A/n: Well, here we are, chapter 3. Would have had this up sooner, but family issues and a writers block kept me away. Hope its up to standards, and as usual, I own nothing, litterally, and I make no profit from this. Kim Possible is Disney's, and Metroid is Nintendo's. I write merely for the enjoyment and reviews. Speaking of which, glad I'm getting the reviews I am, and I'd like to thank all those who reviewed my last two chapters. I hope you like this one as well. Now. On to the chapter.
On Ship, Security Sector, Following Kim
Kim touched the sphere and energy shot around her hand, traveling up her arm as the weapon began to uncoil. Her eyes stayed locked to the device she'd found as whatever it was began to activate. There was the feeling of vertigo briefly as her body was sucked into the sphere and the program began to assert itself before her eyes. First it displayed in strange letters she couldn't understand, and then, as more of its organic components bonded with her body. Her eyes scanned the display of the visor as it played out, catching up halfway through the program.
::Chozo Power armor activated, Prime Version.::
::Functionality at thirty percent of full capabilities.::
::Current suit level... basic power suit.::
::Arm cannon functionality... Power beam and missile launcher only.::
::Morph ball power available... energy bombs present.::
::Visor capabilities... Combat and Scanner visors available.::
::Secondary systems... grapple beam present.::
::Initiating full mental link and armor adaptation to host user.::
::Program complete.::
A static charge ran over the armor in its morph ball form; then the morph ball expanded into the standing form of the armor. The helmet and arm cannon held a blue tint to the metal as the silver white metal of the sleek powered armor gleamed in the light. Kim looked down her body, taking in the armor. It was slim for one thing, her right hand encased in a cannon and her left still containing the traditional five fingers. There was a blue silver tube running along her left forearm. She looked down her legs and noted the joint reinforcements of the armor and that though they were armored, they still provided a full range of motion. She looked as best she could over her shoulders and saw the small back pack like thrusters.
She quickly went through a few movements, testing the full range of the suit. She looked up, noting the ceiling height and deciding to test the vertical jump later. She aimed the cannon easily, steadying it with her left hand and testing the combat visors lock on abilities against the body armors on the wall. She smiled beneath the helmet as she fired a single shot at the armor and watched as the blast tore through it easily. She looked at another suit of the armor and wondered what it was made of. Her mind reeling as the visor changed and locked onto the armor with a square cursor and scanned the armor before relaying the message on the screen in front of her.
::Galactic Federation basic tactical armor.::
::Provides protection from basic energy weapons and edged assaults.::
::Also provides minimal protection from most known zoological specimens aboard.::
::Defenseless against Chozo Armor basic power beam.::
"Ok, I guess that's the scan visor..." Kim smiled as she shifted her vision back to the room and the scan visor immediately switched back to combat mode. "What's morph ball?" She said and her visor switched back to scan mode, explaining the morph ball's activation and current abilities to her.
Kim smiled beneath the visor and quickly curled into a ball as she flipped forward, the synaptic links in the armor activating the armor's morph function and changing her into a small ball despite the laws of physics. She laid one of the energy based bombs and let it blow up, launching her into the air. When she landed, she began to roll around the room, bouncing off walls and equipment before stopping and transforming back into her standing armored form.
"Oh, I am liking this..." Kim let her eyes run over the armor again then thought back to the program's statements before it established completely, she activated the scan visor and brought up her suits status.
The display held a three dimensional image of the power armor itself as well as a visual menus of its abilities. Kim thought for a minute then spoke. "Explain meaning of thirty percent functionality."
::Chozo power armor is currently at thirty percent of its full capability.::
::Currently lacking Varia Suit,::
::Gravity Suit,::
::Freeze Cannon,::
::Wave Cannon,::
::Plasma Cannon,::
::Charge Beam,::
::Missile Combo ability,::
::X-Ray Visor,::
::Thermal Visor,::
::Boost Ball,::
::Spider Ball,::
::Power Bombs,::
::Space Jump,::
::and Speed Boost.::
::To utilize the Chozo Power armor to full potential all functionality must be restored.::
"Why is the Power Armor not at full power?" Kim asked.
::Power armor was damaged during power surge.::
::Programming upgrades for full functionality exist within ship::
::However these will have to be downloaded manually.::
"Where are the upgrades?" Kim smiled as she turned to the door, preparing to go in search of her new toys.
"Figured you'd say that, how will I know them when I see them?" Kim asked.
::Any scan capable objects will display on visor HUD,::
::Using the scanner will provide all relevant information.::
"Thanks." She fired at the door and prepared to get started. Her visor picked up three potential targets immediately. Her visor tracked the farthest two and sent a red targeting cursor around the third most threatening as she aimed the arm cannon. Even as she fired she registered that it was a group of the beetle creatures she'd been avoiding since she got on the ship. She blinked as the first blast of energy knocked her target back but didn't kill it. It however did crack the bony face plate. The second blast shattered the armor and the third vaporized the beetle completely. She turned to the next and sent three rapid fire blast at it and then locked on to the third as it charged her. She quickly checked the ceiling height and leapt over the beetle, flipping in mid air to shoot its unprotected back. She smiled as it vaporized, leaving the chitinous skull plate behind.
"Wade, can your read me?" Kim tried to pull her comm up, her pulse quickening when no one answered. "Wade... Come in Wade." She pulled up the scan visor. "Is my communications set up still active within the power armor?"
::The communication device, vital scanners, and primitive form battle suit were integrated into Chozo Power armor::
"Why can't I communicate with my friends on earth?" Kim asked.
::Out of range of Terran Planet zero delta seven six two, called Earth::
"What do you mean out of range?" Kim asked.
::Ship has begun transport due to preprogrammed response to specific parameters.::
"What parameters?" Kim asked.
::Simultaneous activation of both Prime Version and Sever Prototype Version power armors only known trigger.::
::Other parameters unknown.::
"What's Sever Prototype Version Power Armor?" Kim asked.
On Ship, Tech Sector, With Shego.
Shego watched the visor before her eyes as her first helmet was replaced by that of the armor. Her muscles flexed as she felt as if something was attaching to them. Then the text on the visor's readout changed, first in whatever the alien dialect was, and next in English.
::Chozo Power armor prototype activated, Sever Version.::
::Functionality at twenty seven percent of full capabilities.::
::Current suit level... basic power suit.::
::Sigma Shivs functionality... Power Edge only.::
::Morph ball power available... energy bombs present.::
::Visor capabilities... Combat and Scanner visors available.::
::Secondary systems... grapple beam present.::
::Initiating full mental link and armor adaptation to host user.::
::Found genetic anomaly…::
::Plasma Power found…::
::Rewriting suit functionality…::
::Functionality now at thirty two percent.::
::Plasma Edge activated.::
::New functionality… Focus Claws and Energy Orb::
::Available forms… Power and Plasma forms available.::
::Program complete::
Shego's armored form emerged from the bladed morph ball. The armor black with green high lights. Clawed hands flexing as she looked down along her body. She reached to the small of her back and drew the crossed blades the suit had called Sigma Shivs.
She looked at the blades, about two feet long and single edged. They reminded her of the knives that blond guy had carried in Lord of The Rings but they looked a lot more futuristic. The blades curved easily and she could see a long clear tube along the blade where the blood groove should be. The hilts held four slots where her thumb could press into them easily, and a thumb slide along the back of the hilt as well.
She let her thumbs press into one slot and watched as the tube flowed with green energy. Then the blades ignited with her green plasma, she moved the thumb of one hand to the other active slot on the hilt and watched as one blade started glowing with the orange energy of the Power Edge.
"Definitely liking this… Drakken, if you think you're getting your hands on my new toy you are outta luck." She sheathed the blades and turned to the equipment on the tables. Her visor quickly switched to scanner mode and explained each piece to her. It wasn't long before she realized she got the premium package.
"Ok, let's see what else you can do… what functions am I missing?" Shego inquired.
::Currently inactive… Varia Suit::
::Gravity Suit,::
::Ice Edge,::
::Wave Edge,::
::Charged Cut,::
::Frequency Cut,::
::Edge Combos,::
::Boost Ball,::
::Spider Ball,::
::Power Bomb,::
::X-Ray Visor,::
::Thermal Visor,::
::Space Jump,::
::Speed Boost…::
::Acquisition of Ice Edge and Wave Edge will also upgrade Focus Claws and Energy Orb with new energy Sequences.::
"Sounds good, Where can I find the upgrades?" Shego smiled.
::Scan Visor will reveal them when available.::
"Let's go hunting." Shego turned back to the door and walked out it, drawing the Sigma Shivs and setting them to plasma power. She smiled as she saw the door had switched to blue and flicked the blade at it, letting the plasma energy open the door back the way she came. Her visor switched easily into combat mode as she scanned the room, even though she knew she'd cleared it earlier. She turned back to in the direction of the hangers. No sign of Kimmie yet, which means she either went the other way, or got beaten down by the beasties along the way.
"Wonders what she'll think of my new duds?" Shego laughed as she turned to the door leading farther into the ship and sent a plasma flare at it to open it.
Her combat visor activated as soon as the door opened and locked immediately onto one of the toads she'd been fighting earlier. She smiled and avoided the things first leap and immediately switched her visor to scanner mode. She locked onto the creature with the scanner as it leapt at her again and she easily avoided it. Another heartbeat and the data was displaying in the corner of the screen as she moved to avoid another instinctual strike.
::Amphibious carnivore::
::while dangerous in large numbers, easily dispatched by basic Power Edge when alone.::
::Threat level… questionable.::
"So that's what you are you ugly bastard…" Shego smiled as she let the combat visor slide back into place. The data on the toad now complete the visor displayed its weakest points. Shego sidestepped and finally used one of her Shivs to slice the creature in half, the plasma energy dissolving the creature.
Shego smiled and examined the room now, switching back to her scan visor just in case there was anything of interest. She sighed when she realized it was just another hallway, but kept moving down it all the same. She paused about midway down the hall as she came to two doors leading off to her right and left. Her eyes traveled down the hall and saw another door with a huge rock like covering. She blinked when she thought she saw an eyelid slide up and close.
"Ok, scan that later, for now, we try this door." She flicked her plasma at the right hand door and walked in. It opened onto a small single room with a computer panel in the center and a palm pad next to the screen. She scanned it quickly.
::Tech Sector Map Station, use palm link to download map.::
Shego smiled as she placed her hand on the palm reader, letting the preprogrammed system activate. Her visor went dark just a moment, then a map slowly appeared before her eyes. It started a few rooms back and a level up where she'd come into the tech sector and continued on forward and past the direction of the other door in the hallway. The weird eyeball door lead eventually into another section of the ship, but there were three blinking points past the other door, and only one on the other side of the eye. She smiled and mentally ordered the system to identify the points that lay to the right.
::Tech Data Centers. Used to store and process programs…::
::Probability of containing functionality upgrades… seventy eight percent::
::Suggest acquiring before advancing… large bio-signs beyond forward door.::
"And the point in the forward section?"
::Bio-Tech Containment::
::Used to store and study cyber-organic weapon meant for harsh conditions::
Shego thought for a minute. "Probability that the bio weapon is the source of the large bio reading in the forward section?"
::Seventy Six Percent::
Shego shook her head and walked out of the room and across the hall. She shot another look down the hall toward the door with the eyeball on it. She wanted to know what the hell that thing was, but her instincts told her to go the other way first. She shot a plasma orb at the door and let it open. Her combat visor locked onto a strange new creature as the door opened.
"Giant wasp?" Shego said as the huge insects buzzed around a hive in a corner, she let her visor switch quickly but stayed far enough back that they didn't notice her.
::War Wasp::
::Giant insect, very aggressive but tends to stay near its hive.::
::Has a poisonous stinger capable of paralyzing small prey::
Shego sheathed her Sigma Shivs and powered her hands up with the concussive energy of the Power Beam, she threw two hard balls of energy at the hive, marveling as they exploded on contact. She smiled as the hive was destroyed but had to immediately duck as three surviving wasp attacked her. She let her hands change to plasma immediately and sliced at one with her claws. She grinned as they seared through it like butter.
"Good, I can still spar with Kimmie." Shego laughed.
The next wasp met a ball of plasma as Shego rolled out of the way, amazed at how well the suit allowed her to move. She leapt up and drew the Sigma Shivs as the last dive bombed her; she activated the Power Edge and swung the blade. When it connected the blast shook her from the surprise. It wasn't the heated pure cut of the Plasma Edge, it was an explosion of concussive force that shattered the wasp's exoskeleton and crushed it against the wall. Shego smiled when she looked at the orange energy around her blades.
"Well, at least this suit has some intriguing abilities…have to remember to try that without the blades before I use it on Kim." Shego laughed and turned her attention to the room again.
It was empty. No tables, no equipment, no lockers, nothing. There wasn't even a door. Shego's brow creased behind the visor. She activated the scanner, double checking the room. Nothing. The map said the door was directly across from the entrance. Shego activated her plasma power and launched a wave of it at the wall. She listened.
It was faint, but she heard the sound of a door opening and carefully walked through the wall illusion and then the door on the other side. She was in another room with no door, but there was a small hole at the base of the wall.
"How am I supposed to get through that?" Shego asked, before she remembered something from the suits first programming. "Explain Morph Ball functionality."
::Allows user to compress form into small rolling ball::
::Designed to gain access to otherwise inaccessible areas and secured locations.::
::Double use to infiltrate and conceal if necessary.::
::Allows use of energy bombs and has various upgrades.::
::Sever Version Morph Ball incorporates Sigma Shivs into spring blades.::
::Combination of spring blades and Boost Ball or Shine Spark creates Cutter Ball::
The suit displayed a diagram of the Morph Ball and Shego was in awe of what was required to accomplish this feat of atomic physical manipulation. Drakken wouldn't believe it. He couldn't copy this if he was twice as smart as he thought he was. She wasn't sure the geeks Kim hung out with would be able to copy this. Shego laughed as she leapt into the air, spinning as the Morph Ball activated and she was seeing as if through the visor but she knew she was now in the shape of a small ball, two blades sticking out the sides as if on an axis.
She rolled toward the hole and let the blades swing back to make room a she rolled straight through like a wheel. She grinned as she rolled through the tube. The visors display now working in three hundred and sixty degrees. When she came to the end she continued to roll into the room. She grinned as her visor took in the room and the three hives on the ceiling.
She quickly leapt out of morph ball mode and brought her blade up to slice one of the wasps in half. She switched one Shiv to Power Edge, shattering a hive. She swung it back as she heard a second wasp attacking her. She was stunned as she missed and turned to check. The wasps were circling.
"Visor, scan. Now." Shego yelled as she tried to keep a lock on one of the wasp without letting the others attack her.
::Ram War Wasp::
::Smarter and more aggressive than normal War Wasp::
::Attack in packs, circling their prey and attempting to confuse them::
"Shit…" Shego switched to plasma on both blades and got ready for the battle that was coming.
On Ship, Following Kim.
Kim unlocked the door in front of her. The map she'd downloaded said the data center was beyond this hall and through a security room. The other two would be reachable after that she hoped, cause if not, she wasn't sure what she'd have to do. She'd about decided Shego had gone the other way, but if Shego really had activated the second armor, well, she'd have to get as many upgrades as she could before she ran into the green thief. The mention of an active security robot in a forward section worried her as well.
She moved down the hall, arm cannon steadied with her free hand, her combat visor up and running. So far she'd come across more of those beetles, two wasp hives, and some strange thing about twice her size that jumped back and forth on two armored legs. The scanner called it a side hopper and she wondered what it was doing here. A missile to the underbelly had knocked it over and she'd blasted it into nothing.
She was glad so far she'd only run into small groups of… creatures. Any larger groups could have been troublesome. She was hoping that luck would hold out at least till she was better used to the suit or had it at full power. She looked farther down the hall and her visor locked onto what looked like a giant fly. What worried her though was the swarm of identical creatures hanging on the ceiling with it. Kim locked on and immediately switched to scan visor.
::Fly like insects that attack in swarms,::
::Resistant to basic Power Beam, suggest Charged Beam or Missiles.::
She still hadn't found an upgrade, so that only left option two. Kim smiled as she activated the missile launcher, the arm cannon elongating and flowering open into four sections at the front as she went to combat visor and locked on. She aimed the missile carefully and launched, it took out the one she aimed at and two others next to it with the blast. The rest however unhooked and flew at her. She grinned as she started to lock on and fire as fast as the suit would allow. The missile fire was a little bit slower than the basic Power Beam, but it made up for it with blast radius. She smiled as the last Mellow fell to the ground.
"Bug swarms…what is it with this ship and giant insects?" Kim asked as she walked down the hall toward the door that would lead into the security room. She stopped about a meter away from it as a giant eye opened and stared at her.
::Eyeball Door::
::Strange Parasite, believed to be related to Eye-ons::
::Completely made of ocular tissue::
::Capable of projecting energy blast::
::Invincible while charging, but vulnerable to missiles in uncharged state::
Kim shrugged and launched a missile at the eyeball before it started to charge, but missed as they eyelid closed and opened to reveal a flash of energy. Kim jumped to avoid it, aiming down behind the blast to hit the door. She saw the explosion connect but knew it'd take more than that. She fired twice more as she landed, destroying the barrier to see the door open.
"Cool.." Kim said as she walked into the security room.
The first thing she noticed was the red hued door on the opposite wall, but she checked the security desk first. It gave a basic display, but this one was active. Kim smiled as she flipped through the security channels. She smiled as she reached one with a green and black armor being attacked by a group of wasp. She watched as Shego sliced the bugs in half before attacking their hives. She had two hives down and one left it looked like she'd been there for a bit.
"Keeping busy Shego? Looks like we'll get to play soon." Kim smiled and turned back to the door.
She fired a missile at it; making note to figure out why these things never ran out of ammo if she ever got back to earth. She walked into the Data Center and activated the scanner on the glowing orb in the center.
::Scanning Data Core::
::Upgrading mapping system…::
::Mapping system now contains sector data.::
::Upgrading functionality…::
::Arm Cannon Upgrade found…::
::Charge Beam now available.::
::Charge Beam stronger than single missile, but decreased fire rate.::
"Hey, that works." Kim smiled as she pulled the map up in her visor and checked the new sector data. "Ok, lets see.. There's another Data Center back down the hall and to the left. That's another dead end. To the right is the last data center before what should be the storage facility for that Security Robot. Hopefully it hasn't come this way. After that, I should go up to reach the next sector, according to this it's…Engineering. Which means I should be able to come up with some idea of the ships engines…" Kim smiled and reopened the door, moving back down the hall and toward the next data center.
Back on Earth. Middleton Woods. With Ron.
Dr. Director walked around the crater with a scanner as Will Du and Ron carefully explored the surrounding area. It was too dark to find tracks, but a few broken limbs and the white car near the edge of the forest meant someone had probably seen the meteor piece crash. The question now is where were they, and what had they found.
"Mr. Stoppable, does your Kimmunicator have a scanner function?" Dr. Director called over.
"Yes Ma'am, but it's called the Ron-Comm, Kim's is a Kimmunicator." Ron said as he brought it over, punching in Wade's Signal.
"Yea Ron?" Wade's face showed on the screen.
"We need the Ron-Comm to scan this meteor, we can tell we don't want to get too close, but we need to know more about it." Ron said as he turned the device to the orange glowing rock.
"Got ya." Wade said as he remotely activated the scanners and started to process the data.
"Dr. Director!" Will's voice called out.
"One moment." Dr. Director said. "Ron, join us when you have the results."
"No problem Dr. Director." Ron said as she walked toward Will.
"Ok, Ron, I have the results…or at least what I can tell of them." Ron turned the screen back to look at Wade. "The meteor is giving of a strong radiation, but it terminates a few inches from the core sample. It does display mutagenic properties and could rewrite human DNA easily in its purest form… what it is… I don't know…"
"Thanks Wade… Any word from Kim since the ship moved? Anything at all?" Ron asked, his face showing worry.
"Nothing Ron, but you know Kim, she'll find a way back. She always does." Wade said as he checked the data one more time. "There's also trace readings of what could be organic material…or would have been… before it came into contact with the meteor."
"Right, I'll fill in Dr. Director." Ron said, "Thanks Wade." He cut the connection and walked over to Dr. Director and Will.
"Mr. Stoppable, what did Mr. Load say?" Dr. Director asked.
"It is radioactive, and strong, but the energy terminates a few inches from the fragment, it can mutate organic matter, and there is some traces of something organic near it but not sure what happened to that."
"Very well, and it might give us some clue as to what caused this…" Dr. Director pointed at a skeleton in jeans and t-shirt, wearing a Middleton Jacket.
"Oh god…that was Brick Flag, which means that car was Bonnie's… we need to find her."
A/n: Ok, folks, hope you liked it. and I won't no unless you review, so please review. By the way, one thing I really want to know is what you think of my versions of the suits? Did I do Metroid and the characters justice? Let me know. See ya in the updates.