Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed.

Note: Let me just give quick thanks to Kitty-Witty-Kate, charmedchrisobbsessed15257, and fairyofmusic for the reviews. I am glad you like it and thank you for reading my story.

Chris's POV

After she closed the door I sat on the couch. For the first time in my life I was crying. I was planning on asking her to marry me this weekend. But not any more.

I would do any thing to go back in time and tell her I love her and I would never let her go. I sat there lost in my own thoughts.

I didn't notice that I was not longer a lone in the room.

"It's for the best." The person said.

"What do you want?" Chris asked his new unwanted guest.

"Oh you know." The person said.

"You know they are going to figure it out." Chris said. "The are going to know something is up."

"You say that but I really don't think so."

"They knew I was going to ask her to marry me."

"Well your just going to have to tell them you changed your mind."

"Don't worry I will, but I don't think they will believe me."

"Then you better make them or…well you know what will happen."

"What ever you say."

There was a knock on the door. "Chris it is me." Wyatt said.

"Just a second." Chris yelled.

"Remember you tell him anything and your girl friend it dead." The unknown person told him.

"So you have told me."

Chris walked to the door and opened. Wyatt walked in and sat on the couch. When Chris turned around he notice his guessed was not where to be seen.

Chris walked sat opposite of where his brother was sitting.

I knew why he was here. I knew Anna would go talk to Melinda. And now Wyatt was here to ask me what was going on.

"So what's up?" I asked him.

"Why did you break up with her?" Wyatt asked.

I did really know how to answer the question. I didn't break up with her because I wanted to but because I was being forced to.

I wanted to tell Wyatt the truth but if I did I would be risking Anna's life and it was just not worth it.

"I…I decided that I wanted to play the field." I told my brother.

"But I thought you were going to marry her."

"I was but I thought about it and I realized that she is the only girl I have ever been with and I want to see what else is out there."

"That doesn't really sound like you. Is there something you're not telling me?" Wyatt asked.

"No, I just wanted to make sure she was the right one. I love her, I really do but I need to make sure that there is not some one else out there for me." I tried to explained to my brother. Even though I knew she was my one and only.

"Really?" Wyatt knew his brother very well and could tell there was something he was not telling him but he didn't know what.

"Yes really." I said hoping to reassure him.

"Okay if you say so. I have to get back to the manor. I guess I will talk to you later." Wyatt said standing up and walking to the door.

I watched my brother walked to the door but right before he opened the door it I stopped him.


"Yeah." Wyatt said turning around.

"How is she?" I asked. I had to know. I hoped she was okay.

"Not to good." Wyatt said.

That was definitely something I did not want to hear. After answering my question Wyatt left.

I was sitting alone in my living room again. This was the worse day of my life. And there was nothing I could do to make it better.

I was hoping that Anna would just move on, I didn't want her to ever feel any sadness and definitely not something caused by me.

I loved her more then I could say and I wished I could just tell her.