Summary: When Severus Snape first became a clergyman, he had no sexual urges what so ever, let alone any urges towards little boys; but that was before eleven year-old Harry Potter appeared in his life. With no room at the orphanage, Snape arranges for Harry to stay in the church with him, which eventually leads to unholy things.


In the beginning, Severus Snape became an Episcopalian clergyman for the sole purpose of serving God. Though the uprising in cases of homosexual priests in The Episcopal Church did not sway nor decide his decision of which sect of the Christian religion to join, it was a rather good foreshadowing to his life whilst a clergyman.

The day Harry Potter came, as an orphan, to live at the church was a strange one indeed. Adjacent to the church was an orphanage, run by the church, but specifically by the nuns. So, an orphan coming to live near the church was rather common, but coming to live in the church was not at all expected.

Harry showed up on their doorstep with his Aunt Petunia and his Uncle Vernon behind him saying that his parents had just died— though in truth they had died ten years ago, when Harry was not quite one— and that they could not afford to take care of Harry and their own son, Dudley— though that too, was a stretch of the truth. They really could afford to take care of Harry, but no longer wanted to afford to take care of Harry. It's not that he cost too much, or took up too much room, or made messes or damaged their property; they simply did not want Harry around any longer. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon loved to dote on their son Dudley, and wished to do so even more than they were currently— and taking Harry on vacation with them to Hawaii was not something on the Dursley's list of things to do.

Severus was not the one to open the door to greet the Dursley's and little Harry, though he was unfortunate enough to be dragged over to discuss things, seeing as he was not only one of the more powerful people in the church, but also the most powerful person in the room at the time. When Severus first set eyes on Harry, something in his chest stirred. He didn't ponder over the sensation long, and simply pegged it as a feeling of pity for the boy.

"I'm afraid we have no more room in the orphanage," Severus said rather blandly, having just discussed the need for more beds— among other things— with the nuns earlier that morning. "The building is old and was in need of refurbishing, and with several of the rooms closed for repair, and an increase in abandoned children, there is simply no more room," drawled Severus, but before he could turn them away, the pang in his chest returned, only much more ferociously. He moved his right hand to his chest, attempting discreetness as he rubbed at the sore spot and cleared his throat. With a sigh, Severus gave in to his emotions; though he could tell it already that it would cause him many headaches.

"However," he said, now rubbing his temples and peering down at the Dursley's with a pained look, "I have the ability to care for a child in the church itself."

Aunt Petunia smiled at Severus, causing him to grimace, and Uncle Vernon coughed a few times before speaking.

"How will you care for him?" Vernon asked, "Where will he stay if the orphanage is full? And what about those… priests we heard about on the news?" Severus sighed emphatically, giving up on relieving his aching head and crossing his arms across his chest cynically.

"Harry will stay with me, in my quarters," Severus began, slightly irritated and becoming even more so with each passing second, "I have a sofa across from the fireplace, and Harry could easily sleep there. He will stay with me or possibly a few monks during the day, and time will be made for his school studies."

With a heaving sigh, Severus pronounced, "And I am not one of 'those priests' on the news. If I was, I would most likely not be here, speaking to you right now." Vernon Dursley harrumphed, and after a few whispered words with Petunia, decided that Severus could indeed care for Harry.

"Oh, wonderful," Severus said insipidly, turning round and leading them to the orphanage, where various paper works needed to be filled out, and where Severus would discuss his sanity with Sister Cecilia.