Peyton Sawyer: is finally going to spend time with her dad. To make sure it's a summer they won't forget, the pair rent a house in a small city in Wisconsin. But just when she thought her family was completely dysfunctional, it gets much worse. On top of all that, she has to deal with the rest of the crazy town and their inhabitants – alone.

Brooke Davis: wants to be famous. She takes a summer fashion internship in Paris with suitcases full of clothes, a friend by her side, and her held up high as she enters the life of the glitz and glam. Everything is practically perfect, that is until she realizes how catty the fashion industry can be, and you can't trust everybody. Especially a nosy roommate.

Haley James: is about to become Haley James Keller by the end of the summer. She can finally live the life of her dreams in the beautiful state of New York City with a successful fiancée, a booming career, and a polished lifestyle. The only thing that stands in the way of this fantasy is a stubborn husband – who hasn't given her a divorce in three years (slightly based on Sweet Home Alabama).

A/N: Hope you like my story! The base is somewhat similar to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, without the pants, but more so the fact of friends separating for the summer. Enjoy and please review!

"Table for three please."

It was always table for three. It was always three for everything.

Well, not always, exactly.

It's been three for everything since middle school; seventh grade to be exact.

It was in seventh grade that Brooke Davis, Peyton Sawyer, and Haley James formed this most indestructible bond, one that seemed to survive through everything. It had experienced dead moms, rude boyfriends, failed classes, drunken nights, absent parents, evil cliques, and so much more.

The three seemed to share this sort of weird vibe with each other. It was like they knew when something was wrong with the other. They just had to look at one of them and immediately realize that something was different. Maybe for the good, maybe for the bad; but they just knew. They felt that exact vibe in seventh grade, third period. Brooke had almost fallen asleep in history class, and after rubbing her eyes, she realized she smeared her delicate eye makeup that she so carefully applied that morning. It was only reasonable to ask to be excused to the bathroom to fix it up with her Bourjois traveling kit. Across campus, Peyton had received a D on her math exam, also leaving for the bathroom in a fuss. In her pocket happened to be a packet of cigarettes, which she had discovered in her father's drawer last week. She needed something to distract her. Haley just needed to pee.

Within that tiny time span, all three girls entered the girls' bathroom on the lower floor next to the classroom 111. It was there were a moody Peyton Sawyer discovered a teary Brooke Davis, who had forgotten all her makeup and a stressed Haley James, who just wanted to be kind and listen to the poor brunette's story, even though she desperately needed to use the bathroom. Peyton had flicked out a cigarette to calm herself down, in which Haley James quickly objected, saying it was completely unhealthy to smoke cigars, even more unhealthy to start at such a young age.

"So?" The curly blonde inquired.

Haley then broke out into a long speech about cigars and tobacco, and which would possibly go on into other important factors, that is, if Brooke and Peyton didn't burst out laughing half way. Instead of steaming off, Haley laughed too. And that was the beginning of the Triple Threat, or so they called themselves.

The vibe thing they had going on really worked.

It was funny how close their friendship was, seeing that the three girls were as different as night and day. It really is important to stress how different these girls really are.

Peyton is the rebel. The artist. The deep thinker. In her view, the world is always against her. It's hard not to think so when her mother died at such a young age, only to learn she actually had a birth mother, who eventually died from breast cancer. To top it all off, her father works on shipping boats, leaving Peyton to have a very parentless upbringing. Maybe her dark music and moody art makes a little more sense now.

Brooke is the party girl, the pretty girl, and the wild girl. Looking at her, she seems to have it all from designer clothes to silky hair to her dimply smile… and even to her absent parents. They were sort of just there in the background, but never there for her cheerleading competitions or to take pictures of her before prom or to attend her short-lived gymnastics phase. This all spiraled down to many crazy nights that involved a lot of beer and a lot of boys. Pretty girl... pretty messed up.

Haley is the good girl. Sweet and shy and quiet and nice. Intelligent. Valedictorian. This was what every parent wanted their child to be like, and the James family had enough children to motivate to be the perfect child. Haley, being the youngest, finally achieved their dream, but she still wanted to be so much more. She strived to be like her friends, instead of the safe girl she was. So at age 18, she did something crazy.

She got married.

They may be as different as night and day, but both have either the stars or sun to brighten up their path of life. That and each other.

"Uh, table for three?" Brooke Davis repeated, tapping her fingers impatiently at the host's table.

"Apologies, miss. Right this way," the stuffy man said, leading the three young women to a booth near the window in a sweet café located in the busy state of New York.

"Do you have to be so impatient?" Haley James rolled her eyes.

"Well, do you have to be so… patient?"

"People should be."

"Well, I'm not people. I'm Brooke Davis!"

"Who can be a pain in the ass," Haley mumbled.


"Okay, cat claws back in," Peyton Sawyer ordered, plopping down onto her chair. Brooke and Haley proceeded to make fake hissy noise at each other, just for Peyton's expense. "Okay, enough catfights, I want to hear the good news," the curly blonde stated, tossing her menu to the side.

Haley blushed slightly, taking Peyton's discarded menu and covering her face. The two girls gasped, knowing this was something big.

"Okay, close your eyes, and when I say three, open them. Brooke just do it! Okay. Peyton, I know you're eyes are open and – oh, come on. We're not five. Okay. One… Two… Three!"



"GOD!" Peyton and Brooke screamed in unison. There, perfectly placed on the second to the last finger on her left hand was possibly the most gorgeous engagement ring any of the three girls had ever seen.

"Chris – " Peyton began.

"Yes!" Haley squealed.

"At – " Brooke started.


"In – "

"Central Park at sunset!"

Brooke and Peyton's jaw dropped, completely literally. "You are going to be Haley Keller." The petite blonde nodded in excitement. "To Chris Keller. Which People Magazine just declared music's new hot guitarist."

"Well, he's my hot guitarist now." The three girls broke into a fit of giggles, all gushing over the beautiful piece of rock.

"When's the wedding?!" Brooke gasped, lacing her fingers together.

"We want it by the end of the summer. I know it's soon, but it's going to be perfect. We already bought a new house together in Manhattan." They all sighed, the girlie thoughts of romance plastered all over their face.

"Um, excuse me? Your orders, ladies?"

A quick 45 minutes flew by, which the conversation just had to do with Haley's wedding wishes.

"Everything's going to be perfect. Just… one thing."

"What?" Peyton asked, stuffing a piece of bread into her mouth.

Haley bit her lip, taking in a deep sigh. "Nathan," she admitted reluctantly.

"What about him?" Brooke brushed off.

"There's some business I have to take care of with him."

"What business, exactly?" Peyton raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know. Just divorce business."

"Divorce!!" The two girls shrieked.

"I thought you took care of that was years ago!" Brooke gasped.

"Not… really."

"Hales, you got married at 18. You're 21 now. It's been three years!" Peyton stated, her eyes narrowed with shock.

"I know, okay? That's why I'm going home for the summer. You know, to see my family and everyone… and get a divorce."

"You're going back to Tree Hill?" Brooke frowned. Haley nodded slowly. "Pff, good luck. I never liked that place."

"Brooke, you were a cheerleader. You practically cheered for it every day of your teenage life." Brooke shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"You were one two, Peyton Marie Sawyer."

"Do not use the PMS thing against me! Besides, you begged me to be one."

Brooke rolled her eyes once more and simply stuck out her tongue.

"Okay, so one down, two to go," Haley sighed. "Brooke? What's your news?"

"Okay, well, so last week I got my fashion design professor to pull a few strings here and there and… "


"And I got an internship with Chanel in Paris!" Brooke squealed cheerfully.

"No way!"

"Oh my God!"

Brooke gave a huge dimply smile, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Brooke, that's incredible," Peyton grinned, shifting back in her seat.

"You're going to Paris, for the whole summer, to study fashion?"


"I'm officially jealous."

Brooke giggled, "I know!" Sighing, she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear before leaning forward. "There is a catch though. There's going to be loads of interns. So, I'll have to do my best to stand out."

"Considering you being you, I don't think it will be that hard," Peyton grinned, amused.

Brooke shrugged and smiled simultaneously, her signature move. "Mouth is coming with me. He wants a vacation. Plus, he knows some guy who's also staying in Paris who we can bunk with."

"Who?" Haley inquired, taking a sip of her tea.

"Some guy named Lucas. Lucas Scott, I think."

Haley furrowed her brow. "Nathan's last name was Scott."

"Scott is a common name, Hales. Besides, I think we would know if Nathan Scott had a brother. Tree Hill is a pretty small town," Peyton figured, swirling her soup with her spoon.

"Speaking of you, P. Sawyer – "

"We weren't Brooke."

"Well, now we are. What is your big news, Goldilocks?"

Peyton broke out into a huge smile, pushing her soup gingerly aside. "Me and my dad are finally going to spend a whole summer together." Brooke and Haley's faces both suddenly became filled with sympathy and excitement.

"Hun, that's great!" Haley beamed. Brooke nodded anxiously in agreement. It was a well known fact that Peyton and her father never really had a stable relationship, and it was something Peyton always wanted.

"We're going to Wisconsin. He said we have some family there."

"Wisconsin?" Brooke raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, yeah, it's in one of those small, unknown towns. Middlebury is its name, to be exact. But, I think the smaller the town, the more time I can spend with my dad."

"That's really sweet, Peyton," Brooke commented, giving her a hopeful smile. "You deserve this. Definitely."

"Wow, this is all so exciting," Haley suddenly jumped. "Brooke is going to Paris. Peyton is finally spending time with her family. And I'm getting married!"

"And going to Tree Hill," Peyton added.

"I was purposely leaving that part out."

"Oh, Sorry."


"I have an idea," Brooke chimed in. "Since we're all doing something this summer, let's set a goal for each other!" Her two friends stared curiously at her. "Just listen. It'll be fun! It's sort of like we'll all be with each other. Okay, maybe not, but I think it'll make our summer's even more interesting! I mean, isn't goal achieving always fun? But we can't refuse what each other says. And we have to do it by the end of the summer. I'll do one for Peyton, Peyton will do one for Haley, and Haley will do one for me!"

"And what is this brilliant goal you want me to do, Brooke?"

"I want you to fall in love."


"Come on P. Sawyer," Brooke spoke quickly. "You need it. As wonderful as it is that you're going to spend time with your family, I think the need of a boy toy for you is becoming quite serious."

"But – "

"You can't refuse it! It's against the rules."

"What rules?"

"My rules," Brooke grinned.

"Fine. Okay, I have a good one for Haley." Right then, the petite blonde slipped deeper into her seat, too nervous to hear what her friend had to say. "Get married."

Haley tilted her head, furrowing her brows. "I am getting married."

"I know, but things happen. I just want you to get married, no matter what. If I deserve to fall in love, you deserve a proper wedding."

"Okay. No problem. Now Brooke," Haley began, smirking. "I want you, little miss cheery, to give people chances."

"That's it?" Brooke blurted out.

"Three people to be exact. Three people who you don't like," Haley explained. Brooke smiled simply. "I think it's going to be a lot harder than you realize." The brunette just raised an eyebrow and shrugged in agreement.

"It's a deal," the girls declared, closing their two hour conversation.