Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed.

Note: Okay so I don't think there is much you need to know I explain everything to you. I should tell you that the she's name is Anna and she does not know about magic. (I know hard to believe.) Anyway I hope you like it and I really hope you will review it so I know. Thanks Guys!!!

Chris was sitting alone in his living room. He looked at the clock, it was almost time. Time to end his life, as he knew it. But all he could think about was her.

I remember the first day we met………… I really wanted to throw sand in her hair.

We were about 6 years old and she had just moved in across the street. I was so happy that someone my age was moving in, then I met her.

I don't know what it was but she just annoyed the crap out of me. She was so……so…happy. All the time and I could never understand why.

Anyway back to the first day we met. It was about two days after her and her family had moved in and my mom took me to the park.

When we got there, she was there. My mom started talking to her mom and they told us both to play with each other.

I was nice and I asked her name and she asked mine, but it was going really good. Then I remember asking her what her favorite TV show was. She told me it was the Power Rangers, and I was so happy because that was my favorite show to.

So I asked her who she thought the best Ranger was, and that's when things went down hill.

She said it was the Pink Ranger, and I told her she was wrong because the best Ranger was the Red Ranger.

We sat there for the next ten minutes arguing about who was the best. (hey just cause your six does not mean that you cant argue.) I think we would have gone on forever it our moms had not broken it up.

From that day forward all we did when we talked was argue about stupid things. Hell most of the time we forgot what we were arguing about.

It was so childish. But not to us. It wasn't until the summer of 2000 that it all changed.

She had spent the whole summer at her grandparent's house and I hadn't seen her since school had ended. It was about two weeks before we were going to start again, that she came back. But she was not the same skinny, flat chested girl that had left.

I know it's a little cliché, but the first time I saw her after she came back she just took my breath away. She sure had grown, and so had I.

It was so funny, I never would have known it was her if she had not told me.

She walked up to me and said hi. I just kinda looked at her. She asked if I knew who she was, I thought about if for a minute before I finally recognized her.

She just smiled and laughed at me.

The weirdest part was that after that, we talked. No arguing just nice, friendly conversation for the first time ever. It was really quit nice.

We just talked about our summers and about school starting.

After that day we were inseparable. We did everything together, we were as close as we could be.

It wasn't until she turned 18 that we had been dating.

Now we were 21 and still going strong. I just loved her so much and I wanted to marry her but……now I couldn't.

I had to do the worse thing possible………I had to break up with her.

Yeah, yeah I know, why would I break up with her if I loved her and wanted to marry her.

The answer is easy…Tomblen.

Who's Tomblen you ask. Well he is a demon and he told me that if I did not break up with her…he would kill her.

And as much as it is going to break my heart I know there is no other choice. I mean yeah I could always tell my family but he said he would kill her before they could do anything.

There was a knock on the door and I knew it was her. I took a deep breath as I tried to hold in my own tears.

My hand was shaking as I stud up to answer the door. I grabbed the doorknob and took another deep breath. Then I opened the door.

She looked amazing, which was going to make it even harder.

"Hi!" she said with a smile that seemed to make everything else seem unimportant.

"Hi." I said in a less happy tone.

"What's wrong?" She asked walking in and shutting the door.

She had this way of always knowing when something was wrong, I don't know how but she did.

"Um…w…we need to talk." I told her. I lead her to the couch to sit down.

"Oh, okay. What's up?" She asked with a smile.

I just looked at her trying to take in as much of he smile as I could because I knew that after our talk she would never smile at me like that again.

"I……I……" That was all I could say. I took another deep breath.

"Yeah." She said tilting her head to the side.

"I cant do the is any more." I spit out as fast as I could.

Just the look on her face made my heart fall. Her smile was gone, and tears slowly filled her eyes.

"Wh…What?" She asked trying to keep her tears in like I was.

"I don't want to be with you any more." I pushed out.

"Oh……" That's when the tears slowly escaped. "Then I…I guess I should go." She stud up quickly and walked out.

I wanted so much to tell her to stop, to tell her that I loved her and I always would. I wanted to tell her why I had to do this and how much I didn't want to but I couldn't.

All I could do was watched her heart and spirit break.

I felt like complete SHIT.

And I knew that my life was over without her, but I was never trying to save myself. It was always about her.