The Difference between Us

(song by Jennifer Love Hewitt)

If you really love me
Don't try and change me
When you look in the mirror
It's not me you see

Beka pulled on the last piece of her puppy uniform, taking on last surreptitious glance at the mirror. Rosto's reflection appeared over her shoulder, half-naked. When she was done staring, the puppy bit back a growl. "How many times does Erskin have to tell you, I won't ever go with a Rusher! And that goes double for Rogues!"

"What about a Piper?" He asked softly.

I don't want your choice as mine
No, that never crossed my mind
I want you just the way you are
'Cause boy, you're everything I'm not
And that's all I've ever wanted

His mouth was always warm and sweet. Beka reached up and pulled his lips down to hers. She'd never go crooked, not even for him. Mayhap it was better that way. He kept her from being so straight she couldn't bend. Strong arms wrapped around her, and Beka remembered something her mama told her. Every Dog has her day.

If we ever come close
If we ever discover
How to hold on and keep our faith in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together

"Did you order the killings?" Beka was using her Dog voice. She wanted so badly—

"No. Cooper—Beka—they weren't my men. Ulsa has made her last mistake, I promise." His eyes were un-doubtable. She had learned not to question his word. For all he was crooked, she knew he'd never lie to her.

She relaxed, let out the breath she'd been holding. And the tears. Rosto wiped the latter away gently. Both Dog and Rogue believed in justice, and each would see it done. Rosto could promise that.

If we open our eyes
Don't look any further
'Cause we've found all we'll ever need in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together

"Did your birdies hear anything new today?" Rosto asked glibly.

Beka let out a slow, lazy smile. "You went jewelry shopping today."

A blush colored Rosto's pale cheeks. "I meant…did find anything to help your case?"

"You should get better birdies of your own. I hobbled the Rat today."

Rosto beamed at his love. Provost's Guard had never seen the likes of Beka Cooper. If the Rogue was lucky, they never would again. He made a note to find better birdies.

I tell you our love is everlasting
You promise to give your best every morning
We don't have to compromise
Try to live each other's lives
We can be ourselves tonight

"How do you think you'll be remembered, a hundred years from now?" Rosto asked. Beka rested sleepily in his arms.

She cracked open a single eye. "Goddess willing, not as a fishpuppy." She smiled self-depreciatingly. "Why?"

Rosto grinned and then kissed her smile away. "I was just wondering if any love can last that long."

"Rosto!" Beka pushed herself up. "Are you saying—

"I thought you knew by now." As the Rogue, he rarely talked about feelings. What is never said need never be unsaid. But the happiness in his puppy's eyes made the risk well worth it. "I love you…fishpuppy."

Beka smacked him across the nob with her pillow. After several minutes of struggle, he managed to disarm her and pin her down. He raised an eyebrow, waiting.

"I love you too, Piper." She admitted. Her ice blue eyes burned deep into Rosto's, spreading a very contrary warmth across his body.

If we ever come close
If we ever discover
How to hold on and keep our faith in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together

If we open our eyes
Don't look any further
'Cause we've found all we'll ever need in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together

So don't forget
The words I've said
There's nothing there
I might regret

Goodwin and Tunstall were backed into a corner. They'd picked a fight with Rushers, and they were about to lose. Suddenly Rosto sauntered down the street, whistling. When he saw what was happening in the alleyway, he let out a low curse.

"Every cove who desires to keep his nob attached to his body, drop your weapon now." Rosto's voice was colder than the snowy mountain tops of Scanra. The Rats turned tail and disappeared, leaving Goodwin and Tunstall alone with the Rogue.

"Your chief won't be happy when he finds out you're giving orders in his jurisdiction." Mattes said thoughtfully.

"Now, who said anything about orders?" Rosto asked lightly. "I simply stopped and took a survey. Now I know Almeric's men prefer to stay in one piece."

"Should we thank you directly, or just have our puppy take care of it?" Goodwin asked.

Rosto gave the older woman a stern glance. "Beka's even straighter than you, and I'm not the sort of cove who—

"She was making a joke." Mattes interrupted. "Don't worry; it happens so rarely that she even catches ME off guard sometimes."

Rosto was about to protest—he NEVER let his guard down—but Mattes cut him off. "Speaking of puppies, let's see what our Terrier caught tonight."

They found Beka five blocks away, with a mean looking Rat in her hobbles. Her lip was split, her chin bruised, but she directed her concern at her senior dogs. "You told me to fetch, I was about to bring the scummer back." She sounded abashed.

Mattes shot a glance at Rosto. "Are you ever afraid our little Terrier will catch YOU someday?" He asked offhandedly.

Rosto shared a wry smile. "She caught me ages ago. And I've no desire to escape."

No, don't play games inside your head
What's going on inside your head
If we ever come close
If we ever discover
How to hold on and keep our faith in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together
Will keep you here
Right by my side

Riots in the Lower City were like rainstorms. You could do no better than to go inside and wait for the air to clear. Unless you were a Dog. Rosto helped Beka pull on her gorget. "You don't have to do this." She said quietly.

Rosto gave her a wide grin as he tucked away the last of his knives. "Lass, you can say that as many times as you want, I'm not letting you go out there alone."

Beka was about to protest—she had her dogs—but then Rosto stopped her with a kiss. "I'm going to watch your back, whenever Goodwin or Tunstall are to busy to do it themselves. I've seen you fight, you do it clean, but with a riot, you'll need someone crooked like me. Someone who'll stop the low blows and deal out a few of his own—when you're not looking, of course."

Beka shook her head, smiling softly. "You're crack-nobbed." She muttered.

If we ever come close

If we ever discover

How to hold on and keep our faith in each other

The difference between us

Will keep us together

If we open our eyes
Don't look any further
'Cause we've found all we'll ever need in each other
The difference between us
Will keep us together
Will keep you here
Right by my side