My Message

Finally I have finished The Two Differences! It has been hard to keep this story going because of my computer, but finally I managed to get it to the end! I hope you all enjoyed it and ARIGATOU for reading and reviewing!

Sorry for all of my spelling mistakes etc and the corny story line, but hey, who cares!? It went from Swan Princess to card and chess games! Haha! Oh well, it's a good combination of what I love. Cartoons, the ballet and cards and chess. I'm such a kid! I feel so lucky to have a account and reviewers! Anyways...

Originally The Two Differences was going to be a 10 chapter story, can you believe that! (I can't) I was only going to do it for the Swan Princess role, but I seemed to get into it, and now it's my longest story yet! Anyways, thank you for reading and hope to see you soon! Chow!

Love Kelly!