A new friend Saku-chan is now called 'My new friend Sakura'

I just like it more XD The old title sounded too much like the other ones,
so yeah.

XxX My new friend Sakura XxX

Love in december, by dito, was playing hours later into the night and Gaara
and Sakura had not left each other in the middle of the dance floor for
their second hour. Ino and Shikamaru had kept playing slow songs, so they
wouldn't kill the mood. Everyone had a parter, and most were resting their
heads on eachother. Ino smiled at her best friend from her higher platform
with Shikamaru.

Sakura's eyes were closed as her head and hands rested on Gaaras chest,
Gaara hand his arms around her, you couldn't see his face as it was rested
in the crook of Sakuras neck. They continued to dance slowly on the floor.

so this is love
in the end of december
quiet nights
quiet stars
and i'm here
monday to sunday
cause you're fragile
and i'm weak

If the two did break away, it was only to gase at eachother. In Inos mind it
looked like they had just found the meaning of life in eachothers eyes, but
she knew she was just a hopeless romantic. The possiblitlys of someone like
Gaara falling for someone like Sakura are a million to one. But that still
didn't explain why they had not let go of each other for two whole hours.

so you fall
when the nights grow longer
into sleep
and won't wake up

don't you worry
i'll be there for you
don't worry about me
you know me better than that
i'll catch you if you would fall

Sakura felt sleepy as she rocked to the slow soothing music, the only thing
keeping her awake were the lights of the ballroom on her eyelids.

so you drift
when the days grow colder
away from me
and won't look back
far away
and i can't guide you
but i'm here
til the spring

She rested against Gaara becoming more and more tied. Sakura pried her eyes
open and looked around the room. She could feel Gaaras even, calm breath on
her neck as his head rested there. Sakura smiled, she looked up and then saw
Naruto talking to Hinata conversationally as they too, rocked slowly to the music,
unlike them, they had taken breaks.

don't you worry
i'll be there for you
don't worry about me
you know me better than that
i'll catch you if you would fall

The song had finished and Sakura lifted her head off Gaaras shoulders. Gaara
felt her move and turned to face her, his eyes calm instead of tied like
Sakuras. He could see she was tied and guided her off the dance floor.
Sakura linked fingers with him and alowed herself to be guided wearily. They
came to the tables and chairs. Gaara pulled one out for Sakura to sit on.

He pulled out one next to her and smoothly sat.

"Look you tied, can I get you anything?" He asked resting his head in one

Sakura laughed "You danced me out" She yawned.

Gaara chuckled "I don't think Ino's playlist of the worlds slowest songs
would of helped much."

Sakura gave a little mocking glare. Gaara just smirked.

"So like I asked before, anything I can get you?" Gaara asked politely.

Sakura covered her mouth and yawned again before answering, "Yup, a bed,
fluffy pillow and glass of water. Might aswell get yourself something too
while your at it." She laughed.

Gaara would of raised his eyebrow, if he had anything. "Water it is." He
rose fluidly, turned and went to get Sakura her drink.

Sakura watched him go and as soon as he was out of sight put her head on the
table and tried to sleep.

Sakura woke, in what felt like a second later, at the feel of someone
shaking her shoulders. She rose her head slowly and turned, then opened her
eyes to glare at whoever the hell woke her up. She saw Hinata and Naruto,
standing next to them was Gaara who handed her, her water.

"Oh thanks" She yawned again and then drank deeply. She sighed.

"Sakura-chan, its defently time to get you home and to sleep." Hinata said

Naruto turned to Hinata abruptly "No way! Shes only been here for like,
three hours! Its only ten and its Sakura's birthday"

"No Hinatas right, Sakura needs rest" Gaara stood my the girls decision.
"Or," He thought "She needs something to wake her up"

"Yeah" Sakura stood and streached "Thats sounds good, I am only tied because
of the music." She shot a glare at the 'dj'.

Hinata grinned "But nothing to do with the dancing or the dancer right?"

"Nope nothing to do with the dancer-" Sakura stoped and glared at Hinata.
She and Naruto burst out laughing and Sakura just stood there in shock.
Gaara was right next to her, smirking slightly.

"Well thats good I thought I was doing something wrong for you to be this
tired." Gaara remarked.

Hinata continued to laugh and Naruto was practicly rolling around on the

"No no no! I had fun, I wasn't falling asleep because I was bored" She
answered. That one got Naruto. He had tears in his eyes now. Hinata stopped
though and politely tried to shut up Naruto.

Gaara turned to Sakura amused, "Waking yet?"

"Yeah, Alittle, but still tried" Sakura complained.

"Well me and Hinata are going to dance again since Inos put the real dance
music back on the playlist" Naruto said bye and stole Hinata away to the
dance floor.

Gaara grabbed Sakuras hand and led her out of the building.

XxX My new friend, Sakura XxX

"Gaara where are we going??" Sakura asked confused.

"I'm going to wake you up" He was facing away but Sakura could see his cheek
rise, he was smirking probably. She shivered.

'Evil little devil' She thought to herself. He had dragged her into the
gardens outside, in the middle was a water feature, the water coming off it
looked like dimonds in the moonlight.

"Pretty...and?" Sakura knew there was always more to Gaara than she got.

He smiled evilly, "What do you mean and?"

"I mean, what are you up to?" Sakura questioned, she turned to him

Gaara wrapped his arms around her middle. "Nothing, nothing at all" He gave
her a 'why so acusing?' look.

Unlike Gaara, Sakura did have eyebrows, and she did raise them.

"Awake yet?" Gaara asked

"Getting there, sorta" Sakura said alittle confused. More about the hold he had on her than anything else though.

Gaara had a evil little smile still on his face and put his forhead on hers.

"How about now?" He whispered softy, the evil face was gone, replaced with a
look that made her think he was looking into her soul. She shivered softly.

"Defantly waking" Her voice was horce, and her breath was becoming more and more

Gaara leaned in more, his nose brushing hers, so so close. Sakura could feel
his breath on her lips. His eyes glinted in the light of the moon.

Sakuras blood rushed through her and she heated up everywhere by about 5
degrees, she was having a hard time breathing, and she was now anything but

"Wake yet?" He whispered softer still, his eyes still searching her own.
Sakura had an idea.

"No way." She smirked.

The next thing she new Gaaras mouth was on hers, his arms around her
crushing her closer to his chest. Sakuras arms flew around his neck, one
hand on the back of his head, bringing him in o kiss him deeper. Gaara
kissed her with raw passion and tenderness. Sakura kissed him back

Gaaras arms drew her in closer still and she pressed her frame against his,
her hands now romed his back. Sakura broke away for a fraction on air before
Gaaras tounge slipped into her mouth. She battled with his and then broke
away, breathing raggedly.

She rested her head on his shoulder and tried to calm herself down, her
heart was beating much too fast to be healthy, and she could feel the Gaaras
pulse in his neck going crazy too.

Sakura felt Gaara tremble when she breathed on his neck.

"Gaara?" She whispered into his ear.

"Yes Sakura?" He answered softly, gasing into her again.

"I don't think I'm awake yet" She made what was supposed to be an innocent

Gaara smiled and put his hand on her cheek.

"Lets see what I can do about that." And Gaaras lips met Sakuras once more.

XxX My new friend, Sakura XxX

Tsunade stood at the window looking down on Sunas weapon holding her
daughter. Sakura, compared to Gaara looked so breakable, knowing what the boy had done to countless of others in the past.

But she knew better than to judge him, she knew how powerful Narutos word can be.

The fifth Hokage stood next to her old friend on the night of her daughters birthday.

"Isn't young love wonderful?" Jiraya asked Tsunade, enviy in his voice as he wished he was too that younge.

"Its sure is, and does it come in the strangest forms or what?" She remarked looking down.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling that this isn't going to turn out to be just some fling." Jiraya agreed.

"Yes," Tsunades eyebrows nit together "I just pray, for the both of them, it does not end badly"

Jiraya gave a sollem nod, as he too hoped for the best.

XxX My new friend, Sakura XxX

I know this ones short too, but it came faster!

Love you all, expect to hear from me in the future, coz its NOT OVER!

LacarinoXTiegegun xoxox