Here it is chapter 3...soooo sorry about the wait..i was ill today so i rounded it off. Tis slightly longer..more reviews i get longer ill make chapters..Aiming for three reviews for this chapter. Just want to make sure people are reading it and im not writing it for the sake..sorry y'all

Other Half - Chapter 3

"Ku..Kura…Wha'…what are you doing?" I stutter, my mind unable to process that he is back..He's back from the dead! That sentence sends an emotion of joy rushing through me but it is quickly stopped as a sense of devastation takes over. He's back..but he isn't kissing me, holding me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear..Why?

"What am I doing you ask?" He chuckles, cocking his head to one side, snowy bangs covering his eyes. "Why, I am simply getting my revenge." He pauses for a while just looking at me..calmly, for some reason I don't speak..I know that I shouldn't. In under a second his calm exterior is quickly replaced by a look of anger and repulsion. "I am getting my fucking revenge! YOU! You fucking killed me! You SLUT!" A harsh hand connects against my cheek as he said that..that insult.

"How dare you!?" I find myself yelling. "I killed you because you were in pain! YOU wanted me to!"

"I asked you to! I NEVER asked you to do that!"

"You asked me to help you! Put you out of your pain!"


Silence fills the room; I look at him, mouth wide open, unable to process what he has just told me. But…didn't he swallow the tablet…I didn't force him to..and..the ring couldn't have helped him…his light died, when your light dies you die…the ring can't fix that. None of the items can.

" it 'Kura..You know that isn't true. When Ryou were knew that."
"No! You thought that is what would happen. You FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

"Do not talk to me like that Bakura!"

"You are in no position to give orders around here."

As much as I hate to admit it..I know he is right, he has me right where he wants me, how can I give the orders around here?

A bed catches my eye, a surgical bed. I shudder as I realise that the blanket is covering a human like form..I refuse to believe it is a human. I notice Bakura look in the direction that I am looking.

"Heh, I believe you have discovered our 'friend'."
"Friend? What do you mean Bakura? What have you done?!"

A sadistic grin crosses his face as he walks over to the bed. He wheels the bed right in front of me. The smell of blood overwhelms me and I scrunch up my nose. My Koi's pale hands grip the blanket covering the figure and yank it off of it sharply. I gasp in horror at the thing under the cover. No..not a thing..

His incorrect Yami..He has no eyes. Oh my Ra..what has Bakura done? Where his eyes used to be were black, hollow sockets. No life..Nothing. I shudder and feel bile rising in my throat. I look at the rest of his form. Which Bakura has left naked. Probably to disgrace him in death. Cuts covered his body, weird symbols which I can't read, carved into his tanned flesh.

His stomach had obviously been cut open and stitched up roughly..a live human autopsy..I didn't even know Bakura could be that sick. I look up, back to the once, so confident face and suddenly gag. I wrench again. He has cut open his skull. His brain was on show, bits obviously torn from it. I look around the room and suddenly spot organs and bits of his brain lined up along the table. I can't hold it in anymore. The bile forces it's way out of my throat and into my mouth. Coughing I vomit on the floor, shaking with fear, confusion and betrayal.

I can hear him..laughing, so cold. His laugh, I've never heard him laugh like that before. I look back to the figure once more and my eyes widen.

"Bakura…By killing him you have damned his light!"

"That my dear 'friend' is the whole point. I wanted him to suffer. Just like he made me suffer, he knew as he was being tortured slowly to the death, that as soon as I ended his life it would be the beginning of the end for his light. Torture of his body, mind and soul."

"Where is he Bakura? What have you done with him?"

"So eager to see the little light? Fair enough. He is with us you know..alive..not sure for how much longer."

I watched Bakura as he bent down. He lifted up the undercover of the bed which was, now that I think about it, obviously covering something else. My eyes widen yet again at the figure Bakura pulls out.

He is pale, for one with such a nicely tanned skin. You would not have thought he was from Egypt. He eyes..surrounded by black. I can feel it. He hasn't got much longer, the darkness is consuming him.

"Bakura let him go!"

"Afraid I can't do that Pharaoh, I want to watch him die, feel the pain of death."

I look back at the boy and my heart clenches, "Bakura he is just a child..he is 17 Bakura..He isn't the same as us! He does not deserve this. He was just as devastated when Ryou died as you were! In fact when you died he had to book himself into the shrink because he couldn't sleep! If he did sleep he was clouded by nightmares, involving you dieing and he would wake up screaming Bakura. Screaming for you! Yelling his heart out for someone to save you."

Something flickers in Bakura's eyes. Just for a brief second I saw him, I saw the real Bakura.

"No! He didn't care! None of you did! Nobody!" He grabs the poor boy by his hair and throws him onto his darks body. He begins to scream, clutching onto the lifeless form.

" ba..bastard" Stuttered Marik clutching onto his dark. He was so weak..what has Bakura done?

Well..thats that..lemme know eh?