A/N: Thank you all so much for the reviews! They really make my day better. :) Now for those of you who are wondering about Nathan and Haley's divorce, it will be revealed in a later chapter. Now, I hope you like chapter 5 of Summer Girls. It's longer than normal as my July 4th treat to you all. Enjoy!

Peyton Sawyer casually glanced around her surroundings, the afternoon sun staring politely at her face. Myrna's Marvelous Diner was most describable as the hot spot of Middlebury with its 1950s quirkiness and the delicious smells of freshly bake muffins snaking its way through the customer's desire for a stolen taste. Sure, in a way, the theme was rather tacky. If Peyton was with Brooke, she would describe it as "wannabe-cute," and Haley would smack her arm saying it had "potential." Peyton would roll her eyes at both of them, ordering them to shut up and to eat somewhere else. The thought slightly pained her. She wasn't with Brooke or Haley, but she was with Jake – or more a sleeping Jake.

"Come on, Jake. Wake up!" Peyton playfully smacked the brown haired boy's head.

"Ouch. What the heck was that for?" the boy groaned sheepishly.

"For being so goddamn lazy," she smirked.

For the past two weeks, Peyton had adjusted herself to her own everyday routine created by hers truly. Her first duty of the morning was to slip out as quietly and early as she could to avoid awkward conversations with both her father and Nicole. She'd head over to Myrna's for a 6:00 A.M. breakfast, usually by herself or whoever else would be there so early. After, she'd take a morning walk around town with either Sunflower or Arnie, and usually with Arnie because he actually talked during their daily morning stroll. Sunflower would rather insist on listening to the "morning creatures sing their songs of early day hope."

That woman was on crack.

Then, she'd arrive early at Myrna's where she would help her with the busy lunch hour rush. Cooking, cleaning, waitressing; whatever she needed help with. Peyton would sometimes continue to help afterwards by offering her duty to clean dishes. Myrna usually declined the offer, unless if it was an extremely crowded on that certain day. Peyton normally disliked dishwashing or doing any kind of work, but anything that kept her away from home was fine by her. She'd proceed to take a free late lunch which was often accompanied by the basketball boys or Myrna herself. After, she continued on her routine by heading over to the rather huge basketball court where she'd watch and joke around with the guys. If she was up to it, Peyton would even join in on the game.

That hardly ever happened. She hated sports.

A full stomach and a heart filled with laughter, Peyton would make her way to Deaf Jeff's Music where he would let her plug in her iPod into the surround sound stereo as she sketched her newest piece of artwork peacefully in the back of the store. This lasted until dinner time where she'd casually make her way back towards the stuffed diner. Everyone would be there at dinner time: Myrna, Vern, Arnie, Sunflower, Skills and the basketball crew, and Jake. And whoever else wanted to join in. It was truly a Kodak family moment.

Peyton gagged the first day this happened. Family moments weren't something she was accustomed to.

But hey. She improvised.

After a long dinner, she'd take her evening walk all over town with Jake. And with only Jake Jagielski. It was the only time of the day she'd actually see him, and Peyton would do her best to try and make the walk as long as possible by doing everything in her power to distract him from going home. The first couple of days were quite simple, but now it was harder to make her deed appear subtle.

But he didn't seem to mind either.

They would talk for hours about anything and everything. Fear of snakes, stupid horror movies, love for blueberry pancakes, impressions of various TV characters, and crazy school teachers. The pair would talk about childhood memories, old relationships, lasting friendships, and all things that mattered.

Peyton, however, never liked to let people in. Her heart was like shattered stain glass, and every time she'd try to pick up the pieces, she'd cut her hands.

But with Jake, he bandaged those tortured hands and picked the pieces up himself, leaving the pain to cut him with no complaint.

She let him.

It wasn't that Peyton had feelings for him, per say. He was just there to talk to in her times of need.

Honestly. It wasn't a crush! Just… a friendship. Yeah. Friendship. That's a good word.

But he found ways to dig inside her soul, really dig. It was like he stared at her eyes, and he knew. He knew everything, and Peyton stopped hiding it. Of course, she felt like a total girl doing so, but it was worth it.

So every day, for the past two weeks, she'd reveal herself in their two hour walk. Sometimes three, but they'd rather sit down for the last hour.

But every day, after their walk, he would disappear completely, saying he had 'business' waiting for him to deal with. Peyton had concluded he was either in the mafia or a secret F.B.I. agent on a job.

It was just a guess or two.

Jake laughed, rubbing his tired eyes, bringing Peyton back to earth. "I had a rough time last night."

"Someone's kinky," Peyton teased, shifting in her cushy red seat.

"She just kept me up," Jake admitted, yawning slightly as he dropped his head onto the shiny aqua blue counter.

"That girl must've been an animal."

He sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Jen's a wild one." She didn't comment, but just tried to smile understandingly as she sank deeper into her chair.

Today was different. Jake had come to Myrna's early in the morning, and Peyton had inquired why he was there so early. He shrugged it off, saying he was going to spend the whole day in town. Asking her if she would like to join him, Peyton agreed casually.

Inside, she was exploding, and Peyton Sawyer does not explode easily.

Okay, okay! So she had a small thing for him. Eh, small… big. It was all the same. Who's counting? God, this town made her feel so girly.

It wasn't like she didn't have boyfriends before. Peyton did. They were just kind of stupid, to put it lightly, and it was hard not to fall for Jake Jagielski. He was sweet, kind, gorgeous, gentle, caring, shy, cute…

Oh, damn it.

"You know, it's been two weeks, and you still haven't given me the grand tour of Middlebury yet," Peyton informed him easily. Jake didn't answer, but made a weird gurgling noise instead. Peyton raised an amused eyebrow as she leaned in closer to discover him taking an afternoon nap right in the middle of the bustling restaurant. She slapped his arm, and his head sequentially bolted up.


"You're not listening."

"Yeah, I was!" he defended nervously.

"What did I say, then?"

"Yeah, I wasn't listening," Jake gave in.

Peyton laughed. "I said you still haven't given me the grand tour of Middlebury yet. Like you promised?"

"You've been here long enough. You practically know all the ins and outs."

"You pinky sweared!" she accused playfully, pointing a finger at him. "And you know what? You're going to give it to me today because I'm officially bored out of my mind." Jake moaned as Peyton pulled him up off his tired ass as the two headed out the diner, both waving sweet goodbyes to Myrna.

"Okay, okay," Jake laughed as they crossed a bustling street. "I give in. I'll show you the tour."

"Damn straight," Peyton smirked happily.

"But this won't be any regular tour," he warned playfully, pointing a finger and stifling his smile. "I'm going to give you the Secret Tour of Middlebury."

She laughed easily. "I like secrets."

"I hoped you would." Gazing around the heart of downtown, everything was already alive and ready for the new day. Jake scratched the back of his head as Peyton raised a curious eyebrow.

"So… fun tour."

He smiled sheepishly. "What time is it?"

"9:48," she replied, glancing at her cell phone. "Why?"

"There are three big secrets of Middlebury," he explained, grabbing her wrist gently as he went along. "You know how the meat butcher shop opens at 10:00?" Peyton nodded nervously as he brought her towards the certain shop. "Secret Number One: There's a certain customer who gets her meat early." Peyton watched him as if were out of his mind as he brought her cautiously in front of said butcher shop. He waited anxiously for a moment, as if expecting something to pop out of the ground.

Then on cue, light footsteps echoed across the concrete. Peyton's eyes widened as he pulled her behind the corner, their heads' barely peeking out from behind the bricks.

"Is," Peyton began, squinting her eyes carefully. "Is that… Sunflower?" Jake nodded, and she stifled a snort. A vegan hippie at a meat shop. Cute.

Sunflower glanced around, and the two threw themselves quickly behind the corner in an attempt not to be spotted. Peyton sequentially landed on top of him, hoping to cause less noise, and… for other reasons. Sunflower, oblivious to the pair of onlookers, proceeded inside the shop. Waiting for a quick second, Peyton and Jake slowly made their way towards the front store window and curiously glancing in. Just as he predicted, there was Sunflower sneakily buying a pound of fresh sausage.

"Oh my god," Peyton laughed, clasping a hand over her mouth.

"Girl just loves her sausage," Jake joined in the soft laughter. Sunflower suddenly tilted her head, and glanced suspiciously towards the store window. Peyton and Jake, however, were already across the street, bursting out in laughter.

Secret Number One: Sunflower, the "dedicated hippie," isn't exactly the "dedicated vegetarian."

"And she yelled at me that one time I ordered chicken!" Peyton laughed, placing her hands firmly on her hips.

"You should've ordered sausage," Jake offered.

"But then I'd probably have to share." The two continued laughing as they strolled down a less crowded street. Peyton examined the area briefly, slightly confused. She had never been here before. Only a handful of people were moseying by; some with a cigar in their hands, and others who looked like they were up to no good. She furrowed her brow questioningly before she gazed up at Jake.

"Where the hell are we?" she inquired softly.

Jake merely smiled. "Have you ever overlooked something before?"

Peyton racked her brain. She probably had but nothing so significant that she could remember it. What she did know was that most people overlooked her. She wasn't just a moody cheerleader who was always against the world. But to hell what people think. Peyton only cared if she was happy with who she was, and currently, she was damn pleased.

Jake raised a pair of entertained eyebrows as he pushed aside a couple of planks of wood plastered together. She stood stunned. Those bunched up pieces of wood actually created a door.

Okay, so Peyton overlooked a couple of things before.

He smiled and took her hand gently in his as he led her briskly through the wood door. Peyton couldn't help but feel a rush of energy as his hand touched hers. She looked up silently at him, wondering if he felt the same.

Apparently not. His face stayed the same.

Peyton forced herself to ignore it as they pushed their way past another door, this time normal. Becoming increasingly curious, she glanced inside the new room, and her ears were filled with tasteful music. She was staring face to face at one of those hip clubs were performers read insightful poems and everyone wears black.

Peyton glanced down. Sweet, she was wearing a black shirt.

Secret Number Two: Even tiny, crazy towns have a place where they play good music.

Shifting her gaze towards Jake, he just smiled sweetly. "I know you like music, and not a lot people go to this place. It took me about a year to even figure out it was here. It's called Tranquil."

She smiled thankfully, taking a good look around her. It was reasonable dark, and the tiny scattered lights hanging from the ceiling gave off a soft bluish glow around the small club. Most of the customers stayed quietly to themselves, either listening casually to the music, having an afternoon drink, or chatting almost silently amongst their peers. There was a bar in the back, a row of worn sofas in the front, and an awaiting stage accompanied by a tall microphone next to a stool with a silent guitar leaning against it.

This was a terrible thing to overlook.

"Why don't you get a drink? I need to do something real quick," he suggested.

"You're not going to disappear on me, are you?" Peyton grinned, half-serious. She didn't want him to leave mysteriously to do whatever it was he always did. She was enjoying him too much.

Jake merely shook his head, giving her an honest smile. "I wouldn't dare." Giving the bartender a nod, he swiftly disappeared into the crowd. Peyton pursed her lips disappointedly before making her way towards the quaint bar.

"What'd you like?"

"Just a water," she informed him, placing herself on a stool.

"Not a big drinker?" he questioned curiously, handing her the full glass.

"Not today," she commented. Suddenly, an idea struck her. A small smile spread across her lips. "Is there a job opening here?"

The guy shrugged. "Possibly. Why? Want one?"

Peyton grinned. "Possibly."

The guy laughed. "I like you. How do you feel about being a barista?"

She weighed her options. Peyton was thinking more along the lines of introducing the musicians on stage, but she'd take what she could get. It was another way to keep her away from home. "It's a deal."

The dark-skinned guy, who was probably in his late 20s, extended his hand. "I'm Derek Sommers."

"Peyton," she nodded, shaking his hand.

"Hey. How's everyone doing?" a voice boomed around the club. Peyton glanced towards the stage, and low and behold, Jake Jagielski was sitting there on the stool that stood proudly on the stage. Peyton stared curiously up at him with a small smile.

This boy was unbelievable.

"You're in for a treat," Derek commented from behind the bar. "This guy is really good." She just smiled; a big smile.

"This song," he began, his eyes fixed on Peyton. "I think you'll guys will like."

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful Stop me and steal my breath Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky Never revealing their depth Tell me that we belong together Dress it up with the trappings of love I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above."

In a way, Peyton was kind of colorblind. She was able to get the whole picture, but missed the splashes of color in between. She skimmed past the worthy details to find the real meaning, but what she misses is that maybe the answer is actually in between the lines.

"I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be your love suicide and I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

Jen. Jen! What was Peyton talking about? She couldn't fall for Jake. He obviously had a girlfriend. That Jen girl; the one who probably had the perfect smile, flawless body, and beautiful eyes. Everything that Peyton didn't have.

"Rain falls angry on the tin roof As we lie awake in my bed You're my survival, you're my living proof My love is alive not dead Tell me that we belong together Dress it up with the trappings of love I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache, that hang from above."

Maybe it was better this way. Jake deserved someone who could show him the world, and who could make him happy. Peyton doubted she could even attempt any of that. He deserved someone like Jen - someone perfect.

"I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be your love suicide and I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

This song wasn't meant for her. It was meant for Jen.

Abruptly, a huge wave of applause broke through her thoughts. Stunned, she glanced around at the cheering crowd as Derek motioned her to join in the ovation. Yes. It was easier this way. Peyton couldn't fall in love with someone in Middlebury. Who would ever love someone like her anyways? It was stupid. She was stupid.

But a small part of Peyton really did want Jake to be her greatest fan of her life.


"Ready for secret number three?" he inquired with a smile. It was dark outside now. They had spent the rest of the afternoon at the Club Tranquil, and much to Jake's dismay, Peyton stayed quiet most of the time.

He deserved it for a singing a stupid love song to her when he had a girlfriend.


She, at first, tried to be an absolute bitch to him, but it was hard being horrible to Jake. His smile was just too damn cute. Peyton opted for the silent treatment instead, but that didn't work either. She just had to like talking to him. So she finally decided that quick and simple answers were his punishment.

Okay. It was lame.


"Sure," she muttered casually to him, taking a lick out of her butter pecan ice cream. Jake was oblivious to her cold behavior as he once again took her hand gingerly.

Damn stupid girly feelings.

He was excited for whatever this secret was. Jake grinned along his way towards their new destination with Peyton keeping up by his side. She couldn't help herself but feel curious.

"Okay, close your eyes."

Peyton raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"It's a secret."

She managed to stifle a grin as she took the last bite of her ice cream before shutting her eyes close. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction that she was psyched. Jake once again took her hands delicately in his as led her silently through downtown Middlebury. Peyton refused to talk, but her heart was pounding rapidly, and she couldn't find a way to silence it. She could hear voices of people chattering and laughing at their own little conversations that Peyton would never know about. Breathing deeply, the smell of baked treats breezed its way up her nostrils. They were near Myrna's Diner. More laughter. It was probably diner time.

"Take a step up. Okay, another one," Jake ordered, guiding her up a couple of steps. "Okay. Stay here and don't move."

"Jake –" Was he seriously going to leave her there?

Bigger bastard.

"Just keep your eyes close." Peyton could hear his footsteps disappear before she had a time to answer. Great. She was by herself in God knows where completely blind. A few moments passed, and Peyton sighed sharply. If he wasn't back in five min –

Abruptly, she was surrounded by light. They found a way to peak past her eyelids, but Peyton didn't dare to open her eyes yet. If Middlebury wasn't weird enough, it just got weirder.

"Okay," Jake's voice appeared by her side. "Open your eyes."

Peyton's eyelids fluttered open, and she gasped completely amazed.

She was standing in the middle of a beautiful white gazebo, the outside wrapped with growing rosebuds and lacing vines. It was rather large, and very fancy with intricate columns and a golden sash wrapped on the inside. A gorgeous garden encircled the building and added a taste of sweet color. The top was stringed with a billion little bulb lights, like the ones used for Christmas time. Peyton's eyes shifted towards the lawn surrounding the brilliant gazebo. The old fashioned lit street lights that circled the grassy area had the tiny bulbs wrapped around them also. Light was everywhere, saving her from the darkness.

Secret Number Three: You have got to have love for gazebos.

It was clearly the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

Because there, right then and there, she felt something for the first time surrounded by the billions of lights, flowers, and Jake.

She felt beautiful.

"Jake. I… " Peyton couldn't figure out what to say. "Thank you."

He beamed at her, his smile proud. But before he could say another word, his cell phone began to ring. Peyton glanced at the caller ID, and her heart fell.

It was Jen.

"Um, I have to go," he said quickly.

A moment ago, everything in Peyton's world was perfect. But like most moments, they're gone.


"Can I have an iced tea?"

"Sure," Peyton smiled simply at the customer before disappearing for the requested drink.

Disappear. Just like Jake did.

Peyton frowned. She had avoided him the past couple of days. She couldn't look at him or stare at him straight in the eye and say everything is okay with her. Peyton couldn't lie to him. Not him.

Her solution was to busy herself at Club Tranquil. It was plainly easily. Ask people what they wanted to drink or eat and get it for them. Tada. Job done.

Handing the drink to the customer, the girl smiled faintly before turning her attention back to the performer on stage. The girl was pretty; had a nice smile, petite, and had soft brown eyes.

Peyton scowled.

"Is there something wrong?" the girl asked with concern. Great. She was nice, too. Just great.

"Is your name Jen?" Peyton inquired irritatingly.

The girl stared at her with raised eyebrows. "My name's Courtney."

A wave of relief swept across Peyton's face. "Um, sorry. You look like a Jen." The girl just turned back around, obviously freaked out by her actions. Peyton shrugged it off, making her way around the bar.

A bell chimed, signaling a new person had entered the club. Peyton turned to greet the customer, but the new faces nearly gave her a heart attack.

Her dad and Nicole.

She ducked under the bar, her eyes wide. This seemed to freak Courtney out even more as she left her seat for another one as far away from Peyton as possible. She didn't care. There were other important thoughts in her mind like what the hell were Nicole and her dad doing there! This place was actually cool! They… weren't!

Her life was sucking by the minute.

"Hey, skinny honey. I didn't know you worked here now," a voice bellowed on top of her. Peyton glanced up to see Skills' smiling face. "I didn't know you were weird either." He added, noticing she was hiding from behind the bar.

She gasped, motioning Skills to shut up.

"Huh?" he asked loudly.

"Shut up!" Peyton hissed.

"Damn, girl. You're really odd."

She rolled her eyes. "Look to your right," she whispered the order.

"Yo, it's your pops and Nicole. Ohhhhhhhh." Peyton made a sarcastic smile as Skills bent down towards her. "And you're hiding because…?"

She sighed guilty. "I haven't had a decent conversation with either of them since we got here. I don't think they even know I work here."

"Smooth move, girl."

"Yeah. Brilliant idea from yours truly."

"Oh, dawg, they're moving," Skills whispered to her quietly, eyeing the couple. A bell chime rang softly. Peyton peeked cautiously over the bar. "And they outta here."

"Quick!" she grabbed Skills shirt roughly as she jumped over the bar counter. "Derek, I need a break." Not waiting for his answer, she intently dragged poor Skills out of the club and hastily towards the couple.

"Yo, chill. Do not be ripping my shirt, ma. I need to look good for the ladies," Skills mumbled frustratingly as Peyton searched the tops of people's heads for a certain pair.

"Do you see them?" she questioned in a rush.

Skills gave in on the search, glancing around. "Left!" he pointed towards the direction.

Peyton followed his hand and quickly followed behind, doing her best to conceal herself.

"What the hell are we doing?" He questioned, sneaking right behind her.

"We're following them," she informed him briskly. "I want to see what my dad sees in her." Nicole and Larry walked around a corner, and Skills and Peyton trailed them silently on their heel. All they were doing was walking. Walking around the corner, past the street, on the sidewalk. Walking. Laughing. Talking.

It was like they were some normal couple!

Peyton refused to believe it. They couldn't be normal! Nicole couldn't be normal! She was supposed to be a home wrecking, evil, gold digging bitch who somehow hypnotized her father to love her.

"Pey?" Skills whispered. "Maybe you should just accept it."

She stared back at him; the backs of her eyes were stinging. Shit. Waterworks.

"Yo, we've been following them for the last thirty minutes. I like Nicole, and I like your Pop. I think they really love each other, you know? Maybe you a'int liking this right now, but you know your dad. Maybe you should trust him that this might be a good move and just accept them."

Peyton bit her lip, forcing the tears to stay in. "I can't, Skills." So much for trying to stifle the tears. They slid down her hot cheeks, one by one. "I'm sorry, but I can't. And I won't." The wall around her heart broke down as Peyton collapsed into a fit of tears, finding herself wrapped sadly in Skills arms, the memory of being surrounded by the beautiful billion lights faded away.


Peyton exhaled. Inhaled, and then exhaled. She paused for a moment, and then inhaled again. Holding her breath, she bit her lip nervously before knocking loudly at the door in front of her.

She hadn't seen Jake in more than a week, mostly because she refused to. So why is it that a person she disliked so much was always on her mind? Getting a hold of Brooke and Haley, she informed her best friends on the situation.

"Talk to him! Why would someone go through all that trouble to do those things for you if it didn't mean anything?" Haley had said.

"The guy's a jerk. Maybe you should just give him a piece of your mind, and then drop him. He's not worth it if he always ditches you," Brooke had argued.

However, they both seemed to agree that if Jake was always on her mind, maybe he was supposed to be there. She just had to do something about it.

Still, Peyton didn't exactly know which path to choose, but she got Jake's address from the yellow pages, and forced herself to knock on the door. She didn't know whether to confess her feelings to him, or tell him off. Whichever the case was, Peyton was there, and she'd know what to do when she'd see him.

Abruptly, the door creaked open, pulling Peyton's head out of her thoughts.


Um, that was a strangely girlish voice for Jake. Peyton glanced down to find a grinning little girl, gazing at Peyton with intense curiosity.

"Um, Hi," Peyton tilted her head questioningly. "Is this the Jagielski residence?"

The girl giggled. "I'm Jenny Jagielski, I'm four years old, and I live on Wellington Street, Middlebury, Wisconsin," she recited. Peyton raised an eyebrow. She didn't recall Jake saying he had a sister…

"Jen? Who is it?" Jake called from inside the house. Peyton gasped.

Oh. My. God. JEN!

Jake's girlfriend was… four years old? Peyton racked her brain. Wait… what the hell was going on?

"Jenny, what - " Jake stopped, coming up close contact with Peyton. Suddenly, his face became shy.

"Jen," she said simply, still stunned. He nodded carefully. Peyton glanced back at the girl, who was now playing with a ladybug on the front porch. "Wow, um. Oh, God. I feel really stupid," she tried to laugh, running a hand through her curly hair. "I thought. Um. Well, I thought that girl Jen you were talking about was you're girlfriend, not your little sister."

Jake took in a deep breath. "She's my daughter."

"I know, it's really funny - Wait. What?!" Peyton blurted out, staring at the little girl.

"Want to know Secret Number Four?" he grinned sheepishly. "That's my daughter, Jenny." Peyton's mouth opened, but nothing came out. "That's why I'm gone all the time. I have to take care of her, and when I'm out, that's when my parents are able to babysit."

Secret Number Four: Jake has a secret daughter.


"But… she called you on your cell phone that night!"

"My home phone is labeled 'Jen' on my cell."

"But," Peyton started. "Why didn't you tell me?" she managed to ask, gazing at Jenny. It was official. Her heart was clearly pounding out of her chest.

Jake shrugged. "I really don't know. It's not something I share on a day to day basis." He sounded completely honest. "Would you like to come inside?"

Peyton stared shocked before nodding absentmindedly as she made her way inside the small household. Jenny followed, bouncing along behind them. It was a cute house. Small, but cute. Her mind, however, wasn't focused on how cute the house was. More like the fact that Jake had a love child, to be quite honest.

He lead her wordlessly into the backyard, where Jenny followed, bringing along a pink plush elephant. Leaning against the sliding doorframe, Peyton watch as the little girl cheerfully fled towards an almost broken looking sandbox to play happily with her toy elephant.

She slightly reminded Peyton of a mini Brooke. Minus the boys and alcohol.

"When you said come inside, I was thinking more of a couch," she tried to ease up their situation, but Jake didn't laugh. His eyes were focused on Jenny.

"I don't bring her out for a reason," he began, running a rough hand through his hair. "And it's not because I'm ashamed."

"I never said you were," she countered softly.

"Her mother, Nikki, thinks Jenny belongs to her. I have full custody, but she has a knack for kidnapping. And Nikki always seems to find ways to get herself out of trouble, and I can't put Jenny in danger again by constantly leaving her alone," he informed her solemnly. Peyton did her best to nod along and try to understand the situation, but she couldn't. It was just too much at once.

"Nikki sounds like a bitch."

Jake rubbed his chin. "If you want to put it lightly." Peyton smiled. "Not everyone in the town knows about Jenny. Skills, Fergie, and Junk do. My parents, and now, you."

"I feel kind of lucky," she figured thoughtfully.

"I feel like a jerk."

"Why's that?"

"For that night in the gazebo." At that point, she felt her heart being ripped in two. "I was just… I –I didn't know what I was doing. It was just there, and you were there, and I thought it would be nice if you could see it." Peyton bit her lip to keep the tears from pouring out. "I'm an idiot. I didn't mean for it to even happen."

The two stared at each other. Really stared. It wasn't romantic or passionate or seductive. It was more of Peyton searching for the truth, and Jake searching for forgiveness.

"What's your name?" Peyton snapped her head towards Jenny, who was now standing curiously in front of her.

"Peyton," she managed to escape, tearing her eyes off Jake.

Jenny tilted her head, and then made a satisfied smile. "I like that name." And in an instant, she was off back towards her sandbox doing whatever little kids these days liked to play.

"She likes you," Jake laughed gently. "You were one of the few to keep her attention for longer than 5 seconds."

Peyton didn't respond. He was laughing. Laughing! Did he not get that she was absolutely pissed at him? Did he not understand that he could not just treat her out to the most romantic moment of her life, and then regret ever doing it, then spring up he had a daughter and act like everything's okay?

He was still smiling at her!

Jake obviously didn't get that, then.

She began to turn around exasperated towards the inside of the house, adding, "Listen, I'll see you around." From the corner of her vision, she could still feel his eyes on her.

Peyton was really pissed now.

"What?" He just kept staring. "What?!" She was annoyed now. Why was he staring at her like that? Damn it! He was reading her wasn't he? He could always tell when something was wrong with her. Sometimes it's just so –

Suddenly, in one quick movement, he grabbed her face gently with ease and managed to plant on her lips the softest and most innocent kiss she had ever received in her short lifetime. In that moment, the night at the gazebo was nothing compared to her first sweet kiss to Jake Jagielski under the blanket of twinkling stars with a giggling little girl watching them from her comfy sandbox.

Peyton wasn't so pissed anymore.

A/N: Did you guys like it? Review please! I really like to hear your opinions on your what the best and worst parts are so I can make the next chapter more to your liking. :) Thanks for reading, and Brooke is up next!