was going on.

"Hey I'm not falling for that Montez." he took as lick of his ice cream.

"Darn it." she muttered and continued eating her ice cream.

They continued walking until they finished their ice cream.

"We're almost here." Ryan whispered to her in the darkness. It was pretty dark out for 8 at night. He took her hand and led her to the rose garden in the park. He had hung a few lights in the trees and had a blanket out on the ground. They even had some sweets. "I know we just ate ice cream but I thought a little bit more for dessert wouldn't hurt."

"Ryan it's beautiful." she looked around in awe and smiled. She walked over to he blanket and opened up the basket. "Aww...gummi worms. My favorite."

"I know that's why I got them." he walked over to her but lost his footing. He fell over and rammed into Gabi, who fell into the fountain that was right next to her. She fell in with a splash. "I'm so sorry." he said and ran over to help her out.

She pushed the hair out of her face and took a breathe. "It's ok. You didn't mean it. Plus I was a little hot anyways." she smiled and pushed the water off her face with her hands.

Ryan put his hand out. "Need help?" he laughed.

"Ryan Evans it is not funny." she smiled and had an idea. "Put thanks for the help." she grabbed his hand. Instead of getting out she pulled him in with her. He came up from under the water and gasped.

"Did Montez just push me into the water?" he asked dramatically.

"No." she said innocently put then splashed him with water.

"Oh now you're in trouble." he started to tickle her.

"R-R-Ryan s-s-top." she giggled and talked when she could.

"Not until you apologize." he smiled and kept tickling her.

"N-no. Y-you d-d-deserved it." she giggled some more.

"What freaks." Sharpay said from behind them. Gabi and Ryan stopped and looked behind them.

"What Shar?" Ryan asked with annoyance in his voice.

"Troy and I were just trying to take a peaceful walk when we heard giggling and a freak." she explained dramatically. Troy laughed but stopped when Sharpay hit him in the chest.

"Yeah I agree." he said and smiled at Sharpay. She rolled her eyes and looked at the couple in the fountain.

"You guys better get out or else you could get in trouble." she said and Troy and her walked away.

"That was embarrassing." Gabi said as she climbed out. Ryan helped her out and they laughed.

"Well now Sharpay will give me a huge discussion about it later." Ryan rolled his eyes

She giggled. "Sorry. I think we should eat and get home before we get a cold."

"I agree." he said and they ate their desserts.

"God that was humiliating." Ryan sighed as he snapped back to reality. He looked around and noticed that the bell was going to ring in 5 minutes.

"Yeah but it was funny. Sharpay and Troy still give us hell for that too." Gabi giggled and Sharpay turned around when she heard her name.

"Say what?" she asked and Troy looked to when he heard his name.

"Nothing." they answered not wanting them to say anything about it.

"Oh your first date right?" Troy asked with a chuckle. Sharpay giggled as well.

"That was too funny." Sharpay said and smiled

"Shut up. You're just jealous cause your guys first date wasn't like that right Ry?" Gabi asked and stuck her tongue out at them.

"Right." Ryan agreed.

Sharpay and Troy looked at each other.

"Our's was better." Sharpay said and Troy nodded his head.


"No it wasn't." Ryan said and waved his hand in the air. "Yours was stupid."

"Hey it was romantic. Troy is very romantic." Sharpay said and smiled at Troy.

"I sure am." he smiled proudly.

"So what he gave you roses. Big deal." Gabi huffed jokingly.

"OMG! Battle of the boyfriends." Taylor squealed which made everyone laugh and giggle. "Chad's better."

"Yeah right Jason's the best boyfriend." Kelsi said and smiled at her boyfriend.

"I'm agreeing with Kels here." Jason said and smiled back .

"Well duh she's saying you're the best!" Sharpy pointed out and rolled her eyes.

"Still Ry's the best."

"No Troy is!"

"You both are wrong- It's Chad!!" Taylor screamed which made Mrs. Darbus walk over.

"Hey Mrs. D who do you think is the better boyfriend? Me, Troy, Ryan or Chad?" Jason asked. Only Jason would ask her something like that.

"First of all it's not 'Mrs. D' it's Mrs. Darbus to you. And second of all I don't give a crap." she walked away leaving everyone to laugh about it.

"Jase you're such an idiot." Taylor laughed

"Shut up McHessey." Jason snapped back.

"You shut up Cross." Sharpay hissed. Which made everyone get in a war using last names.

"If you guys don't shut up then I'll give you detention." Mrs. Darbus threatened. Everyone shut their mouths and laughed at themselves. They were really fighting over whose boyfriend was better.

"You're the best." Sharpay mouthed to Troy. He smiled and winked at her, causing her to giggle.

Sharpay felt someone pinch her arm. She turned to her right side and saw Taylor glaring at her jokingly.

"Chad's better." she mouthed.

Everyone saw this and started a silent fight which led to the whole classroom minus Mrs. Darbus to burst out laughing at the idiots. Even they were laughing at themselves.


"SUMMERTIME!" Chad yelled and ran out of the classroom.

"See you guys at my house later." Jason said and everyone went to their lockers.

So how was it? Was that first chapter ok? I hope you like their first date. It was kind of stupid to me but I hope it was enjoyable. Please review!!