Friend or Foe?

Author's Note: This is during season four and may contain season 4 spoilers. If you want to watch this season's episodes again or you missed them you can go to story also contains a male/male relationship between Xana and Odd. This story is rated M for that purpose and may have some adult like language in later chapters. Please tell me in a review if you would like this story to continue. Thank You.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Code Lyoko or Cartoon Network or any of the websites. I do not make any money off of Code Lyoko or Cartoon Network. I own Xana's physical body.

Chapter One

Odd Della Robbia looked across the Kadic Junior High school lawn and saw his best friend, Ulrich Stern, coming towards him. He lay back with his eyes closed and waited for Ulrich.

"Hey Odd, I bought you a water," said Ulrich sitting beside Odd.

"Thanks," he replied, taking the bottle. "Where are the others?"

"Jeremie and Aelita are in his dorm working on getting William back. Fake William is with Yumi at her house and we're here. And bored."

Odd smiled and took a deep breath. He then got an idea. "Do you want to go to Lyoko? Maybe we'll see William," Odd asked, smiling now more then ever.

"No. I have soccer practice in fifteen minutes." replied Ulrich.

"Oh," Odd sighed, his smile faltering. "Maybe later then."

The boys sat in each other's company only for ten minutes longer before Ulrich left.

Odd stayed no longer then two minutes before he went to the factory only half a mile away.

Odd typed in the code to start the scanners that would take him to Lyoko.

"Scanners Waiting" The screen read.

Odd went down into the scanner room.

He entered the center scanner. Odd closed his eyes and waited for the drop into Lyoko.

He felt him self being lifted up, his heart beating faster. Suddenly it all stopped and he was falling.

By instinct he landed on the ground. Odd opened his eyes and saw the dry orange of the desert, wire like vanes of Lyoko treading through the ground.

Odd looked at himself; Purple and black jumpsuit, big purple cat like hands, and a purple cat tail.

Odd saw that the purple hover board had appeared next to him.

"I didn't do that. Maybe Jeremie programmed them to come every time we're in Lyoko," Odd pondered.

Odd jumped on the hover board and rode past the desert and over a digital sea; he rode for an hour before his board hit a solid invisible wall. He pressed his hands on the invisible wall. "How did this get here? But then I never been this far, maybe it's the end of Lyoko."

"Oh, but Odd, it is only the beginning." said a voice behind Odd.

"William?" asked Odd, turning around on his board to find a boy his age with long black hair and a skinny face grinning at him. Upon closer inspection Odd saw the boy standing on a pink transparent disk; he was wearing a black jumpsuit and had two daggers on each side of his hip.

"No. Are you going to stare at me all day?" said the boy. Odd realized this must be Xana. He pointed his fist at him at shot an arrow at him, hitting him in the chest, causing him to fall on his knees.

Xana looked up at Odd, furious. "Had I meant to hurt you I would have sent someone to do so a long time ago; now if you leave me unscathed until we get to land where I can better explain, I promise it will work out for the both of us." Xana told him crossly.

They rode back to the desert in silence, making no eye contact. As soon Xana stepped on the ground, Odd once again pointed an arrow at him. Xana put his hands up in defense. "Wait, I have to tell you something."

Odd lowered his hands and stepped back. "What?" Odd demanded.

Xana sigh and closed his eyes. "The boy, William, hasn't got my control. He's being used against me as well as your friends," Xana said, looking at his feet.

"I don't believe you. You want to hurt me."

"I could have hurt you long ago, Odd, I have already said so."

"Uh-huh," said Odd in an un-believing tone but decided to go along with it.

"And who could possibly be trying to hurt you?"

"My sister, a carbon copy of myself, a twin as you would call it," replied Xana.

"She uses him to hurt me, physically, while she mentally torments me."

Odd looked at Xana; his eye landed on his ears, pointy like Aelita's. He guessed Franz Hopper made them both like that. The hair on Xana's head was so long that it made him look like an elf from a movie he'd seen and a book he read.

"If I help you, will you give Aelita her dad back?"

"Yes, I will do everything in my power to do so," said Xana with a grin that told Odd, Xana was relieved.

"Well, I need to tell others about this, you might have to help," Odd told him.

"I will come as soon as I know you are here. I will have a Kankrelat wait for you, what ever you do, do not harm him, he is my…favorite…pet," said Xana.

"Do you know a lot about earth and humans?" asked Odd curious if Xana was even part of Lyoko.

"No." replied Xana shifting awkwardly, looking once again at his feet.

"Well, I have to go. I've been gone for a long time and they'll wonder where I am. I'll come back tomorrow. That's Sunday. I'll have the whole day to convince my friends you're…good, and teach you human things."

"Thank you Odd." said Xana grabbing Odd's shoulders, pulling him closer and kissing Odd's cheek.

Odd blushed. Immediately, he felt pain in his chest that told him Xana was taking his life points in order for him to be sent to earth.

Author's Note: I hope that was good. In the next chapter Odd will explain Xana to them. It will probably be shorter then this but there will be a longer chapter after it. Also questions in this chapter will be answered.

Please tell me what you thought of it, and don't hesitate to point out any miss spellings, grammar or concerns about the story. Thank you.


I do not own Code Lyoko or any characters but the Kankrelat's name (Sam or Sammson) and personality, Xana's physical body and his sister Amabel. I own only those three.